This is a keeper.
Thxs - Larry :)
can any of you relate to this?.
a man has met a very beautiful woman, and is attracted to her.
she is likewise attracted to him.
This is a keeper.
Thxs - Larry :)
i understand we all need guidance and some people need hope, even if it is not real.
but personally, i believe religion has caused so many hideous crimes against humanity that it is something we would all be better off without.. it really is too bad that religion has capitalized on humankind's need for a divine being to only abuse and control its fellow humans.. so, what do you think?
would we be better of without religion?.
Reminds me of John Lennon's song:
Imagine Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... Imagine there's no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one. |
Peace - LL :)
Left, disassociated myself.
Peace - LL :)
i love weddings cause, "love is in the air", and you can ask any woman to dance and not get shut down.
when i went to vegas and we hit all the night clubs you could see all the couples sitting there around the dance floor, the women bobbing up and down off their seats and their guys sunk down with their butts glued to the chair.
even though i am not the best dancer, being one of those men willing to "shake that thing" i had a great time.
Love to dance Hip Hop / R&B
Peace - LL :)
well summer is almost over...i only have a week left before school starts.. i put together this small collection of my best summer photographs to share with everyone:.
Wow - Those are great photos. Will you have a fall, winter, and spring collection?
Peace - LL:)
the other day, i was in my car and this hauntingly poignant song came on the radio.........the feelings it evoked were so deep and exquisite, i just wanted to share the words with you here.........anyone heard this song and care to comment on it?.
streets of philadelphia.
Great song. On the soundtrack from the 'Philadelphia' movie. If you haven't heard the soundtrack I think you would enjoy it.
Peace - LL :)
the pop star - who is a jehovah's witness - was mobbed by fans after he arrived at the first ame church and thanked some children for their support.. .
jackson's attorney, mesereau attended the morning service along with his famous client who was introduced to the congregation.. .
following the service, jackson walked to a nearby sunday school classroom to thank some children for sending him letters of support.. .
He's also on the front page of the Daily News w/ his sisters:
i had a disagreement with xq in chat today, because he was trying to say that jws for the most part disobey the wts and still treat family like family even if they are dfd or quit being witnesses.. i don't feel that is true.
i think that the majority of us on here who no longer are jws have family members who no longer have anything to do with us and shun us.... so i said it would be interesting to take a poll and see how many here are treated just like all the rest of your 'loving family' who is a jw still.......are you treated the same?.
does family shun you for being df'd, da'd or no longer participating?or do they hide and talk to you but only when other active jws can't see?
would appreciate any comments if possible....thanks in advance.
(sorry had to take out the names but i have them all in my actual's to hoping no one i know finds the journal eh?
tuesday, august 17th, 2004 12:12 am a loss for words... a loss for words is one of the last things i would say for myself when it comes to typing, writing in this journal or writing an e-mail.
Tuesday - Great piece. I think this is exactly why we have boards like this - They help us release??..
Good question - "how do you describe blue to a person who never saw blue before?" It can't be done, at least from our perspective. But a blind person has ways of 'seeing' that we are not aware of. I once heard from a blind person that "seeing is not only done with the eyes."
Anyway, I like the analogy of describing something never seen before, because in ties in with your point about faith. I don't have the faith in religion, nor do I want it. Faith is a must in religion, and it's true, you can't shatter anyone faith b/c the power to believe in something other than yourself is overwhelming. But what I don't like regarding people with so called faith is that they use selected reasoning (from the scriptures :) and logic to validate many of their points, but when you use the same reasoning and logic they hide behind 'faith.' I think if they have real faith then they shouldn't try to explain a point based on logic, reason, or fact b/c real faith stands on it's own.
Continuing on your analogy of something never seen before - Most religions are based on other peoples experience (so called) with God (vision, mountain top, dreams, lighting, etc.) I think if a person had an experience with God, then it's the persons experience - it's personal. No matter how they describe it no one will ever understand the fullness of that unique experience. That's why it's difficult for me to accept any religion, b/c it was based on someone else's experience w/ God and not mine. If God really wanted me to know something, I feel that he/she/it would tell me directly - no middle man. Interestingly, other people will take another person's experience w/ God and revised the whole event as if it was 'Gospel' and force it on others - even others in a totally different culture.
You mentioned - Elder's children. What a joke :) I can't speak for others, but the Elder's children I've seen in the BORG had a terrible 'stay in the BORG' percentage. Maybe 1% of all Elder's children I've known, stretching over 30 years, stayed in the BORG in their adult life.
I felt the same way as you when you said "It was mostly the people, too many mistakes and things going wrong for God to be in control." - Amen to that. The logic they taught me to have was the same logic that made me open my eyes. And talk a about, Pot, Kettle, and Black "if the priesthood is bad about molestation check out Silent Lambs"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you said " I can't shatter anybody's faith...They have to want to be out before they will get themselves out." It reminds me of a saying "When the student is ready the teacher will come." Also, it's a good thing we can't shatter people's faith, b/c if we shatter it then we have to be responsible for them to recover from a life time of deception - Whew, what a heavy responsibility.
Finally, you kept mentioning that you didn't have your bible, but you reminded me of when Thomas Paine wrote 'The Age of Reason" and he was locked up with no bible, but was able to precisely prove his points against the Bible being from God by memory (in part 1 or 2). Your arguments were also pretty clear from memory.
Looking forward to reading more from your Journal.
Peace - Larry :)
i found out recently that both valis and avishai are fellow universal life church people.
maybe we should form a tax-exempt corporation and legally-swindle money from the government like our alma mater (da borg) does?
I use to enjoy Brother Daniel's weekly sermons, but can't seem to find them. Anybody knows if they are still on-line?
Oh yes, I was ordained about two years ago.
Thxs - Larry :)