JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
And a 3-headed cosmic carpenter zombie jew on a stick who never had a beginning is more believable?
at least theoretical physics can interpolate what the universe was like several hundred thousandths of a second after the Big Bang (and is verified by observation after precise testing & measurements in the most powerful machines on the planet).
All creationists have is a hunch about something that cannot be interpolated, tested or observed. How convenient. The only thing they can produce are long-debunked logical fallacies (like special pleading in Perry's case).
thats fine--he has that right. but once a silly belief is used to force one's view on everyone else via legislation, heavy indoctrination and harmful practices like shunning & the blood doctrine of JWs, I draw the line.
once children are targeted for indoctrination, once MONEY is asked for, once control over food, appearance, clothing, friends and education are tightly controlled, draw the line.
perry: I respect your right to believe what you do and to spout those beliefs off, but I do not respect the beliefs themselves. Religion is a blight on humanity. It is harmful and I enjoy watching its influence shrivel in our modern age.
research science objectively. Test it for yourself. Consider your sources. Google the "doctor" in that video and compare his credentials to actual PhDs.
The Bible Does Not Say - But ...
by berrygerry inpainfully reading an article of may 15, 2015 (extra-simplified edition) and again observed this phraseology: the bible does not say, but .... so, did satan hope to tempt her with the luxurious palaces of pharaoh and abimelech?
did satan think that she would betray her husband and even jehovah by marrying one of those kings?
the bible does not say, but it is very likely that the devil would have been overjoyed if sarah had lost the opportunity to become part of the messiahs family line.. .
I'm in the anger phase of my exit so this kinda stuff really pisses me off when I see it. They make authoritarian decisions on stuff like this--without any scriptural basis at all--then claim that they're not prophets. Look: it's either one or the other, @$$holes!
The best thing the GB could've done is this JW dot TV bull$#!+.
now that the R&F see them in action on a regular basis (hell... even putting a name to the face is a huge change), they'll start to see how human they really are. Then when they come across random doctrinal decisions like this or noo lite, they'll think to themselves, "now wait a minute... type/antitype is no longer? gog of magog ain't who I was told it was all thru those laborious wt study articles of the 80s? Says WHO---that ghastly rubber-faced clown with the Marshall Applewhite eyes? Or that megalomaniacal sociopathic misanthrope who's pissed off he gets a throbbing chubby every time he sees a hot bethelite in tight pants? F**k this $#!+... I quit!"
Coping With Atheism (Long-ish Post...sorry!)
by humblepotato inlong time lurker (2009-ish), first time poster.
first of all, i want to say thank you everyone who contributes to these boards and provokes stimulating conversations and thought processes.
all the opinions and different perspectives are very enlightening.
Just because something is instinctive does not mean that it's correct or based on fact. At best, instinct evolved over time, naturally selected by the environment, giving the population an adapted advantage.
Having innate behavior is not evidence that we were zapped into existence by a Cosmic Carpenter with multiple personality disorder.
One short New Testament verse sums up the problem with faith.
by nicolaou in"for we are walking by faith, not by sight" 2 corinthians 5:7. that's it right there.
don't value the evidence of your own eyes or trust what you can measure and test; no, just have faith.. the frustration is that even when this is pointed out to the devout believer they still don't see the problem.
they still see faith as a virtue and something superior to 'sight'..
Faith = Credulity -
Coping With Atheism (Long-ish Post...sorry!)
by humblepotato inlong time lurker (2009-ish), first time poster.
first of all, i want to say thank you everyone who contributes to these boards and provokes stimulating conversations and thought processes.
all the opinions and different perspectives are very enlightening.
micheal shermer did say that and your visual example on color is noteworthy.
however, neither one of those get us any closer to a virgin birth, walking on water or rising from the grave after 3 days.
May’s ‘study WT’ admits having taught “far-fetched” ideas
by wheelwithinwheel innot on the front page, not in the study articles, but carefully camouflaged in the questions from readers on page 18 (watchtower march 15, 2015).
you can bet most jws wont even read it..
there is no apology...just the usual excuses..
Is this article the one being considered tomorrow at the meeting?
this may give us a slight edge in debates. If this is all being tossed, then how can we have confidence in their interpretation of the blood doctrine or that 144,000 is a literal number rather than symbolic? They just gave us free ammunition.
Coping With Atheism (Long-ish Post...sorry!)
by humblepotato inlong time lurker (2009-ish), first time poster.
first of all, i want to say thank you everyone who contributes to these boards and provokes stimulating conversations and thought processes.
all the opinions and different perspectives are very enlightening.
Hey potatoman...
you sound almost like me at that age. I was rapidly accelerated through the ranks and also put in charge of accounts lol.
anyway, I also went through that process once I embraced atheism. The idea of paradise and seeing your dead loved ones again is so compelling. It's hard to abandon. And that's largely why most JWs put up with the misery of being in such a burdensome religion.
but I found a thunderf00t video that really woke me up and changed my thoughts on "everlasting life" for good. Please give this a look--it's only about 2 minutes, but it may be just what you needed to hear. Welcome to the rest of your life.
A Toast to Windchimes
by DarioKehl ini recently researched on jw dot org why toasts are not allowed.
in the article, they candidly admit that wedding bands also have pagan origins, but their modern understanding trumps this fact since they serve another function: signifying whether or not a person is married.
same with neck ties, i guess (although their pagan origins were not mentioned in the article).
I recently researched on JW dot org why toasts are not allowed. In the article, they candidly admit that wedding bands also have pagan origins, but their modern understanding trumps this fact since they serve another function: signifying whether or not a person is married. Same with neck ties, I guess (although their pagan origins were not mentioned in the article).
What I'd like to know is, doesn't toasting have a modern understanding as a customary courtesy--a way of saying "good health," or "he/she's a jolly good fellow?" Why is toasting scorned but wedding bands aren't? And who got the final say on that decision?
If Mother's Day, Father's Day and birthdays are forbidden because they're forms of idolatry, then why are wedding anniversaries and graduation parties allowed? There are no good explanations for the contradiction.
If Pokemon, Smurfs & He-Man are frowned upon, then why does every JW I know give the Wizard of Oz and every Disney movie a free pass?
The bans on peace signs, wind chimes, dream catchers, beards, piercings, color dyed hair, and R-rated movies make no sense to me either.
When international conventions come up, it's ok for delegates to be decked out in traditional clothing from their culture. Surely, some of those have origins that could be called "pagan." And how is that not nationalism?
How are JW dot org pins not idolatry? I clearly remember JWs purposely not putting the watchtower symbol anywhere on their buildings, signs or engraving it into the podium--certainly not wearing it--but this JW dot org flair really perplexes me.
What other objects, customs & practices have you wondering why they're banned when other arguably similar things are not?
why did man go from living 900 years to 90?
by sowhatnow ini cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
Unplugged fans & water canopies--it's all crap.
it's as true as the walking smurf legend.