Just a few 'inspired' thoughts -
In reading history, especially the history of the popes and the religious dictators, I find it very difficult to accept anything they had a hand in. They were the ones who decided what bible books to include in the canon. In my opinion, these men were more ghastly and sinister than Hitler, and we are suppose to accept what they chose is best for mankind, let alone accept that it was inspired? If they killed thousands of innocent people, for hundreds of years to further their agenda, what makes them qualified to select what's holy and what's not. It doesn't take a political genius to see that what's in the bible today was inserted by evil men to promote and exploit their political agenda. Did god use these macabre men to further his message, just to test our faith? I don't think so.
Also, as the original post says, other religions and holy books (
Zoroaster, Chrisna, Buddha, Zenda, Vesta, the Bagavigita, the Upanishads)
were around during Jesus time, and even pre-dated Jesus by thousands of years. If you were to read these older holy books you would see that mostly everything Jesus uttered was borrowed from these older prophets and holy men. Just about nothing Jesus said was original, although the scripture says 'no one ever spoke like him.' There were many other 'saviors' with the same story as Jesus (virgin birth, redeemer, resurrected, wise men, lamb, son of god, etc.) thousands of years before the bible was written.
Yes, all scripture is inspired - inspired by whatever men happened to be in power in a particular region of the world at a particular time. Inspired doesn't mean that it is true or authentic, it just means that the folks in control said it was.
Peace - Larry :)