Thanks guys...
Yeah, I don't know what would be worse for my parents: the sexual preference thing or the apostate thing. LOL! They're both JW parents' worst fears and here I am! I'm the one and only family member who has 'em both! The fade up til now has worked wonderfully. I have avoided meetings and service for 2 years. The only contact I have are with people who I've known forever who live far away and we only see each other maybe once a year. Other than that, I have zero contact with dubs and have no desire to ever again. There are many I stay in touch with who faded or were never baptized. Getting affairs in order is a great way to put it. It's like I'm stacking up pillows so I can survive a long jump. I've "padded" my landing area be finding many DFed people (thanks to Facebook and other media) and even done some healing exercises where I've found people in the past who I hurt in some way while enforcing JW protocol (yes, I was a whistle-blowing goody-2-shoes and loved shunning and bad-mouthing "weak" people). What an asshole I was. But I didn't realize it at the time! This brainwashing really does allow the GB to be your puppet master in ways you'd never realize from inside. I don't fear being alone. I just don't want to be the ONE in the family to bring the biggest tragedy they'll ever endure.
I want the freedom someday to eventually hang lights and enjoy a satisfying relationship with someone (I'm an 80/20 bisexual in favor of dudes but opposed to starting a family some day if I find the right match). I definitely want the freedom to LIVE MY LIFE. I wanna say what I wanna say, do what I wanna do and be able to post pictures on my own FB of me and any significant other doing, drinking, smoking whatever we want without fear of "someone finding out and telling." I want to skydive for instance and I probably will very soon, but it sucks having to edit my stories when I'm around my family. If I did, I'd never be able to tell them how wonderful it was, or share my pictures of it. You see, when I cant talk about things, I still feel like I'm lying. If I can't handle these feelings of dishonesty, the easiest escape might be getting DFed so the problem just effin goes away. I dunno. I'll sleep on it for a few more ...months