sure is....630pm EST...errr, uh, right now!
Edited by - Lieu on 23 July 2002 18:48:29
a story about a jw man sueing his dr. over blood transfsion was just announced to be on within a few minutes.
truman sure is....630pm EST...errr, uh, right now!
Edited by - Lieu on 23 July 2002 18:48:29
i used to hate the kingdom melodies, but maybe i did like one or two i think one was called "apostates on the march" @ i feel so human
Any song that had a tune in an octave way above any singable key known to made for loads of funnies.
do you think that, if say you fell over and and seriously injured yourself in the street, would a jw you knew passing by help you knowing that you were disfellowshipped or so called apostate.
maybe even come to see you at home if you were unwell or depressed,i mean how many witnesses have assisted or helped you when you needed it mostly,you see i thought they were supposed to encourage you to become so called spiritually stronger.but saying that when you were active as a jw do you think you were helped in times of distress or illness by your fellow jw,for instance i know a woman who's still a witness but hasnt been to meetings for say a year and thats because she has severe athritis and guess what only 1 j-dub has wrote to her so to her it seems like if your not a regular at meeting you may as well be classed as disfellowshipped.
Nope. I would think not.
I caught neumonia during pioneer school and was bed ridden for two weeks. During those two weeks one sister (along with her daughter) from my congregation came to visit....and that was someone whom I would have never guessed would stop by. (there are some good folks in there)
I recieved absolutely no phone calls from any of the brothers, not even my own BSC/BSO.
found this posted and thought it should be brought to the attention of members ......... "from: [email protected] .
i have since had a chance to look into this matter.
the numbers are way off beam and appear to have been exaggerated by someone.
Thus, for example, one who defrauded his Christian brother or who failed to provide materially for his wife and children would find himself outside the congregation if he did not repent.1 Tim. 5:8.The injured party could thereafter decide whether legal action should be taken in an attempt to force the guilty one, now disfellowshiped, to rectify matters.
Since when have courts asked for a person's religion?....wait til disfellowshipped?....the whole process could take months! ...
Jehovah God has permitted secular authority to serve as his instrument in bringing lawbreakers to justice, and in this case the one wronged would be availing himself of legal help after exhausting the intracongregational means to have the wrong corrected.Rom. 13:3, 4.
The scripture is true...."after exausting the intercongregational means" ....<----- I don't see that part anywhere in the noted scripture.
isaiah 10:1,2 (nwt) .
woe to those who are enacting harmful regulations and those who, constantly writing, have written out sheer trouble, 2 in order to push away the lowly ones from a legal case and to wrest away justice from the afflicted ones of my people
sounds prophetic to me!
It is Isaiah after all....seemed like 'good people' to me.
i was looking over rev chpt 6 .... and have always wondered how wt articles could say gb members recieved their heavenly reward when absolutely none of them had met a violent death upholding the name of christ.
as a matter of fact, gb members have had a pretty easy if not extremely comfortable life without physical persecution (they always let the rank and file be the ones killed).
they basically have existed like hermits.. anyway, the verse that catches my eye is 11 where it states for the holy ones to rest a while longer until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they also had been.. just curious because all the true christians (those who would not change their faith in god and christ) died by violence, throughout the ages.
I was looking over Rev chpt 6 .... and have always wondered how WT articles could say GB members recieved their heavenly reward when absolutely NONE of them had met a violent death upholding the name of Christ. As a matter of fact, GB members have had a pretty easy if not extremely comfortable life without physical persecution (they always let the rank and file be the ones killed). They basically have existed like hermits.
Anyway, the verse that catches my eye is 11 where it states for the holy ones to rest a while longer until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be KILLED as they also had been.
Just curious because ALL the true Christians (those who would not change their faith in God and Christ) died by violence, throughout the ages.
What do y'all think? ... In order to recieve a heavenly reward, wouldn't one think a violent death is a prerequisite?
insight v1..".congregation..."the christian congregation of god...."those chosen by god to be members of the christian congregation are anointed with holy spirit.
" ,,,,can jehovah's witnesses rightly say , by their own publications, that they are the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses?
....only the anointed are said to be of the christian congregation........and we all know there's no "anointed" left.
Apparently, two or three people gathered in Christs name....
i was wondering if anybody thinks the wtbts is possibly the "false prophet" of revelation???.
please comment.
...The "Man of Lawlessness" maybe?
... Evil slave that beats his fellow slaves while the Master is away, maybe?
...Evil servant who hides his coin (knowledge and true benefits of Christ's ransom) in the dirt, maybe?
Ooooh, ooh, I know....the "some" referred to in...Timothy:
" later periods of time some would fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of of demons (1914!!!!1919!!!1925!!!1975!!! ---who said that?, I didn't say neither...hey, who's there?!!!) by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies (JFR&FF "Millions now living will never Die!!!" ), marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; forbidding to marry (Bethelites and "Children" (tm)), commanding to abstain from foods (Count Chocula) which God created to be partaken with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth...."
Edited to add more stuff
Edited by - Lieu on 23 July 2002 6:1:54
how often does that thought cross your mind?.
it played on mine yesterday.
ive got a very expansive view across the melbourne flatlands and yesterday i looked out the back window and saw this dark grey storm wall coming in with rain so heavy that it was like a solid sheet of grey, swallowing the land.
LOL @ refiners fire!!!
...that men are not allowed to grow beards?.
i don't know if this is true where you live, but where i used to live, it was against "policy" for brothers to have beards.
any man who did have one was looked down upon.
Its because Rutherford did not like beards ... bearded brothers reminded him of Russel's presidency and Jews (which were at the top of his long hate list) ... and that's the simple truth.
Its not in the Bible because it was actually seen as a disgrace for a man shave his beard. Never mind the God saw fit to have hair grow on men's faces....that's all superficial, right?
Its like asking where in the Bible it says collard shirts with ties are necessary to show respect for God. Jesus and the Apostles would be disfellowshipped if they were here on earth today.
Its specifically a man made up rule dependant on the whims of whomever deems themselves to be in charge and enslave others to those whims.