I havent been around lately so, what's the deal with this. The posts that "you will know when the time is right" are downright creepy.
I'm hoping this is an inside joke I missed.
i havent been around lately so, what's the deal with this.
the posts that "you will know when the time is right" are downright creepy.
i'm hoping this is an inside joke i missed.
I havent been around lately so, what's the deal with this. The posts that "you will know when the time is right" are downright creepy.
I'm hoping this is an inside joke I missed.
your 20 year old son / daughter announces that he / she is involved in an intense relationship with someone that is causing you to have some misgivings.. said offspring also announces that wedding bells will be ringing inside a year or two.
firstly though, our two lovebirds have plans to set up home together and live in delightful sin whilst they save up for the big day.
convene a judicial committee?.
Unpaid whore? Jeez Louise! Does that make wives well paid whores?
Eman, I lived with my now husband for a year before our wedding. I was as much a partner then as I am now. I would advocate two things in this situation though.
1) Freely express your displeasure (if thats what you feel) but make sure your child knows that you will be there for them no matter what.
2) Explain to them that while "shacking up" does not cheapen marriage, IMO, it does take some of the fun out of the wedding. By then you've already done most of what newlyweds do. Set up house, pick out linens, etc. And It makes gift giving harder on the guests -you already have everything.
Good luck to whoever is facing this situation with their kid.
hi, i asked tr this but maybe someone else here knows.. i was close friends with justin kiner before he went to bethel and, of course, before i was dfed.
his father, craig, was an elder and a vet.. would love to hear about this family.
i guess i'm hoping someone will tell me they all left the truth so i can call justin up and tell him all about my wedding.. if you have relatives who live there and you can ask them that would be great.
Hi, I asked TR this but maybe someone else here knows.
I was close friends with Justin Kiner before he went to Bethel and, of course, before I was DFed. His father, Craig, was an elder and a Vet.
Would love to hear about this family. I guess I'm hoping someone will tell me they all left the truth so I can call Justin up and tell him all about my wedding.
If you have relatives who live there and you can ask them that would be great.
widowed d.o.
bro derek carter has caused something of a stir by marrying a 30yr old pioneer sister that is at least half his age.
if you ever saw bro carter you would notice a strong resemblance to 'uncle fester' of the adams family.
So what? This is not a rude Up Yours kinda so what, so please dont get mad. I just dont see what the big deal is.
Why two consenting adults being married causes a stir I dont know. Pop culture says the only good reason to marry is love. But, hey, look at the divorce rate - maybe that's not such a great strategy. Some people marry someone they care about for practical reasons despite the lack of all consuming passion. They get equal consideration - they each have something the other needs. Just because it isnt romantic doesnt devalue it. On the other hand, maybe they are passionately in love.
I don't think a marriage of this type is news inside or out of the JWs.
it was a wonderful event that took place on the top floor of the sheraton hotel in billings, montana.. now, this wasn't your typical jw marriage.
in fact, it wasn't even remotely a jw marriage or wedding.
a little background:.
Glad you had a great time. We can only hope your Brother's attitude is the start of a new trend.
If it's not too much trouble could you ask your Billing's relatives about a JW family named Kiner. I was good friends with their oldest son Justin and am just curious, his dad's name is Craig and he was an elder. No way for me to get news now that I'm Dfed. He was at Walkill last time we spoke but maybe he's back home in Billings now.
hi folks,.
i am setting up a faq (frequently asked questions) about the united nations scandal with the watchtower.
it will be posted at:.
Randy, Thanks for working on this. I have been hoping to see something like this so I could talk to my sister.
Whatever you do, plese include where they can find the info themselves from objective sources. Thanks
part 2a: jfr trial judges chambers .
note: part 2 was going to be about the jury selection, but i decided that the debates in judges chambers should come first.. june 4, 1918 at 10:30 am and june 5, 1918 at 2:00pm judge howes chambers (court).
page 107 to 128, sect.
Where does this info come from? How did you get a copy? What was the cost and how would I go about getting a copy?
i'm a newbie around here.
i have only posted once but i've come in here almost every day to read for about the past month.
this place has been therapeutic for me as i'm currently trying to make my exit out of the borg.
Freeze! Put down that pen and walk away slowly...
If I had known now what I knew when I was DFed in May 2000 I would have taken an entirely different road.
I was feeling pretty fed up with the org when my sister gave me the option of turning myself in or turning me in. By that time I just didn’t give a damn for the org. In the end I called up the elders and refused to meet with or even discuss the situation with them. I said, "I am living with my boyfriend", (I wasn't at the time but we were intimate.), "Do what you have to do." I repeated this phone call twice to give them the means to DF me.
Big Mistake! I should have been more evasive. Eventually I did move in with my boyfriend but by that time I could have been pretty far off the JW radar and my sister wouldn't have felt compelled to rat me out. In your case you aren’t committing a carnal sin; you just stopped believing. So, unless you feel the need to expose the Borg, you can try to fade away.
Amazing shot himself in the foot, as he himself admits in his posts, because he felt compelled to explain his feelings or expose the hypocrisy. If you can manage it, keep your new beliefs between you and your husband. The rest of the world only needs to know that you don’t feel up to it. The depression cover is a great one. Then, when much more time has passed you can be more open but by then it wont seem like such a scandal.
Best of luck.
i would like to ask a question if i might: how do ones here view spirits?
(not the alcoholic kind) i have left the org.
now for at least 5 years, although i did go to the memorial last year, but not where i used to go to the hall; i was not df or da.. .
Nemesis -
I am not sure I believe in spiritual entities. However, I am sure enough to be scared of the bad ones. Makes no sense, I know. When I was a little girl (11 or 12) I suffered from nightmares for a couple of weeks. Horrible, terrifying dreams where I would wake up crying out for Jehovah. There was no catalyst that I can think of. No family stress or scary movie. It just happened. That experience was enough for me to have a healthy respect for the possibility of spirits. I don't set out to have them help me nor do I mock their existence.
When reading your description a couple things come to mind. Maybe you could keep a simple log of when you have these experiences. It could help you pinpoint events that are A) making you more sensitive to their presence or B) identify stressors that are triggering a psychotic response. Either way, real or imagined, it seems like it would be a good idea to have some control over them.
You say that right now they aren’t derailing your life. But if they ever do start to take over, the more information you have about what’s going on, the better equipped you will be to deal with it.
Just a thought.
well, a couple of nights ago i was kind of ashamed of myself.
let me explain.. i have a new job.
as a model scout.
April, again, Bravo.
Ok, maybe it was little control deficit but hey, like Lady Lee pointed out, too much control and we are like them.
I know you still feel upset right now but - Thanks for the story. I found reading it empowering. Too many times I put up with JW crap because, in my mind I still think of myself as the one doing wrong. So I must do penance or something.
Next time maybe I'll have a little more guts, thanks to you.
Love is a dish best served - hell, anytime!