It is Isaiah after all....seemed like 'good people' to me.
Posts by Lieu
Comments Please
by searcher inisaiah 10:1,2 (nwt) .
woe to those who are enacting harmful regulations and those who, constantly writing, have written out sheer trouble, 2 in order to push away the lowly ones from a legal case and to wrest away justice from the afflicted ones of my people
sounds prophetic to me!
by Lieu ini was looking over rev chpt 6 .... and have always wondered how wt articles could say gb members recieved their heavenly reward when absolutely none of them had met a violent death upholding the name of christ.
as a matter of fact, gb members have had a pretty easy if not extremely comfortable life without physical persecution (they always let the rank and file be the ones killed).
they basically have existed like hermits.. anyway, the verse that catches my eye is 11 where it states for the holy ones to rest a while longer until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they also had been.. just curious because all the true christians (those who would not change their faith in god and christ) died by violence, throughout the ages.
I was looking over Rev chpt 6 .... and have always wondered how WT articles could say GB members recieved their heavenly reward when absolutely NONE of them had met a violent death upholding the name of Christ. As a matter of fact, GB members have had a pretty easy if not extremely comfortable life without physical persecution (they always let the rank and file be the ones killed). They basically have existed like hermits.
Anyway, the verse that catches my eye is 11 where it states for the holy ones to rest a while longer until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be KILLED as they also had been.
Just curious because ALL the true Christians (those who would not change their faith in God and Christ) died by violence, throughout the ages.
What do y'all think? ... In order to recieve a heavenly reward, wouldn't one think a violent death is a prerequisite?
by minimus ininsight v1..".congregation..."the christian congregation of god...."those chosen by god to be members of the christian congregation are anointed with holy spirit.
" ,,,,can jehovah's witnesses rightly say , by their own publications, that they are the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses?
....only the anointed are said to be of the christian congregation........and we all know there's no "anointed" left.
Apparently, two or three people gathered in Christs name....
is the WTBTS the False Prophet??
by 67mustang in.
i was wondering if anybody thinks the wtbts is possibly the "false prophet" of revelation???.
please comment.
...The "Man of Lawlessness" maybe?
... Evil slave that beats his fellow slaves while the Master is away, maybe?
...Evil servant who hides his coin (knowledge and true benefits of Christ's ransom) in the dirt, maybe?
Ooooh, ooh, I know....the "some" referred to in...Timothy:
" later periods of time some would fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of of demons (1914!!!!1919!!!1925!!!1975!!! ---who said that?, I didn't say neither...hey, who's there?!!!) by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies (JFR&FF "Millions now living will never Die!!!" ), marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; forbidding to marry (Bethelites and "Children" (tm)), commanding to abstain from foods (Count Chocula) which God created to be partaken with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth...."
Edited to add more stuff
Edited by - Lieu on 23 July 2002 6:1:54
ARMAGGEDON has arrived !!
by refiners fire inhow often does that thought cross your mind?.
it played on mine yesterday.
ive got a very expansive view across the melbourne flatlands and yesterday i looked out the back window and saw this dark grey storm wall coming in with rain so heavy that it was like a solid sheet of grey, swallowing the land.
LOL @ refiners fire!!!
For JW's...Where in the Bible does it say...
by Wolfgirl in...that men are not allowed to grow beards?.
i don't know if this is true where you live, but where i used to live, it was against "policy" for brothers to have beards.
any man who did have one was looked down upon.
Its because Rutherford did not like beards ... bearded brothers reminded him of Russel's presidency and Jews (which were at the top of his long hate list) ... and that's the simple truth.
Its not in the Bible because it was actually seen as a disgrace for a man shave his beard. Never mind the God saw fit to have hair grow on men's faces....that's all superficial, right?
Its like asking where in the Bible it says collard shirts with ties are necessary to show respect for God. Jesus and the Apostles would be disfellowshipped if they were here on earth today.
Its specifically a man made up rule dependant on the whims of whomever deems themselves to be in charge and enslave others to those whims.
ARMAGGEDON has arrived !!
by refiners fire inhow often does that thought cross your mind?.
it played on mine yesterday.
ive got a very expansive view across the melbourne flatlands and yesterday i looked out the back window and saw this dark grey storm wall coming in with rain so heavy that it was like a solid sheet of grey, swallowing the land.
When young I used to have those.....funny how they seem to take after a scene out of the 'Paradise Lost Paradise Regained' (tm) book, isn't it? I think that book did more mind damage than anything else ever printed by WBTS.
As I got older, the big "A" didn't scare me anymore, after reading the Bible, I concluded that all Christians were admonished to be joyful at its arrival....not afraid!
Its odd how the term "fear inspiring" has become equated with "terrifying" .... I guess JWs are a terror driven org as a whole.
by minimus inevery book that is published, every magazine written ,highlights the hebrew scriptures as opposed to the you think it's because most christians stress christ's words and jw's need to be different?
Yes, Christ, Paul, James, etc....used the OT to prove that Christ was indeed the fortold Messiah. They also referred to incidents in the OT as WARNINGS and also incidents of faith. NEVER did they refer people to following the Mosaic Law codes rules and regs. In fact, the big to do in Acts was over the Jewish Christians intending to impose the circumcision on the Gentile Christians.
The big to do with the Jews charging Paul before his death had to do with his telling people they were no longer required to carry out the Mosaic Law.....'ya darn skippy he did.
If you want to live under ANY aspect of the Mosaic Law, than you have to live under ALL aspects of're gonna need a whole lot of cattle for that.
Besides that, if you wanna impose the Code on others, than you have just made Christ's sacrafice meaningless. What you would be saying is that Christ died for NOTHING....and Jah wasted his time and Son on you.
"Furthermore, though YOU were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcised state of YOUR flesh, [God] made you alive together with him, he kindly forgave us all out trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake." -NWT Col. 2:13,14
Sure, the OT is a good reference in helping any Christian prove that Christ is the one the text points to as the Messiah. Its beneficial in to understanding what the heck is going on but it isn't meant for Christians to be under that code. It gives us a reference for absolute joy to know Jehovah has given Christians a much better arrangement.
Ray Franz has anyone read Crisi of Conscience?
by 67mustang ini am interested in ray franz.
can anybody comment on him?
i've heard rumors, but partial ones from jw's.
Personally, I refuse to be like the WBTS Writing department .... folks are gonna have to read the book themselves and then come back to discuss it.
Russia wasn't "Communist" it was "Socialist"...just to get that straight. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I guess it was more fun to say commie than socie...but in any event, they were never communist. Nothing communal about the old republic.
Communism is what 1st Century Christianity and small tribes (still untouched by civilization) practiced. You gather up all the resources, bring them into the center of the camp, and divide the portions up equally among the people. No one person is in control of the resources.
In general,communism, means that the ENTIRE community holds ownership to the land, food, etc. See the word "community" in communism?
Socialism is a whole different ballgame. It means that a small centralized group speaks for and holds all ownership within the community. Supposedly for the good of the community; which seldom ever is. Like Fascism (one person holding all power) Socialism provides the masses with absolutely no rights and controls all facets of the gubmint.
The WBTS is Socialist in nature. It claims to be Facist, when claiming that Christ holds all power (since 1914)as King, but the small group has usurped his power and made themselves in charge. So, during their coup d' etat....the WBTS figurativelly killed off Christ from being in charge.