no. i believe people remember the hits and forget the misses.
the human brain is hard-wired to automatically search for patterns within random noise or mistakenly assign significance to vague or random stimuli.
even though things like these happen, spilling coffee in my lap on wednesday has nothing to do with upsetting a coworker the previous week. giving a bum change will not make my job search any more successful.
each of us do good things and bad things, intentionally and unintentionally. each of us experience daily crises and successes. believing that there is causality or meaning to them is flawed thinking. it's an illusion. anyone can play connect the dots with multiple unrelated events and assign a special significance to an apparent connection, but, there are far more other ways in which these connections can be arranged. our brains find the ones that appear to make sense.
i do it all the time even though i know it's woo. but when left unrestrained, very dangerous things can happen. case in point: that terrible book "the secret" was responsible for ruining lives and destroying the confidence of many people because it tells you that if you just "will" or "believe" or "think" about things happening, the "energy" (GOD pseudoscientists love that word, don't they?) connected to the universe will "realign" your future and those wishes will simply "create" the desired outcome. it's pure BS. think of all the good people who suffer and the wicked who seem to have it all so easy. for every example of "karma," you can easily find a dozen of examples refuting the idea.
uncomfortable, i know. but welcome to the world of reality!