Mr Magoo:
Someone will know the official standing on beards, but I thought I'd put in what I know from experience (because I asked about it). I was told that jw's could grow beards if that's what the style was around them (in the world!!) I'm guessing that included women.
Others said that jw's could grow beards but they wouldn't ever be used for anything in front of the congregation.
And at one assembly a guy with a beard was baptized.
So, maybe it's one of those unspoken things left to local interpretation???
I also heard that Rutherford despised Russell, beard and all, so everyone had to be clean-shaven. Then in more recent years in our area the Spanish brothers were allowed mustaches. (Sorry, senoras y senoritas, get out the wax!) Go figure.
Coperincus: The PO admitted that no one was aware of Jesus' return and seemed uncomfortable so I threw him a bone: Maybe the faithful and discreet slave didn't NEED to be aware of the master's return? Gulp! That must be it!! The elder with him took the fact that this being evident from the Proclaimers book meant that the wts wasn't trying to hide it, ie, was admitting it therefore it must be all right. But the wts doesn't admit it. The passages from the Greatest Man book certainly make it sound like those faithful servants knew of his return at the time of his return. In actuality they missed it by, what?, some 40 years before it? (1874-1914) and then weren't even aware of it until some 20 years after it?
Their whole authority structure is bogus....they were never appointed as the faithful and discreet slave, they were never appointed over all the master's possessions, they are SELF-appointed over peoples' lives and, when you break it down, they call THEIR OWN TEACHINGS "the truth", not the Bible. Yes, I know, they say the Bible is God's Word; but "the truth" is the "bible-based beliefs unique to Jehovah's Witnesses." So, in that case, yes, they have "the truth".
Libby (in the chatty class)