Your post is articulate and succinct, and so accurate...
It is refreshing and healing to realize that there actually ARE people out there who can just say it like it is so well... helps me organize my thoughts and own internal struggles.... why is the phenomenon of global denial so endemic in this religion? I still have to fight the impulse to "go back there" even after a year of complete inactivity and more awareness than I can tolerate at times of just how completely screwed up the entire organization is from top to bottom.....
Maybe it's like addiction.... I've not been addicted to drugs before but have known people who are in recovery. They speak about the "substance" they abuse providing them at first with this initial blast of euphoric wonderfulness, and each time they use the substance it's an attempt to get back to that first initial experience. But usually it doesn't work... then the hamster wheel behavior begins and they can't get out of the cycle.
I wasn't raised a jw, came into it at age 31, and had no family or friends involved... but my initial experience when I started to study was such incredible relief and joy. I just believed in this dream world - was led to believe - that absolute love, peace, truth, knowledge, all those absolutes that some of us simply crave - were available HERE and NOW..... they were practiced and were daily experiences of those who were "worshipers of Jehovah". For years I believed I saw these things and people were actually capable of living this way (like the "new system" had already started.... yes, we had these pesky imperfections to deal with, but with enough determination - enough insertion of ingrained, BS platitudes - they could be, well, just ignored?). Then over the years I began to see that it was not only a charade, it was a blisteringly-wrong, even deliberately evil deception of a type and on a scale that is still difficult for me to grasp intellectually......
But I still want to recapture that feeling of safety and security and hope because it was the greatest drug imaginable. Ick... thank you for having the insight and courage to just say it like it is.
have a good one, lauralisa
It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)