To add to my comment---you are going to tell your girlfriend right? If you are reaching for happiness, you should free her to do also. I think I assumed you had already taken care of that important step.
JoinedPosts by NewChapter
I've decided to take the plunge, but....
by ColdRedRain indon't tell my girlfriend.
secretly, i've had feelings for a person she doesn't know about.
we've been seeing each other for the past 3 months, and so far, he's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
The Mental Regulating of Jehovah is CHILD ABUSE
by PublishingCult ini was born and raised in the jehovah's witness cult.
looking back at my childhood growing up in the organization and seeing the results of my own life, and dealing with the consequences of indoctrinating my own children with these beliefs, i am sickened and disgusted.
it's never too late to learn, however.
I'm not one to stand up for anything WT, but I think some perspective is valuable. Yes I taught my child, as all parents do. But I also loved her. I think the term indoctrination may not encompass the spirit of what happens. ALL parents teach their children a religion, or non-religion, or some way to view the world. It would not be possible to teach any child without passing on your morals, values and opinions. My daughter is very much a humanist today. I may have taught my daughter about Armedggedon, but I certainly never told her she would burn forever in Hell.
I never needed to justify cruelty to my child, I was not cruel to her. If I were cruel to her, I would not blame my religion, I would blame me. I just take issue when posters act like all JW parents were abusive. I was not. If anyone thinks they put an organizations desires ahead of their own and hurt their children, they need to look inward.
Here are some other things I indoctrinated into my child:
Don't put that in your mouth.
Don't touch the electrical outlet.
Be good to others as long as your actions are helping them and not making them dependant.
Feed your dog.
Don't steal.
Pick up your toys.
Don't drink--but if you do, call me for a ride.
Don't do drugs, but if you do, call me for a ride.
Sex is serious, I'd prefer you wait---but let me be sure you understand condems.
That too is indoctrination. It seems, the difference between indoctrination and education is simply how you view the information imparted.
I've decided to take the plunge, but....
by ColdRedRain indon't tell my girlfriend.
secretly, i've had feelings for a person she doesn't know about.
we've been seeing each other for the past 3 months, and so far, he's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I've decided to take the plunge
Is that all? LOL You scared me. I thought you were getting baptized! I wish you happiness.
Random Digressions
by NewChapter init's hard for me to always stick to topic in a thread.
maybe i have trouble with linear thinking, but sometimes someone makes a comment that sets me on a completely unrelated path.
i've noticed that some members vigilantly watch for this and warn when a comment is off-topic or when the thread has strayed far from the originally stated topic.
I slept a lot today---that's unusual. But getting ready to go to the Unitarian Uniiversalist church for an auction and talent show. I'm stil working on building a new friiendship base, and they are a friendly--nonjudgmental-- bunch.
Witnesses are saying "END IS RIGHT NOW!"
by free2beme ini have witness friends telling me, that this is the end right now!
that this globel issue of the nations of egypt, libya and others ... is the sign they looked for.
now with what is happening in the usa, wisconsin to be exact, more trouble is rising and this is it.
You know, what is happening in the Mideast is fascinating. We've not seen anything quite like it in our lifetimes. I'm so glad I can appreciate what is happening, because in my JW daze I would have only been concerned to the extent that it was more proof that the end was near. I don't know how things will turn out---they may fizzle, or they may take a turn for much worse, but I know I won't be missing it. I'm glad for that.
When all you hope for is total destruction, you sure do miss a lot of good stuff.
The revelation book says that the tribulation starts when Govt. turns on Babylon the great. The Daniel book tells the history of the Kings of North and South, and they are always changing identity. I was at a convention in '99 when they said that EVERY PROPHECY DUE TO BE FILLED BEFORE THE TRIBULATION HAS BEEN FILLED---OUR NEXT MILESTONE IS THE TRIBULATION. That confused me because I realized we were without a king of the north. I asked an elder, and he said the new king was due to rise AFTER the tribulation started.
If you turn down the sound and play the right music, even a disaster can look like a ballet. They will continue dancing and their followers will continue following. Ugh---how I wish I could shake some sense into them.
I'm a new study, need advice.
by Resistance is Futile ina little background on me, i have never been a jw.
my spouse was born and raised in the cult, disfellowshipped as a young adult and is now completely shunned by family still trapped inside.
before i met my spouse i knew very little about the jws.
Welcome Resistance! I don't have any good advice to give. The witnesses teaching you will be in teaching mode and not up to learning anything from you---that would be counter to their purpose. I studied with many people, and 2 of them to baptism. When they asked questions, my mind was set on finding the answers, and when I had felt I answered them fully, my mind dismissed any additional reasoning.
I understand your husaband's defensiveness if he is still captive. I was inactive but in JW view, seriously sinning, although the cong. never knew, and my boyfriend pointed out how defensive I got when he brought up religion.
Still, you are in a unique position. Your insight into this situation is amazing--especially because you were never actually imprisoned yourself. I would stick with purely secular discrepancies, but NOT science. They are prepared to answer anything to do with science. I recently confused a DF person with the 587/607 bce question. I simply said that in my history professor said Babylon destroyed it in 587, and that I've been searching for a purely academic reference to show her that is was 607. I explained she would not be likely to trust the WT, so it was important that I find a scholarly source. My friend said she would try to find one. I'm hoping she will reach her own conclusions. I haven't heard yet.
Good luck to ya. It's going to be difficult keeping all of you brain power a secret! You really do have a good hold on what is happening in their minds.
Random Digressions
by NewChapter init's hard for me to always stick to topic in a thread.
maybe i have trouble with linear thinking, but sometimes someone makes a comment that sets me on a completely unrelated path.
i've noticed that some members vigilantly watch for this and warn when a comment is off-topic or when the thread has strayed far from the originally stated topic.
always thought pansies were just sad flowers. But I guess you can see them in an angry light as well
They are vicious Mr. Freeze. Just viscious! They are throwing you off with the sad act.
Don't you DARE to get up!!
by stillin9 ininteresting points from this week's wt study (dec 15 2010 study edition):.
par 12: "do i encourage my children not to view the song between the theocratic ministry school and the service meeting or the one between the public talk and the watchtower study as a sort of intermission,an opportunity for them to leave their seats unnecessarily, perhaps just to stretch their legs?".
why do they have to make such a big deal out of everything?
If I, or one of my kids needed to get up, I would always try to do it during the meetings, never during the song.
Cause they were constantly harping on people using the song as break time.
That is so funny. I did the same thing! I thought I was being original!
Don't you DARE to get up!!
by stillin9 ininteresting points from this week's wt study (dec 15 2010 study edition):.
par 12: "do i encourage my children not to view the song between the theocratic ministry school and the service meeting or the one between the public talk and the watchtower study as a sort of intermission,an opportunity for them to leave their seats unnecessarily, perhaps just to stretch their legs?".
why do they have to make such a big deal out of everything?
Why do you suppose the GB never considered adding age appropriate programs for children? I know why they SAY they don't, but I wonder if it has something to do with expense. Or maybe just the desire to indoctrinate more fully.
They don't want the children to associate with non JW's. They don't want witnesses to gather in large unauthorized groups. It just seems like some of the greatest things about kids gathering together are squealched by the GB. I'm not sure exactly what I'm saying, but maybe some comments will help me form this thought.
Random Digressions
by NewChapter init's hard for me to always stick to topic in a thread.
maybe i have trouble with linear thinking, but sometimes someone makes a comment that sets me on a completely unrelated path.
i've noticed that some members vigilantly watch for this and warn when a comment is off-topic or when the thread has strayed far from the originally stated topic.
I think my dog is confused about his sexuality. I don't know how to help him.