I belive it's a matter of time before they make a policy to DF or preemptively shun faded or inactive ones. They can lump it under "brazen."
Mark my words: In 2 year's time, we will see noo lite on this. They'll use that "rules, guidelines and principles" reasoning to invoke preshunning on anyone who's inactive more than 3-6 months. They'll put some kind of clause in it, of course, like: "Would it be wise for true christians to continue associating with fellow brothers and sisters who have become inactive or avoided congregation meetings after elders have made attempts to reach out to them?"
It's just a matter of time. Our friends and family still inside will "apply" the new point and begin the snubbing. Or we may begin receiving a lot of "mom guilt emails" because they will have been encouraged to make one last attempt to get us reactivated. If we're not receptive, they'll be encouraged to treat us like "goats" or "weeds." Trust me. The GB will take things into their own hands and attempt a pre-judgment sorting and separating work. They'll have to. This fading thing is driving them crazy. With one or 2 powerful guilt trips in a WT article, they can issue a command and the R&F will react just like trained dobermans.