"I choose to do the will of my father." I'm certain you can find this one.
You could also read Matt. 20 and its equivalents.
He was supposed to die and he knew it. He had a choice, just like Satan and everyone else. He knew the Roman guards were coming for him, yet he CHOSE to stay put knowing full well what was going to happen.
The OT God is similar. Patient, loving, etc. I don't see a cruel God. However, I saw a bunch of whiny ungrateful people. The problem is the Israelites were rotten as all hell and they wanted humans for rulers. They kept being carried off into captivity for a reason.
Sure he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... He did so at the request of the nations surrounding that area .. there wern't any Israelites back then.
You do realize that when Jesus returns according to the Bible he's coming to kill the wicked, don't you? The scroll John ate was bitterweet for a reason ... he's coming to KILL. You can read Matt-Rev for that info. Never mistake his kindness for weakness.