Topics Started by Lari
Check this site out and tell me what you think!
by SYN in .
i didn't know whether to laugh or to cry myself.... "i see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone.
" -- charles darwin, the origin of species, 1869.
Education Issues.......Help!
by ISP ini was out last night with a jw but who is not attending.
he is in his early 30s, is on his second marriage but now separated.
i've known him for 15 yrs or so.
My article was published
by RunningMan inmuch to my surprize, i received an e-mail from a webzine this morning, telling me that one of my articles was published.
they must be very hard up for material.. it is on the subject of "the women of the bible".
it outlines some of the gender discrimination of the bible, and highlights a few inconsistancies in some of the bible stories that mention women.. if anyone is interested, it can be found at:
My wife's anxiety, guilt
by ashitaka inmy wife has been depressed each time we see our jw friends.
she doesn't want to see them anymore, because it reminds her of what she left behind, and it makes her feel bad.. i've offered to go back to meetings for a while to help her break away.
she never wants to go back, but her guilt and anger make her so uncomfortable around active jw''s really bothering her.. any good books out there on breaking away from controlling organizations, especially concentrating on keeping the friendships but not the allegiance to the organization in question?
dogpatchs new religion?
by happy man ini have reade some of you agressiv atacks on jw, and i have a qestion to you, what are your new religion, .
and what are your religion say to you about going auot inn war, and what did it say about where you come where you die.
Who are still in and who has left the JW Org? Why?
by STRUGGLE ingood morning!.
hi was just wondering who are still active in the organization and do you have doubts?
those of you who have left, briefly what made you leave, do you have any regrets, and was it hard making new friends?.
A question to people born in the Borg*
by Abaddon in* that anyone can respond to even if they weren't born in, or even if they never were in the borg.
the question is;.
"when do you first remember realising that you were a jw, and that the rest of the world wasn't?!.
Guilt over Self-Pleasuring as a Dub. You?
by Lari ini'm wondering if any of you suffered major guilt over getting yourself off while a dub.
or did you all manage to abstain until you left?
i know it was one of the main reasons i left.
Mother, wife, myself, DA'ing ourselves
by ashitaka inwell, i've finally had it.
i'm da'ing myself, along with a piece of my fam.
the unbaptised ones are refusing to go with my father now, and even my still devout father is leaning towards our opinion on things.. there wasn't even any screaming when i called the jw's the great hypocrisy last nite.. i just can allow myself to be associated with them in any way.