Coffee is for me ...
Thanks to a cofee cup, I won't give coffee up.
Nothing natural is bad for you in moderation, its the additives that damage.
from the los angeles times.
read this over coffee.
Coffee is for me ...
Thanks to a cofee cup, I won't give coffee up.
Nothing natural is bad for you in moderation, its the additives that damage.
it always amazes me how expendable we are to this organization.
especially if you are the mom of unbaptized children and the wife to the 'unbeliever'.
in my experience, i was let go and forgotten quite easily (although i get the feeling it might not be over!).
Do they even know your name?
It always amazed me how Paul when sending greetings actually knew people's names, both male and female.
You should know that if both partners are not JW, you will not be as 'included' as the two-fers (unless you are male). Even with males it can be kind of iffy.
when exactly is the end?.
i am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.
" matt 28:20. .
The Judaic way of life.
Its gone. No Temple (just a rubbled wall), no Arc, no burnt sacrafices, no human King, no knowledge of tribal descent ... nothing ... poof.
the wife just got back from a one-day special circuit meeting (or whatever they call it) at the regional assembly hall.
it's got a capacity of about 1,200, fully paid for, staffed by volunteers and in use for less than eight hours.
then the guy making the announcement tells the crowd that the one-day expenses for the gig was about $6,600 (?!!!)...
.... Yep and JDR used his snare and racket to set up a rather comfortable life for his cigar smoking book selling alcoholic self.
if his message was to be followed like a rule book, wouldn't he have written down some things with his own hand?.
and Josephus' mentioning of Christians.
if his message was to be followed like a rule book, wouldn't he have written down some things with his own hand?.
Only God knows the day and hour. No one else knows, not even the Son.
Those who consider themselves "wise" are supposed to be confused. Good for filtering out 'false prophets'.
Plus it apparently wasn't in the plan for him to be a novelist. Teachers speak and students take notes.
if his message was to be followed like a rule book, wouldn't he have written down some things with his own hand?.
The Jewish tradition was to teach orally and pass down teachings orally.
They had written scrolls. Jesus opened the scroll and read a verse from it. If he could read, he could write.
if his message was to be followed like a rule book, wouldn't he have written down some things with his own hand?.
That's what disciples (students) are for.
the thing is, a lot of us thought we'd never die.
do you comprehend what a truly massive mind-fuck that is?
when i was embroiled in doubts and knew i was heading 'out of the truth' i remember waves of nausea hitting me.
Fine with me.
I figured it would have been easier to gain 'the prize' had I been chased by crazy mobs, sawed in half, or eaten by lions ... for JWs, the words "undeserved kindness" are completely lost and who ever is made to feel good enough?
In my dreams (even when young) I was always looking down at the earth, not on it playing with critters and such. Strange.
I realized what is most important is what is in my heart, how I treat others, and how I live my life.