Liars are not able to speak plainly for the truth is not in them; it's lawyer speak they've printed knowing full well it is a lie to include, "Or".
Btw, great response!
so ofs was at the wt this morning, and on par.
14 the question was, "what trust can a faithful christian whose relative is disfellowshipped have?".
after awhile when no one else raised their hands ofs did, and was called on.. ofs commented, "one of jw can have the trust that god will lovingly give them the ability to uphold the disfellowshipping arrangement by totally shunning family members.".
Liars are not able to speak plainly for the truth is not in them; it's lawyer speak they've printed knowing full well it is a lie to include, "Or".
Btw, great response!
last study article of march study edition of watchtower .
the sheep and the goats are people from all nations.
they will be judged toward the end of the great tribulation that will soon begin.
When one of those kept men washes my feet ....
Any monies given by the real Christians went to help the poor and needy, not to build buildings or line the pockets of Christ's "brothers" who could very well support themselves. Besides, those are instructions for the so-called "annointed, not the rest of us.
Burdensome greedy Judases.Go get a job!
*Religion is a snare and a racket*
in my studies i have found that much of the bible is a retelling of older stories from babylon, sumerian, and egypt.
it's starting to look to me as though the writer of the book of revelations may have used the idea of tiamat 's monsters as his templet when writing about the beasts in this book.
one similarity is the scorpion men or the men depicted as having scorpions tales that will ride around and kill a third of the earth.
Meh, it's just Mesopotamian symbolism. Everyone in the region in that time would have some idea what you mean from the symbolism ...
Of course we'd think it strange. We're not ancient Mesopotamians nor are we familiar, in general, with anything but "Western" symbolism and points of view.
i have researched the meaning of the word pioneer in a number of online references.
none of the meanings seem to match watchtower's use of the word.
the word refers to persons who are trailblazers; persons who are the first to settle new territory; persons who initiate some new field or technology.. jws' use of the term to refer to publishers who spend a long time preaching every month, does not in the slightest bit, match the definition.
I would think it goes back to the 1800's when the few Bible Students would visit homesteads on chicken wagons and such. Back when there was still vast wilderness in the US and "Indian Territories" being settled.
Now, it's just a title to boost egos of mostly female JWs who pretty much have nothing else in the Org.
i've noticed increasing amounts of jw's are coming off fb and deactivating completely.
all with the same reason which they post about at lenght which is that they wwant to focus more on their spiritual life and not have the distraction of fb.. have i missed something or is this just a coincidence?.
i decided to go to the bethel recruiting meeting yesterday to test out my theory that the organization is in decline.
i assumed that if there is a general feeling of apathy by many in the org, then certainly it would be shown up by the lack of enthusiasm or zeal by many to sign up for bethel service.
well let me say that based on what i observed, this organization is not going anywhere.
The current economic situation demands those of little education and meager skill to search for free food and housing anywhere they can. I would think the turnout large.
It's not like the WTBTS takes care of its poor, aging, or needy members outside of HQ. They aren't like the Apostles or 1st Century Christians. No charity. No general fund. Nada.
looks like the faithful jws are back in the basement, the oct 15th wt has this image on page 9. but now the lights have been turned out!
i guess the persecution is really kicking in if the electric company has shut off their electricity, or the jws are really, really paranoid that the government is gonna get them if they have the lights on!.
only one guy is smart enough to use his tablet (far right), the rest of the jws are old school, using a lantern to read their bibles in the dark!
Are they supposed to be meeting 'secretly' at night or something?
I think they just need some "new light"â–ªtm
i was shocked to learn dr. zacharias studied with the jws and why he never became a jw, it was the jws incompetence that lead to dr. zacharias leading a different path in life.
he's one of the best speakers and logicians in my opinion, he's got two phds and works with extraordinary men and women willing to speak at any university or mormon temple because the word he uses is based off the word.
how come the governing body are afraid to attend q/as at yale, cambridge, oxford, ucla, harvard, rutgers ect..??
I didn't read the OP, because well, seriously too long.
Anyhow, I have no use for, "soon" every other day. Wait my Magic 8 ball is broken! 2000 yrs ago, Apostles said 'deliverance was near' .... Leave it be! Nor people lacking any knowledge of "grace" (undeserved kindness in JW speak). It's called undeserved because you don't deserve it; you can NEVER earn it. God's mercy is gifted freely. Sheesh!
it will be interesting to see what will happen with the "beloved" 501c3 tax exempt status which the churches hold so dearly onto.
the first-century christians met in homes.
they did not have exemption from taxes to the governments.
Mark 12:13-17 WEBThey sent some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians to him, that they might trap him with words. [14] When they had come, they asked him, "Teacher, we know that you are honest, and don't defer to anyone; for you aren't partial to anyone, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? [15] Shall we give, or shall we not give?" But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, "Why do you test me? Bring me a denarius, that I may see it." [16] They brought it. He said to them, "Whose is this image and inscription?" They said to him, "Caesar's." [17] Jesus answered them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." They marveled greatly at him.
Biblically speaking, they should never have been tax exempt.
the last article in this new wt, shows me that the organization is dealing with much information that is damaging them.
i am sure that the many recent lawsuits are being noticed by the r&f.. here are some gems from that article, titled the naive person believes every word.
we must be very selective about what we consider worthy of our attention.
Pardon me, um, but who actually prepared for a WT study? Each paragraph spits the answers to the questions out like a 3rd grade picture book. No one has to strain a cell with an actual thought to answer. I disliked them because they were so condescending and impersonal. At least if you pass research along it makes the mundane boredom of it a tad bit interesting.
The Internet.
People who grew up in third world dictatorships knew how to use it. Nigerian scammers have been using it for decades. Who doesn't know how to use it but maybe some 70's and up?
Make sure of all things.
Revelation 2:2 GW
I know what you have done-how hard you have worked and how you have endured. I also know that you cannot tolerate wicked people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not apostles. You have discovered that they are liars.