That Korah incident....
Korah went against god's hands down rep. Moses had credentials to PROVE he was that mediator of old. Splitting seas, plagues, clouds floating over the tent whenever he went inside. I mean, who could dispute his appointment?
Now, Christ is our hands down mediator. Christ had credentials to PROVE he was so. Voices from heaven, miracles, etc..After death, Paul heard from him, Stephen looked up and saw him, etc. There is no man or group of men equal. In fact, for the GB to say they are god's reps and no one can be approved without THEM means they deny the actual mediator and THEY are behaving just like Korah. Personally, I don't think JWs actually believe that Christ is the reigning King. Other than at Memorial time, who even knew he (Christ) existed?
Remember when Jesus was riding into Jerusalem and the people cried out with praise and he said if they did not then the rocks would cry out? Truthfully, today, I'd rather listen to a rock than the GB. At least the rocks would have their story straight.