I'm with you Mulan:
............the more I wonder how I ever believed any of it.LL :)
here's mine: .
the wackier they seem to me!!!
I'm with you Mulan:
............the more I wonder how I ever believed any of it.LL :)
someone mentioned this in one of their posts and i had a flashback.
i remember getting a w on one of my theocratic school talks when i was working on gesturing.
the funny thing about it is that it was given to me by my dad!
Yeah got W's on warmth No. 33-a, if I can recall. But I rarely give them out as a school overseer. The school was my favorite part of the infamous 5 meetings.
Peace -LL :)
a few weeks ago, a brother called me out of the blue and asked me if i was interested in working for him.
he told me he had his own business and was looking to "expand.
" he told me i "was a special person" with "good qualities" and "capable of going places.
Primerica is a business cult hands down! Unfortunately I was suckered in for a minute, but quickly realize the simuilarity of a cult, and headed for the hills. Primerica, Quickstar, Amway all the same. There are tons of info on the net about those MLM traps. I usually don't give advice, but please don't do it.
Peace - LL. :)
Just think for the person you HATE the most - what ever quality you see in that person is your worst quality.
the moon looked so gorgeous this evening that i had to go to maenporth beach where the tide was very low and capture some photos, these are the five i took, still got wet socks from crossing the stream where the sand was soft, i think you'll like them, there's only five.. .
as per usual click upon any image to make bigger.. .
best regards to you all.. ps on one or two of the pictures, after they have uploaded on a new page, hover your cursor in the bottom right corner, when the tab appears, click on that and the photos will enlarge again k.. .
Celt - I think we have more in common than meets the eye :) I love taking pictures of the moon (sunset too). Here are a few:
Peace - LL :)
bill maher was on larry king tonight.
i just had to share one of his little tidbits from the online transcript of the show.
i don't respect religion.
I hope Bill doesn't ever sell-out or water down his rhetoric. Unlike most politicians and talk show host he really has something to say.
His point on religion is right on point. That's the beauty of being 'independent' you can say things like that and people will say 'oh, that's just Bill.'
Bill is one Caucasian male whose views on racism I respect. Albeit, I don't agree with him half the time on the subject, I respect his honesty and his apparently sincere attempt to understand the situation. He comes across as a person who will readily admit that he doesn't understand a situation, but he is willing to try. He also gives equal time to Afro Americans on his show panel.
BTW, is his show still on the air - I haven't seen him in a while?
Peace - Larry :)
am i dreaming this up, or aren't they a pagan symbol?
if so, why would jw's continue to use them as part of a marriage ceremony in jehovah's eyes?.
Everything is Pagan - from names - to floor patterns - to thought process. We owe everything to paganism, no pagans no modern world and no BORG.
Thank God for Pagan influence.
Peace - Larry :)
i recieved a 7 page "note" from my brother and his wife pleading with me to come back to jehovah god and his organization.
he said the devil was after me and my family and that the results will be disastrous unless i come back to "jehovah's protective custody".
also, it was strongly implied that unless my family went back to meetings and went out in field service, most jws, including family members would not attend my daughter's wedding and reception.my wife, daughter and i have been overtaken by the devil, according to him.
Hey Min - Wouldn't it be interesting if you accepted the comeback only for investigational purpose. Imagine writing about the BORG from the inside. This way you could ask more thought provoking questions on JWD :)
Peace - LL :)
hello i am new and this will probably be the last time i post.
nice forum by the way but honestly and with all due respect it is not something i would like to be associated with.
i joined saying "oh cool a jw forum" but after reading just 2 posts i realized it is the black veil all over again.
H - Are you here just to count time?
i can still remember when i first posted all those years ago.
i was still an active jw but was drawn to the amazing conversations (and fights) on jwd.
h2o was dwindling and the refugees were coming here.
Hmmm, I never thought about H20 like that, but now that you mentioned it, you may have a point.
I have noticed that when newbie's come here they generally like this place - they get excellent support
I wonder how this place will/have evolve over the years.
LL :)