Ten years go by and the fade begins...by the way I had moved away from my small home town for employment, and spent every Sunday avoiding phone calls from my mother because she aways asked if I went to the meeting that day. Made an effort to pretend I was active when I went home for visits, even made up fictitious names when childhood friends and family asked "Who are some of the brothers in your congregation?" (What a punk I was!)
I also moved away before beginning my fade (and also voted for the first time last fall and can't wait for th 2012 election!). And every Sunday or meeting night, I still get the phone calls. It kills me to hit "ignore" and check the voicemail later. It kills me to dread calls from old friends or relatives when I used to look forward to them. They know something is up, but I think they're just as afraid to open that door as I am. They don't lecture me (although, my mother is notorious for sending me reactionary emails after a friend of a friend mentioned something I said online or something). But, they'll try to wiggle in questions like "How was meeting today?" or "Did you like that point in the WT study?" and even if I say yes, my mother will still "go over it" with me like she's rehearsed a demonstration for a service meeting part! Little does she know, I study thw WT more throughly than I ever did while I was still active--because I critically analyze it now! In fact, I've busted her several times because I'll know of a WT article that's been out for some time that she hasn't read yet. They also call and I get the sense they're just trying to feel me out--not really calling for any reason, but, just to investigate. Looking for clues in my voice or maybe I'll slip up and contradict myself or something. That's why I screen the calls and return them on my time, on my terms and I control the conversation. The more I talk, the more I may slip up and out myself.
Anyway---back to topic... It kills me physically, emotionally and mentally to have to LIE and HIDE who I am and what I'm doing out of FEAR. It's not so much guilt anymore--guilt died when I learned TTATT. But I'm still a moral person and there is a bit of guilt that bothers me when I lie. While living my "worldly" faded life, I only regret the necessity of lying and decieving my parents and family about my current state. I'd love to be open and honest to them, but we all know what will happen then, don't we?
Additionally, this constant fear of being "caught," the constant physical demand of looking over my shoulders and covering my tracks is KILLING. ME. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't plan, I can't enjoy, I can't learn--everything came to a halt because I'm at the the end of the plank with 2 choices: do I jump (back in to the bOrg) and drown or do I let the pirates (WBTS and their shunning policy) spear me in the back? A choice has to be made--and I know which one it is "right" for me. As Steve Jobs said, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE."
What did you end up doing, sprintcmp? Did you DA, get DFed or are you still faded? Does your remaining husk of a mom and foggy sister know you're faded or do they assume you're still active?