Great well soon.
Peace - LL
i have just been informed that our good friend queenie is in the hospital due to compications caused by diabetes.
she is likely to remain in the hospital for at least a couple of weeks.
i am sure that you will all join me in wishing our queenie a speedy recovery.
Great well soon.
Peace - LL
i don't think we will ever see wt do this --or put it on
despite the catholic church getting caught and having to pay big $$$$===they are at the very least coughing up the names.
as they say "money talks and bullsh!t walks".
Good catch - Excellent article.
I like this para:
"And rather than shrinking from this scandal -- which, too often, has allowed it to continue -- we must address it with humble contrition, righteous anger and public outrage. Telling the truth cannot be wrong."
Should be the theme of this event "TELLING THE TRUTH CAN NOT BE WRONG"
Peace - LL
Good 1.
Peace - LL
bill and his family arrived safe and sound in nyc.
here is a picture of bill and i at the hotel: .
peace - larry .
BIll and his family arrived safe and sound in NYC. Here is a picture of Bill and I at the Hotel:
Peace - Larry
Edited by - Simon on 27 September 2002 2:11:55
i just finished listening to "what does our future hold" speech on randy's site, and it brought this thought to mind..... i don't feel the r/f jw's will see this as anything but satan's "deviously scheming" to bring an end to their organization.
after all, most who will attend the march are either "apostates" (or will be) or df'd.
i wonder if most will see it as a "sign" that the end is really near, and send them running back to the halls?.
I've been thinking about that - Not only the silentlamb march on the BORG but all the world events that is occurring at this point in time. The average and loyal Dub will view this as persecution and just part of the 'last days' prophecy, being they many of them are ignorant to world history and a global view on things. The hardcore Dubs will become even more vigilant but those of the edge or sitting on the fence will decidedly take a step on 'the other side.'
Peace - LL
i was just looking at the reports on the movement of tropical storm isidora and noticed that it is expected to be afffecting the greater nyc metropolitan area on friday afternoon.
brink wet weather clothing!
if this link works you'll see a map from noaa.
FRI | 73 | 62 | Isolated Thunderstorms |
However, the weatherfolks were predicting rain for last weekend's African American Day Parade in Harlem, NY and it was sunny the entire weekend.
We'll see what the next forecast is in the morning.
Peace - LL
Latest Update - Rain predicted LATE on Friday.
Edited by - Larry on 25 September 2002 0:35:16
Edited by - Larry on 25 September 2002 7:2:7
hi, i would like to make a flyer to post at local grocery stores about silentlambs and my microsoft works and words have a fatal error in them and i can't use them to view the flyers on the silentlambs website.
can someone post a couple to choose from so i can print it out?
it would be very much appreciated.
other than bad press, do you think there will be a good result of the picketing?
Demonstrations are effective in more ways than one.
Personally speaking, I'll feel better just demonstrating my pain, frustrations, disappointments, and anger towards an Organization that kept people in ignorance, broke up families, cause unnecessary deaths/persecution, violated people rights, and turned their back on victims.
However, the real question is the FOLLOW UP. Behind every successful demonstration is a diligent follow up. The demonstration is only the beginning.
My prediction - The BORG will suffer from some very damaging blows. They will recover only to realize the power they once had is fading quickly. Many people inside and out the BORG will finally see the man behind the curtain.
Peace - LL .
u.s. sent iraq germs in mid-'80s
by douglas turner .
U.S. Sent Iraq Germs in Mid-'80s
News Washington Bureau Chief - FOREIGN POLICY
WASHINGTON - American research companies, with the approval of two previous presidential administrations, provided Iraq biological cultures that could be used for biological weapons, according to testimony to a U.S. Senate committee eight years ago.
West Nile Virus, E. coli, anthrax and botulism were among the potentially fatal biological cultures that a U.S. company sent under U.S. Commerce Department licenses after 1985, when Ronald Reagan was president, according to the Senate testimony.
The Commerce Department under the first Bush administration also authorized eight shipments of cultures that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention later classified as having "biological warfare significance."
Between 1985 and 1989, the Senate testimony shows, Iraq received at least 72 U.S. shipments of clones, germs and chemicals ranging from substances that could destroy wheat crops, give children and animals the bone-deforming disease rickets, to a nerve gas rated a million times more lethal than Sarin.
Disclosures about such shipments in the late 1980s not only highlight questions about old policies but pose new ones, such as how well the American military forces would be protected against such an arsenal - if one exists - should the United States invade Iraq.
Testimony on these shipments was offered in 1994 to the Senate Banking Committee headed by then-Sens. Donald Riegle Jr., D-Mich., and Alfonse M. D'Amato, R-N.Y., who were critics of the policy. The testimony, which occurred during hearings that were held about the poor health of some returning Gulf War veterans, was brought to the attention of The Buffalo News by associates of Riegle.
The committee oversees the work of the U.S. Export Administration of the Commerce Department, which licensed the shipments of the dangerous biological agents.
"Saddam (Hussein) took full advantage of the arrangement," Riegle said in an interview with The News late last week. "They seemed to give him anything he wanted. Even so, it's right out of a science fiction movie as to why we would send this kind of stuff to anybody."
The new Bush administration, he said, claims Hussein is adding to his bioweapons capability.
"If that's the case, then the issue needs discussion and clarity," Riegle said. "But it's not something anybody wants to talk about."
The shipments were sent to Iraq in the late 1980s, when that country was engaged in a war with Iran, and Presidents Reagan and George Bush were trying to diminish the influence of a nation that took Americans hostages a decade earlier and was still aiding anti-Israeli terrorists.
"Iraq was considered an ally of the U.S. in the 1980s," said Nancy Wysocki, vice president for public relations for one of the U.S. organizations that provided the materials to Hussein's regime.
"All these (shipments) were properly licensed by the government, otherwise they would not have been sent," said Wysocki, who works for American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Va., a nonprofit bioinformatics firm.
The shipments not only raise serious questions about the wisdom of former administrations, Riegle said, but also questions about what steps the Defense Department is taking to protect American military personnel against Saddam's biological arsenal in the event of an invasion.
Riegle said there are 100,000 names on a national registry of gulf veterans who have reported illnesses they believe stem from their tours of duty there.
"Some of these people, who went over there as young able-bodied Americans, are now desperately ill," he said. "Some of them have died."
"One of the obvious questions for today is: How has our Defense Department adjusted to this threat to our own troops?" he said. "How might this potential war proceed differently so that we don't have the same outcome?
"How would our troops be protected? What kind of sensors do we have now? In the Gulf War, the battlefield sensors went off tens of thousands of times. The Defense Department says they were false alarms."
U.S. bioinformatics firms in the 1980s received requests from a wide variety of Iraqi agencies, all claiming the materials were intended for civilian research purposes.
The congressional testimony from 1994 cites an American Type shipment in 1985 to the Iraq Ministry of Higher Education of a substance that resembles tuberculosis and influenza and causes enlargement of the liver and spleen. It can also infect the brain, lungs, heart and spinal column. The substance is called histoplasma capsulatum.
American Type also provided clones used in the development of germs that would kill plants. The material went to the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission, which the U.S. government says is a front for Saddam's military.
An organization called the State Company for Drug Industries received a pneumonia virus, and E. coli, salmonella and staphylcoccus in August 1987 under U.S. license, according to the Senate testimony. The country's Ministry of Trade got 33 batches of deadly germs, including anthrax and botulism in 1988.
Ten months after the first President Bush was inaugurated in 1988, an unnamed U.S. firm sent eight substances, including the germ that causes strep throat, to Iraq's University of Basrah.
An unnamed office in Basrah, Iraq, got "West Nile Fever Virus" from an unnamed U.S. company in 1985, the Senate testimony shows.
While there is no proof that the recent outbreak of West Nile virus in the United States stemmed from anything Iraq did, Riegle said, "You have to ask yourself, might there be a connection?"
Researchers at the Center for Strategic and International Studies said American companies were not the only ones that sent anthrax cultures to Iraq. British firms sold cultures to the University of Baghdad that were transferred to the Iraqi military, the Center for Strategic and International Studies said. The Swiss also sent cultures.
The data on American shipments of deadly biological agents to Iraq was developed for the Senate Banking Committee in the winter of 1994 by the panel's chief investigator, James Tuite, and other staffers, and entered into the committee record May 25, 1994.
The committee was trying to establish that thousands of service personnel were harmed by exposure to Iraqi chemical weapons during the Gulf War, particularly following a U.S. air attack on a munitions dump - a theory that the Defense Department and much of official Washington have always downplayed.
Bureau assistant Diana Moore and News researcher Andrew Bailey contributed to this article.
e-mail: dturner&
awake of 10-8-02 brings out a number of things that good christians would avoid due to god's view of how precious a gift , life is.
here's some of the things on the bullfighting, no running of the bulls,no motorcycle stuntmen, no climbing of skyscrapers without safety equipment, no steep snowboarding,bungee jumping,parachuting from airplanes with another strapped to you, no climbing ice-covered cliffs, no sky surfing,no base jumping, no rock climbing,no car-surfing,no climbing mt.
everest, no thrill-seeking.....any that do such things show contempt for the marvelous gift of life......did i forget anything else??
Brown recently had something to say about Oral:
"Brown said Witnesses believe that sexual activity between men and women should "follow the normal course" of things. "We feel that oral or anal intercourse would go beyond that."
Peace and Security - LL