Ok. So we're cool then, yes?
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
BTW: Being a plumber doesn't subract from Susskind's credentials. Remember, Einstein turned the world of physics upside down when he submitted his Theory of Relativity and another paper explaining Brownian motion to the science journal "Annalen der Physik." He was working as a lowly clerk in a patent office. In other words, these great breakthroughs were written when he was a nobody and he did them, get this... on his free time.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Keep in mind, in the world of academia and science, these guys have to "publish or perish." It's dog-eat-dog, every man for himself. To have findings published, your papers must be subject to extensive peer review and believe me, "peer" is a nice way of saying "other guys in your field who are dying to prove you wrong so they can advance." That's what makes science so trustworthy. People can't just say stuff. Or wing a paper and claim a new discovery. It's a bloody battle and people can get nasty. That ensures that any new knowledge added to these journals is refined, accurate and extremely reliable until another better equipped and smarter guy or gal comes along with new data that forces a change in understanding.
(wouldn't it be nice to see this method applied for all articles published by the writing committee at WT?)
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
It's not impossible... you'd just need an anti-gravity generator to squish space time in front of the ship and stretch it out behind the ship---which physics proves would require energy equal to the output of an entire star's lifetime! People don't just make this stuff up out of thin air, Elderelite! "Theory" is often misunderstood as "hunch." In science, the word "theory" basically means "facts as observed now until newly discovered data requires an adjustment." Granted, much of these ideas cannot be tested on a macro level. But small observations in tests with subatomic particles confirm the mathematical predictions made by physicists. They also disprove a great deal and when that happens, no one gets upset. They're happy to have more work to do.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Read his book. He talks all about it. Hawking later corrected himself as other scientists jumped on Susskind's bandwagon [They even had a couple of cute bets arranged (for $1 and another for a baseball encyclopedia)].
Hawking claimed that information is lost forever upon entry into a black hole. Susskind argued that information cannot be destroyed, it must be conserved, otherwise all physical laws are in danger. Eventually, Hawking conceded and thus arose the idea of Hawking Radiation. It balanced the problem of information loss.
Basically, information in the tiniest meaningful quantity is on the Planck scale. All "information" of matter can be broken down into these Planck-sized bits. Susskind showed that particles entering black holes encounter a strange world where 2 different outcomes become reality. One outcome is that the particle is destroyed forever. However, for observers outside the black hole, another equally true state of reality is that the particle becomes evenly dispersed across the surface area of the black hole in broken planck-sized bits. One "reality" is destruction, the "other reality" is the surface area of the black hole expanding with the addition of each particle. Both realities for one particle are true and exist simultaneously. It's weird, but his book explains it a lot better than I can.
The WT Encourages JWs to learn about the early history of the organization! - 8/15/12 WT
by 00DAD inironically, in today's wt, jws are encouraged to study the early history of the "earthly organization".
like them [the sons of korah], do you have a desire to study and recount the history of the earthly part of jehovahs organization?
the more you learn about gods organization and how jehovah supports his people, the more real gods kingdom will be to you.
That's a shameless plug for their DVD lol.
Question about the new "FDS" light
by Indian Larry inif the fds is only the governing body and the governing body of today is patterned on the apostles in jerusalem in the 1st century then does that mean that paul was not of the fds?.
Yesterday, another poster assured me that this noo lite does not mean that jesus christ is the mediator only for the 8 guys on the GB. However, I'd like to see that in print from WT in the coming months. If they make do that claim eventually, it's time to go on red alert status and start actively waking people up on the inside.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Yup. It's a fantastic read, Satanus! If you're in to that stuff. Susskind is a plumber by trade, but also a PhD Physicist. He's the only guy on earth who successfully proved Stephen Hawking wrong. His "common man" blue-collar background makes this book an easy and enjoyable read for lay people.
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Wait a sec. Hold the phone. I'm a "clown, with one c." As opposed to a clown with multiple C's?
Don't short change me, here!
WT likens Social Networking Web Sites to "powerful medicine"
by 00DAD ini kid you not!
in yet another example of the wtbts writers' inability to clearly articulate a coherent, consistent message, the wt study article today compared by way of an analogy social networking web sites to "powerful medicine"!!!.
11 in recent years, another type of site has become very popularone that can be useful if used with great caution.
I remember recoiling way back when in the mid-90's when they kept calling it the "so-called information super highway." Hit it with derision right out of the gate.
"But these sites known as social netowrking websites..." Who do they think their audience is? As if people didn't know they were called social networking sites? I imagine Lett's wacky face saying those words like Dr. Evil said "LA-ser."