I ~HATE~ stories like that from the platform! There was a sister interviewed at our Special ASS Day last year who turned down a full ride at Harvard to pioneer. FACEPALM.
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Stupid not just once but twice, and it is praised
by therevealer in12 the watchtower ?
5 what good results there can be when.
children are trained to keep a simple eye!.
Really annoying christian habbit
by bohm ini know this is minor, but it bug me and i wonder if any fellow atheists have noticed it to.
im talking about the random capatalization.
like i can understand why you would write god with a big 'g', but whats up with writing he or him or the holy one or lord or whatever?.
Here's another annoying christian (lowercase) habit:
2 men were turned away at the Creation Museum who wanted to hear the founder speak...and they're not even GAY! Bigotry and homophobia may be allowed at a private couples function after hours at a privately-funded "museum," but they didn't even get their $71.90 admission refunded! That's just wrong!
New World Translation into other languages; anyone knows of any critics?
by dgp inperhaps this is the wrong place to post such a question, but, is anyone aware of any criticism of the new world translation as rendered into other languages, say, spanish, portuguese, french?.
if you open a non-english version of the nwt, you find that they very clearly say you're holding a translation from english into whatever the target language is, only "checking against the hebrew and greek originals".
this is to say, there is a pecking order that begins with the translation from the original languages into english, and then another, from english into all others.
In the forward to the NWT, they mention that they relied heavily on Westcott and Hort. I have done some research online about Westcott and Hort and was VERY surprised to learn they were both spiritualists. Yikes. Creepy! But, I'll admit, most pages that make this claim are other jesus-freak fundie church pages. Does anyone have any viable information to validate this claim? Were Westcott and Hort occultists?
Share Your Tales of Annoying Car Group Advice
by DarioKehl inohhhh.... do i ever have loads of these stories!
i pioneered in the mid-90's (mostly out of guilt and fear and hope to pacify my parents before dropping the "i wanna go to college" bombshell on them, but i digress...) and i gotta tell ya, it was the most frustrating 2 years of my life!
at that time, there were over 20 of us as many my age recently graduated high school to "join the ranks" (as the co at the time said).
The "pink slip" elder sent a poor pioneer home one morning because her clothes "smelled like mildew" and his wife's allergies were acting up. This sister was my age, from a very poor and troubled family and was horrified. She began to cry and he put his hand on her shoulder and said, "If a friend won't tell you, who will?" She's out now. He's a C.O.
Have you made MAJOR CHANGES since you started posting here?
by nicolaou ini ask because i've been posting at jwd/jwn for 10 years now.
i was a rapidly fading jw when i started but still considered myself a christian for a good few years more.
now i've embraced reason and rejected faith i'm a very happy atheist and enjoy learning more about the fact of evolution.. what about you?.
Share Your Tales of Annoying Car Group Advice
by DarioKehl inohhhh.... do i ever have loads of these stories!
i pioneered in the mid-90's (mostly out of guilt and fear and hope to pacify my parents before dropping the "i wanna go to college" bombshell on them, but i digress...) and i gotta tell ya, it was the most frustrating 2 years of my life!
at that time, there were over 20 of us as many my age recently graduated high school to "join the ranks" (as the co at the time said).
The old wealthy full-timer elder was very stern. No kids, just him and his pretentious wife. He xeroxed a copy of an old, OLD KM article about puncuality on pink paper and cut them into coupon-sized strips. If anyone walked in after the opening prayer during the service week, he'd stop conducting, WALK to his briefcase, grab a pink slip and hand it to the late person infront of everyone. This went on for several months until the other elders put a stop to it. The pioneers didn't squeal... it was a publisher who met with the group on morning who was thoroughly humiliated. And no, I'm not making this up. (i'm actually afraid that this post will reveal my identity now)
it seems like this time period 2009-now a lot are coming out of wbts
by jeckle inits a generalization from my perspective maybe because i've left ?
oh should i define the words time period like the fds.
lets see i hope its not like generation ?
So many of the younger ones are exposed to a lot more technology. They're brilliant. I've noticed many of the young ones are no longer "double-lifers," they're just pretty much fed up! I've done my share of "corrupting" some of the teens in my area by sending hilarious links to the KingdomHallofJWs channel on youtube and that's really all it takes. Once you get an absorbing mind on a youtube vid, they start clicking the related links and the rest is history. Funny thing is, I count my time doing this if they're not yet baptized lol!
A lot of people, I'd GUESS under 35, are also more open to the idea of evolution. I think it is very well presented in high school and early college courses. If a JW kid goes for a business major, they still have to take a few science electives and the few I've talked to are totally sold on the theory now. Once they think outside the box, returning to the fluorescent-lit, windowless tank twice a week, makes the Kool-Aid unpalatable--worse than eating an Oreo after swigging a shot of NyQuil. That's what happened to me, anyway.
Share Your Tales of Annoying Car Group Advice
by DarioKehl inohhhh.... do i ever have loads of these stories!
i pioneered in the mid-90's (mostly out of guilt and fear and hope to pacify my parents before dropping the "i wanna go to college" bombshell on them, but i digress...) and i gotta tell ya, it was the most frustrating 2 years of my life!
at that time, there were over 20 of us as many my age recently graduated high school to "join the ranks" (as the co at the time said).
Ohhhh.... do I ever have loads of these stories! I pioneered in the mid-90's (mostly out of guilt and fear and hope to pacify my parents before dropping the "I wanna go to college" bombshell on them, but I digress...) and I gotta tell ya, it was the most frustrating 2 years of my life! At that time, there were over 20 of us as many my age recently graduated high school to "join the ranks" (as the CO at the time said). So, our small congo was the envy of the circuit because of our large numbers. But behind the scenes was a total nightmare. There was constant bickering, back stabbing, rumor spreading, gossip, time wasting, eating...lots and lots of sitting in the back of a minivan and eating, money wasting--and that was just between me and the girls my age! This doesn't even include the awkward generation bias that we collectively endured from the older die-hards, pio-lifers and independently wealthy elder pios who had all the time and resources one could wish for to "shine as illuminati...errr, I mean, illuminators."
But here's what I recall vividly. Even in attempts to make small talk--innocent chit-chat--with some of the older, stuffy, opinionated pios, I'd be shot down, corrected, admonished and force-fed unsolicited opinoins and advice. One day, I was with an older sister and a younger full-time pio elder (who used to be cool, but sucked after receiving his badge of honor) and you could hear a pin drop. This older sister hated my living guts. I was a goody-2-shoes back then, model JW. Never figured out why she was so cold and I always took it personally. So, in an attempt to break the uncomfortable silence, I thought of a topic that maybe they'd find interesing... birdfeeding. *sigh* Ok, here goes:
Dario: "Well, mom just put out a bunch of bird feeders outside our patio door. I had no idea how interesting it would be to sit in the family room and see all these surprising visitors come by! And the cat loves it!" (spoken to a carload of cat-lovers)
[now...i'm thinking to myself, "SCORE ONE FOR DARIO! i found a topic of interest while we drive to the terrible-tory! what might they say? will they ask me what kind of bird feeders? maybe... will they ask me what kinds of birds we've seen so far? perhaps! i even learned a few of them, i'll be able to hang in the convo for a little while and even if they take over, at least i initiated a nice chat! or...will they ask me about my kitty cat? i hope so. common ground. we all love kitties and i can go on and on about the hilarious antics of mine. ok... sweet!"]
Young Elder Pio: "WELLLLL... you know... you shouldn't really set bird feeders out in the winter because the birds will get lazy."
I have so many more, but I wanna see y'alls'
Atheists and Evolutionists, Line Up for Some "New Light!"
by DarioKehl ingood day, again everyone.
before delving into my topic, i just want to make it known to people who have pmed me that i have received your messages but it's not allowing me to reply!
i'm not ignoring you.
@ OTWO: Nah, I just came across a very interesting point in Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion" that I'd never thought of before and was just trying to build some anticipation. I'm not claiming to have "the answers" but I just wanted to see how many people shared my thoughts on this question before I read what he had to say. I think the subject of evolution is fascinating because, when things don't make sense upon initial observation, it takes a little bass-ackwards thinking to get the full understanding of the mechanisms driving strange behaviors. And I was on my 3rd Sailor Jerry-n-Coke so pardon the spelling error.
Anyway, I'm not looking for right or wrong answers, just curious about everyones' replies.
Rather than type a chapter from his book verbatim, I'll sum it up, paraphrasing the main points. I'm interested to see if anyone else thinks this is the koolest idea they've seen in awhile:
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px 'Lucida Grande'; color: #333233} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px 'Lucida Grande'; color: #333233; min-height: 16.0px}
Dawkins uses the example of the moth and how they frequently appear to kamikaze themselves into candle flames and die--WHY? Why would a creature repeatedly perform a deadly ritual like that, and if they do it so often, why hasn't this tendency been removed from their gene pool long ago?
Dawkin's answer: Their compound eyes. Hundreds little hollow tubes connect at a central optic nerve to their brain. Moths use light from the moon, stars or distant light (a city maybe?) for navigation. Light radiates in all directions, but if it's far enough away, it's basically at optical infinity. By the time the light reaches the collective tubes in their compound eyes, it's traveling in parallel waves. However, if a light is nearby, it radiates out in all directions. So if a moth uses these tubes to collect light, it can keep distant, parallel light waves "lined up" at a certain angle to guide itself thru a dark flight. Let's say they wanna keep the light oriented at 30-degrees from their horizon (which is oriented by their sense of gravity). Parallel light is their best reference. As long as the tubes on their compound eyes at 30-degrees from the horizontal plane are the ONLY TUBES collecting the light, they can stay on course. But if they approach a nearby light, each light wave they encounter will effect their steering. They'll cross a light wave, adjust 30-degrees, then cross another, and adjust 30 more, and so on. What you observe is a spiral flight pattern that directs them right into the heart of the light source. If it's a flame or a bug zapper, they die. You can draw this on paper and see the spiral.
According to fossil records, some moths have been around for approx 190 million years. man-made, artificial light (the earliest form being fire has only been around for about 500,000 years or so) is still relatively new to moths. So, when they encounter nearby, artificial light, it simply screws up their navigation and they fly to their death. However, countless MILLIONS of moths fly in forests and wilderness areas every night around the world far away from man-made light and therefore still heavily rely on that proven navigation method. Simply put, not enough of them die from accidental burning to get rid of the gene for that compound eye/navigation system. It works best where they use it most. Moths near man-made destructive light are simply martyrs for the greater good. We sit on our decks outside observe their strange, self-destructive behavior, assume they're all stupid and wonder, "WTF?!?"
Dawkins ties this in to humans and their strange, often self-destructive behavior of practicing religion. BUT, I'm tired, lazy, a little tipsy on the Tanqueray and I have several episodes of GLEE to catch up on, so I'll end this with a question (and if you have the book, don't CHEAT!!!):
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px 'Lucida Grande'; color: #333233}
What ADAPTIVELY BENEFICIAL behavior do YOU think humans must perform for their survival that allows for the nonsensical, destructive practice of religion to eventually take over? Hint: Think early in life. Opinions are fine, no right or wrong.
Time to "ROLE" out...
Just Received This Email From "Knocking" Director
by DarioKehl inp.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 15.0px; font: 13.0px tahoma; color: #292929} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 17.0px; font: 13.0px tahoma; color: #1440fc} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 17.0px; font: 13.0px tahoma; color: #292929; min-height: 16.0px} p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 15.0px; font: 13.0px tahoma; color: #292929; min-height: 16.0px} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}.
knocking update.
february 2011. www.knocking.org.
arrg!!!! Why is all this code appearing in my posts??? Sorry for the eye sores, everyone.