TR said:
Three years ago, I boxed all my WT crap up, and shipped it to, free of charge, of course. I received free, I gave free.
Peace - LL
it's that time again!
time for the watchtower to beg for contributions!.
the nov. 1 wt has the usual article with a great big grey box covering two pages.
TR said:
Three years ago, I boxed all my WT crap up, and shipped it to, free of charge, of course. I received free, I gave free.
Peace - LL
it's that time again!
time for the watchtower to beg for contributions!.
the nov. 1 wt has the usual article with a great big grey box covering two pages.
Holy Cow! Is that really the title for the Nov. 'Tower - "Why Should I Apologize?"
Good point - "Don't forget: most Witnesses are notoriously CHEAP; they're always trying to get freebies from other brothers with businesses, and if you ever go to a brother who's an auto mechanic, they'll tell you that the worst ones for paying their bills are their fellow "brothers and sisters". I guess that's why they also have talks about tipping.
So true - "I think the real issue is that Congregations all over the world are having problems paying the bills." I remember being in a hall and were always late paying the mortgage (to the BORG) and the interest rates skyrocketed every time we were late - some ridiculous penalty fee also. It's a wonder they still have the building. Now that I think about it, the folks who left the BORG were the ones that contributed the most.
Peace - LL
after dinner with trotafox tonight i drove home through ft lauderdale on a1a.
i had forgotten how much i love this stretch of road.
just driving it with all the people out and the clubs on your left, live music, people dancing and having fun, and then 30 ft or so to your right is the great atlantic ocean.
Love this quote:
"You can't look to someone else to make you happy. You have to be happy on your own first, be a 'whole person'"
Amen to that!
Simular to what you said - I think people will find the same type of people over and over again, until they change themselves. Reminds me of a saying from an Eastern Sage "The best way to change the world is to change ourselves."
Peace - LL
PS - When you posted on H20 what was your 'name?'
school, got baptized, and started working the midnight shift, i went out in service
everyday with the morning group
i loved it because going out enabled me to get to know the friends
After I got out of H.S. school, got baptized, and started working the midnight shift, I went out in Service
everyday with the morning group
. I loved it because going out enabled me to get to know the Friends (and everybody's business). Now anybody that meets w/ the Morning Group knows that the majority of the group are sisters. So when I first met the group I was surprised that they all looked for me to take the lead . I mean under normal circumstances it would have been fine, but I was young (18), and newly baptize so it was pretty intimating leading those sister with JW tenure, some w/ over 20 or more years of full time service . After a while I got used to being in charge, but I was always amazed at how a young brother would take the lead over sisters with much, much more experience than I could ever have. I knew some of the sisters resented it, although they never showed it to me. Hell, I resented some of the Elders giving all those service meeting parts and they were never out in service.
So my question is addressed to the Ex-JW's who were sisters - Did you resent the Elders giving service meeting
parts who hardly went out in service and/or the young brothers giving direction to the older sisters?
Now that I think about it, Did you resent the fact that the Elders were the 'qualified' teachers from the platform? Did you ever feel like you could give talks
better than the Elders?
In hindsight, I can't believe how chauvinistic the BORG was/is.
Peace - LL
another avenue of service that the borg always tries to shove down the mouths of youth/single peeps is that of going to m.t.s.
(ministerial training school).
if bethel isn't your cup of tea, then m.t.s.
Excellent post BM. I forgot all about the MTS. To be accepted into the MTS was a brother's dream come true. I remember the respect a brother from the MTS would get whenever he gave a talk or showed his presence. I also recall some speculation that they would allow married couples into the program later on. Oh well, I guess the program turned out to be a bust.
Speaking of which, are the 'Given Ones' still in operation? I remember JR Brown didn't get picked at first, and everybody was shocked over that. But I guess it all worked out well for him - Or did it? :)
Peace - LL
dungbeetle and brymichmom delivered a stuffed lamb to the downey, ca kingdom hall at 12116 woodruff avenue today.
present were a reporter and a photographer from the downey patriot newspaper.
while we were placing the lamb at the front door, an elder approached us and asked us why we were there.
I guess that Elder's pride and anger stopped him from saying 'no comment,' later on he'll realize he put his foot in his month. He might get discipline for speaking to the press. I could see his name in the paper now "Bro. so and so said...."
Please let us know when it goes to the press. Thanks - LL
pretty simple for the time being but no doubt it will change and develop over time.. i will do a banner ad to link to it and would encourage anyone who can publicise it to do so.
feel free to copy the banner when it is posted on here.
Lovely - I can't wait to add my name to the list. This is what caught my eye:
Looks like the BORG will have to re-write their history books again b/c they didn't figure the internet would trigger their down fall.
Peace - LL
Edited by - Larry on 16 September 2002 18:45:15
my family was playing around the other day, humming different songs from tv shows and getting the other one to guess what show it was.
then we asked what song best describes you.. my family agreed, mine would be ghetto girl, by little bow wow.
Imagine ~ By John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one
being in the org for a very long time i have seen people do all kinds of things .
one thing that i have never really seen discussed is how common it is for an elder to have a mistress in the background.
oh he may not be actually sleeping with her, but i personally for over 20 years was a second "wife "to an elder.
Wednesday - You are definitely on to something - I've seen it since I was a youth.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Peace - LL.
my favorite relative, my great aunt passed away yesterday.
a little over a year ago, she suffered a series of strokes.
the nusing home she was in was close to a thousand miles away, but i went to see her whenever i could.
Your aunt sounds like a true success story. Success not in a monetary way, but by leaving a seed in you and others to grow/Flor-ish.
Peace - LL