Didn't JD say that the name JWs came to him in a dream or something like that?
Posts by Lieu
I know this has been asked before, BUT
by Leprechaun indo jehovahs witnesses and their hierarchy claim that they receive direct revelations from god (jehovah)?
if so, can you give me quotes, i would like to show some of my family members who say they are not like the pope of rome, or the mormons.
thanks .
Why is Ray Franz the only GB member to have ever resigned?
by yadda yadda 2 init's always seemed a bit odd to me that ray franz is the only gb member to have ever resigned, particularly for such a controversial religion.. we know from ray franz's books that there is often debate amongst the gb about new ideas sometimes introduced and often they are quite divided in their opinions.. i am not sure when the "governing body" officially began (wikipedia's explanation is messy) but it was quite a few decades ago.
there have been dozens of members of the gb since it's creation (does anyone know the exact total number?).
one would think that there would have been a few more disgruntled gb members over the years who would have resigned if the gb voted against some proposal they felt very strongly about.
How many generational welfare recipeints get off? Honestly, these guys are one step above welfare queens, the difference being every now and then they send out a book for all the money they get. No charity, no food packages for needy 'friends', no building small homes for low income 'friends' [the ones they encouraged not to go to college], nothing, nada.
They stay beause they don't want to have to get real jobs, pay rent, pay gas & electric, buy their own gas, have a car note, buy food, live in the real world .... those are scary things for people who have never had to do so.
Like the catholic heirarchy, they are content to live in high security domiciles off of other people's money, while the majority of their "flock" can barely scratch together two nickels.
Franz leaving was like leaving off of welfare. A brave thing to do considering his age at the time.
by SusanHere inmy sister was a pioneer for decades.
she loved the jehovah's witness religion with all her heart and nobody anywhere could have tried harder to live its teachings.
but now, finally .... she's washed her hands of the jehovah's witnesses once and for all.
I hope she finds some true happiness.
Think ive changed...can see it quite a bit laterly.PLEASE!!
by angel eyes inputting this out there.....going back 12months ago i was completely different to how i am now.
i am still loyal to jah and dont go against the scriptures, but even though ive recently returned to pioneering (only aux pio at present) i see im a little more laid back.. i think this has come through having to endure hell and back without any help, except jehovah, which im not complaining, im so glad his been there for me, for us both.
but i really believe that due to things that have badly and wrongly been allowed to take place etc its moulded me a little different to how i was.
Well AE, you said no one helped you but Jah. So if you've finally figured out he's all you need ... why return to those whom you do not need nor were there to help you?
I figured it out a long long time ago. Satying with Jah and your core beliefs does not mean staying with those who are a "downer" to your mental health.
Leaving them in no way shape or form equates to leaving Jah ... no matter how much someone says it is.
You are perplexed ... because had a a far more sustaining and closer relationship with Jah when you weren't aroung JWs.
Admit it.
PS. Some of the people here are totally out of line to the point of nasty. Why treat someone as nasty as you claim to have been treated? Is that supposed to be helpful?
CO visit this week
by JerkhovahsWitless infor the first time, i didn't attend the meeting when the co came.
my family went, which i figured would lead to them being questioned about me.. i thought for sure the cultists would be knocking on my door with the fat old wind-bag co to "encourage" me.
unless they stopped by this week when no one was home, it looks like no one wants to save me from armageddon.
I think he's supposed to be like a Paul reconstruct, except he is nothing like Paul.
Am i correct?
by angel eyes inthis is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?.
i feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world.
i say that because they have family who are witnesses too.
Black Sheep, how could you?
LOL ... I hated that book as a youngster. I can't recall a single good thing about it ... pure fearmongering.
Proof the GB does not really believe the end is comming.....
by Albert Einstein inif you were a leader of a small group that should survive a worldwide disaster and will be left on their own, not being able to use now common services would you:.
a) encourage your members to learn all possible skills and to get all possible today available education, maybe even organized "who will learn what" to cover really every aspect of future life and to be really prepared ..... or.
b) discurage your members from education, letting them just sit home or at meetings and keep repeating: "the end is comming, the end is comming ... be ready, the end is comming...".
...out in FS, I recall the pioneers taking "dibs" on people's houses. I was under the impression they felt as though the houses and stuff would remain.
Even if infrastructure remained, who is qualified to keep things working? [powerplants, water systems, communication etc.] Is everything supposed to just pop into everyone's mind?
Can't imagine where they get those thoughts from ... ?
Did You Start "Losing It" As A Witness?
by minimus inwere you emotionally or mentally unbalanced at any time while you were a jehovah's witness?.
Nope. Unless thinking about driving wooden stakes through certain people is a disorder.
New Light: Don't hold hands during prayers
by RR infrom the watchtower november 15 study edition.. 19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
" (1 pet 2:17) there may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a christian meeting.
(eccl 3:1) for instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer.
They're telling people not to do it without telling people not to do it .... classic!
Young JW sisters in a hurry
by asilentone indid you notice any young jw sisters in the past that did rush to get married too young and to have a baby right away before the end comes?
did you hear any stories of regret?
i was wondering if the watchtower is to blame for?.
Yep, seen plenty and those 'sex' marraiges last about 2 yrs tops, with a few exceptions.