"JW businessmen...they are the worst around. Ruthless, uncaring, and abusive. Don't treat their workers with respect..."
I think my bosses must be jw's!!
do they close up shop for the holidays?.
as jw's we didn't mind having the day off and, judging from the holidays i was out in service as a new jw, most did not use that day to knock on doors.. but what if your boss is a jw and so are the employees, do they get the holiday off?
and go out in field service?
"JW businessmen...they are the worst around. Ruthless, uncaring, and abusive. Don't treat their workers with respect..."
I think my bosses must be jw's!!
do they close up shop for the holidays?.
as jw's we didn't mind having the day off and, judging from the holidays i was out in service as a new jw, most did not use that day to knock on doors.. but what if your boss is a jw and so are the employees, do they get the holiday off?
and go out in field service?
Do they close up shop for the holidays?
As jw's we didn't mind having the day off and, judging from the holidays I was out in service as a new jw, most did not use that day to knock on doors.
But what if your boss is a jw and so are the employees, do they get the holiday off? And go out in field service? Or do they stay open and view it as just another day?
just some suggestions really!
i would like to attend a meeting at the kh down the road with my boyfriend as he has never had any dealngs with the dubs and is intereted as to what they do so thought it an idea to take him to a meeting... now my questions are these... what should we wear?
i don't have a brown suit anymore... and all my ties are rather flashy... also is there a smoking section in the hall these days?
Sleepy...you made my day!
well, you have to admit it most da letters are boring.
especially so are the ones that contain 15-20 pages full of quotes from the golden age of march 15th 1917, or an obscure reference to a slip of the pen made by some overworked and knackered out member of writing.. lets be honest, most xjw's do not read past the first few paragraphs, but we all expect our letters will be read by the wts or its representatives, analysed and then responded to.
the reality is that they are rapidly scanned for 'juicy bits' and dumped into a bin marked, 'oh, god not another one!..
Hi Hillary Step,
I think I knew they wouldn't read a long one. Your post confirms it.
But maybe I should have tried to make them laugh...
There are a few phrases of Russell's in there borrowed from the letter he sent when he disassociated from his fellow editor; however, I doubt they made the connection.
Your levity is appreciated. Larc and Mr Ben made good points, and Farkel's was as succinct as ever.
Good advice to readers on the verge....make it short and leave them laughing when you go.
dear brothers,.
we jehovah's witnesses number into the millions.. when my watchtower came in the mail the first thing i looked at was 'questions from the readers' as i felt this would be where 'new light' would probably be found.. lately, i've noticed that there are not too many issues have any questions from readers.
how could this possibly be, with millions of us?
Hi Outaservice,
You didn't really think those questions were from readers did you?
Ray Franz talks about issues that came up and the GB would decide to put in a question from readers all on their own.
well, you have to admit it most da letters are boring.
especially so are the ones that contain 15-20 pages full of quotes from the golden age of march 15th 1917, or an obscure reference to a slip of the pen made by some overworked and knackered out member of writing.. lets be honest, most xjw's do not read past the first few paragraphs, but we all expect our letters will be read by the wts or its representatives, analysed and then responded to.
the reality is that they are rapidly scanned for 'juicy bits' and dumped into a bin marked, 'oh, god not another one!..
Hi HS,
I like the ones here better than the one I sent.
However is was short (and serious) and I don't mind reproducing it here.
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Congregation
xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Presiding Overseer
xxxx xxxxxx xxxx Road
xxxx xxxxxx, CA xxxxx
Dear xxxxxx,
This letter, I pray, will help to explain my absence from activity for the WTBTS and to request that my name be dropped from membership in the xxxxxxx xxxx congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are teachings that I do not agree with and cannot reconcile with our Father's word, which teachings I would be required to believe and teach were I to remain a member of the WTBTS. Knowing that disassociation brings the same censure as disfellowshiping, I view these restrictions as binding only on members of the Society and not on me.
While it is my desire to discontinue activity for the WTBTS, I do not view this as a discontinuance of my association with people I know and love. How they choose to react to me is their choice. Nor is this a discontinuance of belief in and obedience to Jehovah God and his Son Christ Jesus, our Lord and redeemer. Far from it! My love for God our Father, who desires that we worship him in spirit and truth, and love for our savior Jesus, who said he is the only way to the Father, brings me to this decision in my life.
Is there any teaching of the Society that I could disagree with and still remain? I believe the answer to that is "No"; therefore, I will not go into the difference of view that has arisen as to the teaching of our Father's word.
I pray that peace will be yours and that Jehovah will keep watch over you and your loved ones.
Sincerely yours,
here iz mine:.
#1) "a cancer of the soul".
#2) "a fools paradise".
"I bear them witness that they have a certain zeal and enthusiasm for God, but it is not enlightened and according to correct and vital knowledge....for being ignorant of the righteousness that God ascribes which makes one acceptable to Him in word, thought, and deed and seeking to establish a righteousness (a means of salvation) of their own, they did not obey or submit themselves to God's righteousness."
A stiff-necked people
hey yall,.
there have been much response to the wts being involved with the un and i could not read all of the posts.
if i am addressing something that have already been addressed please excuse me.. i think that they pulled because the president of the usa asked everyone to set up a program of assistance for all of the victims and their families of the wtc disaster.
Okay, here's another opinion.
They got found out and decided to withdraw and engage in as much damage control as they could by saying it was just for the library card and that the UN changed the requirements for NGO's (which they didn't, but what jw is going to challenge them let alone check it out?), requirements which went against their "Christian" beliefs.
They actually state that they are thankful for it being brought to their attention....thankful to "apostates" I wonder?
They know their members are anxious for any explanation, it doesn't matter what.
we all know the jw view of abortion before leaving but what about now?
how have your views changed?
i used to secretly cheer when i heard that women had gained more rights concerning abortions.
I have the same view of abortion that I did before, during, and
after being a jw.....I don't want to be the one to tell someone
they have to give birth to their father's child or a rapist's child,
or to allow a pregnancy to end their life.
But I believe those are maybe 1% of the reasons why abortions are
performed, and the most common is that it's not a convenient time to
have a child. So it's become a form of birth-control anyway, and I'm
not in favor of that.
As far as taking a life, yes, it is ending a life.
i still am newly inactive (5 months).
i just moved to a new area, feeling pretty good about things.
finding out about myself and what i want from life for me and my daughter.. today my door bell rang.
Good for you, Amy; I envy you being able to do it and that
you are able to get your daughter away from wts influence.
Keep doing it. They may not say anything to you but they just
might feel the same way I did when I first came on-line and
found out all the information about the org....that the people
we were calling on knew more about the workings of the GB than
those of us still hawking their publications door to door.
One example was the shake up at the annual meeting last year
when the GB resigned from the Board of Directors, etc. I found
out about it on the internet and told other jw's.
I disassociated last February. I still have family in. Not
everyone shuns me...some do, some don't.
When the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!!