Just my opinion but....i think we go we go down the wrong path when we start speaking with some sort of authority about the "percentage" of elders who were of this sort or that. I mean, I could start in and say : Well, I was a member of SIX congregations and all of the P.O.'s were among the most humble men to walk the earth, therefore the the percentage of BAD elders is very low, while the percentage of GOODS elders is very high!
I know, an extereme example, but the point speaks to perceptions. It also, I think, speaks to the variety of people, even amongst a fairly homogeneous group such as JW's.
My OPINION is that MOST people are fairly good. I beleieve that statement to be true even amongst elders. The methods are another issue. They come from the top down. They are ingrained as a religious belief that many have held their entire life. Think about that. Pretty powerful stuff that religion (Wars, crusades, inquisitions, etc.). Many good men have been led down that path.
I also realize that anecdotes such as that brought forth by crawdad are very true. They are indeed horrible truths that need to be exposed.
How often do these things take place as crawdad described ? Dunno. The percentage that take this approach as stated by crawdad, spero and other? Dunno. We really only know about the ones that are .. well... known. We take what we KNOW and we use IT to change things.