First #6
Then #1 who is now my ex-husband. He did not appreciate my doubts.
how's the weekend for you?.
mrs ozzie and i have been enjoying being out for a drive in the highlands in the bright spring sunshine.
First #6
Then #1 who is now my ex-husband. He did not appreciate my doubts.
okay, so i got annoyed yesterday when someone told me i looked like debra winger.
i find her most unfeminine and unattractive.
but it doesn't piss me off half as much as when i'm told i look like liza minelli.
Since I am a quarter Cherokee, and have black hair to my waist, many people say I look like Cher. I also have the nose that she had before she fixed it. So I guess it is some what true.
jw's can't do this.
they can't do that.
restrictions abound.
Well the reason that I got divorced from my ex JW P.O. elder was he ws an active alcoholic. He drank for over 20 years even before he went to meetings etc. I took this issue over and over to the "brothers" to no avail. When I walked out then he went into rehab. Drinkers associate with overs that drink I know many, many elders and "brothers" in responsible positions that abused alcohol. Everytime I took this issue to the elders they told me that I was not an expert so did not know that he was abusing since alcohol was allowed in the scriptures. What IDIOTS!!!!!! Same counsel they give to abused woman. Oh by the way he still is the P.O. of the local KH.
this may be bizzare to some of you and maybe not from for others!!
you see i bought this super duper vacum cleaner this past week-end.
what i want to do is ritual or honoring with my old hoover vacuum cleaner.
I think I would bury it and put a cross to mark the spot. On the cross print "Here lays my faithful Hoover the last reminder of the grime I left behind"
hi you all i'm starting this early.
my son is graduating next week from bootcamp.
if anyone would like to congratulate him on his achievemnent please do
Congrats Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for putting your life on the line for all of us. We are proud of you!!!!!!!!
well, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
Personally I do not know if you have children with this weak male, but if you do the most important thing is custody of these kids. His conduct is appalling!!!! Doesn't matter how much money you make he needs to pay child support, and you make sure it is enforced.
You really need to go to a lawyer, bills are both your responsibility. If indeed any bill is in his name i.e. utilities, phone, cable etc. Turn these services off immediately and put them in your name. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for bills only in his name. If you have credit cards with both your names on it call them immediately to cancel so that he can not charge and you will be responsible.
As far as revenge is concerned the best revenge is to be calculating not emotional. The ex wife thing is excellent make sure she knows he is not doing what she thinks that she is. Go have sex, but never ever tell anyone and never let anyone know what you are doing. Make him get the divorce. You have to understand that if you contest this divorce it will be in court for along time...he will not get off scott free since he will pay for it. DON'T YOU PAY FOR is his idea let him pay off lawyers. Make it as difficult as possible for him. He is manipulating you making you feel that you should do what he feels is right!!!! NO WAY!!! This is on your do what you want you drive this not him or the elders. I will be thinking of you.
ok, so, i am 21 years old, a full time student, and i work part time to support my habit (education).
my s/o with whom i live, is also a student and works part time.
we all work/play/go to school in the area that we currently live in.
I own a house and I can tell you the utilities will kill you compared to an apartment. So you have to figure in alot more money if you want to live in a house. I know a small apartment is not always the nicest to live in, but are you really in it that much??? If you both go to school, go out with friends etc. seems to me the best thing would be to get your education, and than buy a nice big house that you can afford wherever you want to live. JMO
hiya everyone!!!
as we told you in our short intro, we decided that we had enough proof?
Wow talk about out of the mouth of babes!!!! I am soooo glad it went well for all of you. Welcome to the board and tell your kids we are all proud of them that they could see through all the BS when it took most of us most of our adult life.
rise and shine, little ones!!
this is the day i'm going to become a master member (no comments from you obiwan!).
seems i only need twenty-seven (27) more posts and i hit the big time.. well, by golly, today is the day.
yeahhhhhhhh ((((((((((arrow))))))))) and what a wonderful Master she is!!!!!!
he's a great guy and he's funny as hell to boot....i adore the heck outta him!
he just started to post today and he's kinda shy so i hope everyone will give him a kind welcome.
i appreciate it in advance.... thanks..... ~aztec
Welcome Sir will like it here. Lots of good folks, and people actually chat here.