JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Another scientific gem from Brooklyn
by cappytan inkey quote:.
many believe that life came about by evolution.... ummmm, no...that's abiogenesis, not evolution.
no evolutionist says that "life came about by evolution.
[allow for (but ignore completely) response (then proceed with pre-rehearsed drivel as if you'd never asked them for their opinion)] -
Rutherford's Satanic Lie
by Icarus insatan: "you certainly will not die!".
rutherford: "millions now living will never die!
"when satan told his lie, adam and eve both died despite his assurances.
And in their newest publications & DVDs, they only focus on the few times they said "...MAY never die."
They never refer to "WILL never die." Go see for yourself.
Seems very easy to leave now, why do people hesitate?
by Xanthippe inwhen i see people on here saying they've looked on several sites before this one, jwfacts, jwstruggle, youtube, etc., and then they make friends here, sometimes meeting up with ex-jws, it seems incredibly easy compared to leaving in 1989. .
no internet, no amazon to find ex-jw books, no facebook to link up with ex-jw groups.
still people find it so hard to leave.
Preserving family. It's as simple as that. This f**king cult uses this as a weapon. It doesn't matter how available information is, the consequences are exactly the same. -
Are Jehovah`s Witnesses a CULT?
by Driving Force insteven hassen is a well known name for many, if you do not know him google can help.
this information is certainly not new, but as almost every exjw has deep affection and concern for active jws it is certainly my wish and i hope the wish of other exjws that any active jw considers this information.
this information cannot be deemed as apostate, it is just stating the opinion of someone who has spent much of his adult life in helping people to realize what a cult is.
Hehe... "Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Cult?"
Now that's cute.
They most certainly can and do give "marking" talks about unbaptized publishers/non-publishers. I've seen it about 5 times. They do all but say your name.
I'm not trying to scare you--by all means, do what makes you happiest. But since they cannot DF you, this is the best jab they can make. It's a way to engage the pre-shunning practice. Even tho you're technically not baptized, most will still treat you as if you're DF'ed or reproved anyway.
This can happen simply for dating. You don't even have to engage in anything "sinful." When they find out (and they will), they will strongly encourage you to break it off with this boy and if you don't, you can expect a marking talk and your name announced as "no longer an unbaptized publisher."
It's tough, I know! Hang in there. Do what's best for YOU in YOUR current situation. If your family would still be loving & supportive, that would make things easy for you. If they'd clamp down & make your life miserable until you're 18 (when they can kick you out), that's also worth considering. Is this relationship worth all that extra stress?
If you do intend to make your intentions known as a minor, I highly recommend that you think about your future. If you want to go to college or trade school, that would be extremely difficult if you were sent away on your 18th birthday. So again, weigh all the options and do what's best for YOU. That includes long-term goals. Don't put those in jeopardy unless you're really sure about the decision.
Informant-I consent for my relevant medical records to be shared with HLC!
by Atlantis infrom an informant who contacted atlantis:.
.. i consent to my relevant medical records and the details of my condition being shared with.
the emergency contact below and/or with member(s) of the hospital liaison committee.
Is this going to be a thing all JWs are expected to sign? Because there is no way I'm letting a bunch of old fat disciplinarians snort thru my medical records--blood issue or not. I have certain things in my med history no one knows about and I'll be damned if they think they're entitled to see it. -
They're Making it Impossible to Fade
by DarioKehl infor those of you who have already faded due to family still being in, have you noticed how the noose is tightening?.
if it's not memorial, it's special day assembly.
if it's not that, it's convention or the special talk.
For those of you who have already faded due to family still being in, have you noticed how the noose is tightening?
If it's not memorial, it's special day assembly. If it's not that, it's convention or the special talk. Right? Well, lately, there are even more traps to keep you on a tight leash.
Let's say you move some distance away to begin your fade. With JW dot org, your relatives can easily look up the KH for the territory you've moved into. Either they can contact the KH and send them your way, or, they can hound you constantly: "how do you like the such & such congregation?" (So as to let YOU know that THEY know where you SHOULD be going, implying further that they can easily find out whether or not you're active).
Second are these constant "special event" deals piped in from headquarters every few months, usually on a Saturday. Whether it's a GB visit to a branch, the annual meeting or some other program, it's just another reason for your JW family to hound you; another thing to pull you in to that will mess up your fade. Turning down a "special event" is a red alert to every JW that something is "wrong." So, they keep having them... frequently... because they know faders can't have red alerts.
Unless you're equipped with a $700 iPad on a window washer's budget, you're also quickly exposed by brining any outdated songbooks or bibles to a meeting (say you attend just to satisfy your family while you're in town on a visit). If you have the old songbook, it's a red flag that you've not been around for at least 9 months. That's the thing! They can time stamp your inactivity based on how outdated the contents of your meeting bag are!
Also, the frequent terminology changes: PO = COBE, district is now region, there's no such thing as "special assembly day" anymore--but all circuit assemblies are only 1 day. Unless you're informed on the latest "newspeak," you're sure to out yourself as a fader simply by saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.
Finally, and perhaps the most sinister, is this new method of having COPIES of your "No Blood" medical directive on hand. This is where we will all be forced into a tough decision. They WILL make sure this comes up--whether it's your old hall, a new one you've faded from or your JW relatives. They will--they MUST--hunt you down if for nothing else than to get this directive signed and have a copy of it. Not having a current no blood card is one thing. Having a KH KNOW it's not current is another. And it's arguably the biggest red flag/red alert one could have. So, when that knock comes, how will you answer your door? When the phone rings and your parents want confirmation of your updated medical directive (or they'll offer to come over immediately, watch you sign it, sign as your eyewitnesses* and retrieve a copy), how will you answer that call?
*didnt I read somewhere that they now want qualified men (elders or MS) to sign as eyewitnesses on medical directives? I swear I saw that recently. If so, that's another excuse for an elder drop-in visit; another reason to pop up on their radar every year!
It's true, everyone. A suscessful fade can only last a few months at most before their cycle of activities come around to bite you in the ass.
Ties at the Kingdom Hall
by CloseTheDoor incouple of weeks ago an elder took a young man aside and crawled all over him after the tms for wearing a "skinny" tie.
it was one of those 2 inch wide ties.
nothing bright or scandalous about.
This kind of story enrages me. It's that freaking man's freaking opinion and nothing more. Nowhere is it based in scripture. They use "stumbling block" as an umbrella term to excuse their nitpicking.
With all extra the "don't," "avoid," "you can't" "that's frowned upon" and "would a faithful christian do that?" rules in The Church of No, you'd think more people would wake up faster. They're already imprisoned by "rules, guidelines and principles" enough, yet some of the Pharisees want to pile on more just to satisfy their sociopathy & megalomania.
Need Help
by ThisFellowCheap ini'm in dire need of assitance, and i have decided to humbly come here.... first, let me reintroduce myself.
my name is kolabomi, a nigerian and a proud one too.
i am a graduate student in one of my country's leading university.
The physics thesis topics you list are conveniently "Googleable" terms a scam artist could easily learn about in 30 minutes; great buzz words to fool the lay people.
a genuine emergency does not require a lengthy setup/explanation. You're trying too hard to convince us. Kinda like the guy who approached me on a sidewalk begging for bus fare to visit his dying mother, then got in his own car and drove away when I told him no (out-of-state plates too).
how do we report this thread?
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.