In former GB member R. Franz's COC book, he describes a similar event but it would have been the early 80's. Two respected Elders from Ireland came to see Franz and his friend Griegerson after they heard about Franz's DFing by the Society. They found it unbelievable but were in for more shocks as they were turned away by the GB and then were followed back to Ireland for more trouble there leading to their own ultimate Crisis of Conscience. It's a great read and I highly recommend this book for this story and the book as a whole. Don't know if this is what you are referring to but it sure sounds close.
JoinedPosts by Liberty
The Dublin/Ireland Apostasy of the 1970's
by Jim Dee inin jw land there is an account/gossip/talk of a great apostasy event in dublin in the late 1970s.
the society apparently had to send in an enforcer and the "dubs" were dealt with very harshly.. anybody any account/details of it?.
nuttin' big. just a few questions
by apostate man ina few other questions i had.
do jw's hunt?
my jw in-law is totally against guns and i am wandering if it is ok to hunt animals?
JWs are anti-gun and semi anti-hunting. They will use hunting rifles if the prey is eaten but claim to not be like Nimrod, a sport hunter. One of my JW relatives refused even to touch an AK-47 gasping that it was, "a weapon of war". They are also strongly discouraged by the Society from owning or using hand guns. Hunting is discouraged as well because it cuts into service time, but not outright forbidden.
These are examples of extra-biblical rules(suggestions) JWs live under as swords(the ancient equivelent of a hand gun or assault rifle) were carried by the Apostles and hunting of any kind was never discouraged or prohibited in the Bible. No where does the Bible say one cannot be both a soldier and a Christian.
For those who've left - any regrets?
by starfish422 ini left almost nine years ago at age 18; my only real regret was that i was good friends with a young brother and i never said goodbye to him, or even let him know that i was planning to leave (had to leave my parents' home secretly while they were at the meeting one sunday; they had such a hold over me that i could never have stood up to them and told them beforehand).
i have no other regrets about leaving; i'm am now happily agnostic and so thankful that i found the strength to break free.. anyone have any similar regrets?
No regrets! The best thing I ever did. You can't put a price on getting your life back.
The story of Samson
by Simon injust a few things in the account that don't make sense and lead me to believe it's just a made of story (really?
a guy with superhuman power?
who would have thought... ).
RWC illustrates my point beautifully.
The story of Samson
by Simon injust a few things in the account that don't make sense and lead me to believe it's just a made of story (really?
a guy with superhuman power?
who would have thought... ).
Hi Simon,
Great board, by the way! It is amazing how silly these biblical fairy stories are when read with the Watchtower blinders off. I remember years ago sitting in a Kingdom Hall having this nonsense rationalized. As I recall, the Society explained that the long hair was just a "symbol" of Samson's obedience to God and that when the Philistines cut it Jehovah's spirit left Samson along with his superhuman strength since Samson had sinned by getting himself into this situation. But you are exactly right in that if this was truely the case then why did his hair have to grow back in order for him to regain his strength if it was from God all along? He could have been bald and still had his strength return if that(God providing his strength) was really the point of the story. It's obvious that the original story tellers had no "symbolic" meaning in mind and that it was just an entertaining story.
Modern religious fanatics are always embelishing Bible stories to help make them rational to folks who are now more sophesticated than ancient goat herders. Their explainations are always extra-biblical, overly complex, and just plain wishful thinking. Most of the Bible is myth and nonsense which makes for great movies but poor philosophy to base ones life upon. For a real laugh try reading the biblical creation account literally without all the modern explainations/rationalizations. It really is beyond silly.
Why are men so fascinated with Breasts?
by butalbee income on boys, tell me what is your fascination with clevage?
do you dream of big breasts?
does the cup size really matter?
If I wanted to get all scientific on you I think Desmond Morris' (author of "The Naked Ape") theory is as good as any. The ass was the real seat of sexual interest for our all-fours ancestors cause that's where the important reproductive "naughty bits" are but as we developed an upright posture the butt just wasn't prominant or high enough to be seen from a distance so we began to breed selectively for a replacement which looked very similar but were higher up and more prominant in an upright posture, round full breasts. No other mammal maintains full breasts unless they are being used for feeding infants and since no other mammals routinly walk upright I think it makes as much sense as any that only human females develop prominant boobs as a secondary sexual marker.
I can see 'em from quite a distance and they do get my attention. Nice healthy hair and big clear eyes are interesting too but you have to be much closer to make judgements about these. A great ass is important too but these are best appreciated in the kneeling posture seen when one is about to get intimate from behind which is usually way past the first impresssions stage of a relationship. In short, humans engineered boobs through selective breeding as an evolutionary adaptation to an upright posture. As for myself, I like them because their skin is usually very soft and they just plain feel good to squeeze and fondle not to mention the nice stiff nipples. I think, from my own limited experiance, that most women enjoy the boobular sex play too and some orgasims are achieved from just boob play alone. The boobs add extra areas for stimulation so I'm all for 'em. Heck, they look good too.
I also disagree with all the folks who automatically assume that a healthy chest isn't natural. I've known many women who are in the 38DD-42DD zone who were all natural. I'd have to say that fake boobs just don't look right when they are naked but work as an attention getter in clothes. A nice figure is a real plus for me which includes a healthy chest but I'm also interested in other things. A nice voice, pretty hands and feet, shapely calves and, of course, a great personality. But you can't see most of that stuff from a distance. Something has to attract your interest in the first place, and boobs are a pretty good start.
So why DID they join the UN??
by Xander inkind of wondering.. obviously, i'm aware of the society's hypocrasy re: the un.
i've been talking about it with family members, and finally one threw out a question i didn't know offhand.. if the library card excuse is false (i am pretty sure it is), then why did they join?.
considering their public position on the un, it would only be a matter of time after joining that the details would come back to haunt them, so why risk it?.
Hi Xander,
You bring up an interesting point but any answer still shows how unfair the WTB&S has been to its rank & file members for years and, as you said, points out their shameless hypocrasy. Even if joining was for something as innocent as using the UN's library, a regular JW would be DF'd for much less even if their reasons were just as innocent. I am reminded of the JW soft drink delivery man who was told that it was unchristian to make his deliveries to a military base and was threatened with DFing if he continued, as recounted by R. Franz in C O C. What could be more innocent than delivering soft drinks to military men and their families? How could delivering pop to somebody make you "guilty" of their actions anyway?
If the UN is a part of Satan's organization(as the Watchtower preaches) then any involvment with them is much worse than bringing Pepsi to a military base. Considering the Society's long standing teachings about the UN, any reason used as to why the WTB&S joined/associated with the UN at any level couldn't possibly be justified by anyone but a brainwashed cult member.
Sorry Henry but generations upon generations for over 2000 years have waited on the Bible's hollow promises to be fullfilled only to be disappointed over & over again. Promises like these are useless, what if I promised you a million dollars but never specified when you'd get it and a hundred generations later your children's children are still waiting? Most would call it fraud. You live a fantasy more unreal than Bigfoot, Nessy, and UFOs put together. If there were a God and He promises things which He never delivers on then He is evil and unworthy of our worship. I've been fooled enough. The Watchtower's promises have been PROVEN false over and over again. You need to get your mind around these FACTS and live a real life. WAKE UP! The Bible is nonsense and the Watchtower is nonsense based on more nonsense. The evidence is indisputable. A reasonable God would forgive us our disbelief considering all the evidence.
My Mother is all Norwegian, my Father is a mix of Swiss, Welsh, and English. The Norwegian in me likes to stir up trouble but the rest of me is too sensitive to bear the consequences so I'm always fighting my impulses. Another strange mix living in the ol' U.S.A. with the rest of the mongrels.
Jennifer Connelly
by LB inwith all the hype i've posted about britney i now must make a confession.
to be honest the celebrity i find the most attractive is jennifer connelly.
she most recently played a lead role in a beautiful mind.
Thanks for all the great pictures LB. I've been lusting after JC since I was a young'n (obsessed to the point of looking for girl friends that looked like her) so I really appreciated the gallery. UMMMMummm GOOOD! I loved those eyebrows too. What a babe! Thanks again. My girl friend had me from day one when she first talked to me. All I could say over and over to myself was, "she looks like JC" Oh man, she also turned to be better than any innocent JW boy could have dreamed as we violated all of the Society's "moral" codes.