I am so sorry about your kitten. I have never heard of anything this awful up until now. How old were you at the time? At any age this would make you sick but if you were very young this must have been really terrible for you to deal with.
The 70's was fraught with "demons". They were everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. They were not just in houses, but in card tables, ashtrays, cameras, clothing, old books, couches, doors, games, toys. You name it, it had a demon in it. Old stuff was prime target for demons. They looovvved old things. Ever wonder why JWs back them had NO antique furniture? If a JW was having any problem that couldn't be solved almost immediately then "demons" had to be lurking somewhere close.
My first husband and I were having lots of problems in the 70's. The elders told me to "clean house". So thinking that my older sister, not a JW, who visited fortune tellers had something to do with it, I took and threw our all the things that she had brought me from her vacations to Mexico. I then took all the old books that my father liked to collect and had given me, and put them out in the garage, disposing of them later.
Such a relief! Now things would get better, right? Nothing improved over time. I still had the same husband, but all my special possesions were gone. As time told, I should have gotten rid of the husband sooner than I did, not the "demons"! LOL!
It was indeed a crazed "demon" period of time. The JWs still have the "demon" thing going, but nothing like the 70's!! I guess it may have had something to do with the expectance of Armeggedon at any moment...with Satan running rampant and his demons looking to stumble any and all JWs! LOL
Still...I am so sorry about your kitten. I wonder if doing that deed still haunts the elders who participated. It should. I bet they feel like fools now!