: by portraying us all as oddball crackpots
Maybe not all, but it certainly applies to you Booby. But I think the pikkies in their "literature" say it all, don't you know?
hardly anyone has an honest opinion about anything of importance that wasnt craftily pre-packaged and handed to them by someone else whose job it is to craft public opinion.
the intention of the media is to present the illusion of impartially informing, all the while pandering to prejudice and ignorance in order to persuade to a particular point of view.
datelines presentation of the watchtowers child abuse issue was a case study in the black art of media propaganda.. from the very beginning of the presentation dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of jehovahs witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we dont celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the devil and that we want them all to die.
: by portraying us all as oddball crackpots
Maybe not all, but it certainly applies to you Booby. But I think the pikkies in their "literature" say it all, don't you know?
first lie: erica.
i dont believe erica lied about her abuse.
obviously it must be true, even mr. beliz confessed that he touched her inappropriately.
Three points:
(i) The WTBTS is a bureacracy and Barbara Anderson was assigned to do exactly as she states.
(ii) You said: "Jehovah’s Witnesses are guided by Jehovah and his law and that’s the end of it."
Kindly provide some actual evidence for this. Also, do you mean the Mosaic law, fo rthat was abolished and yet the WTBTS still follows it when it suits them.
(iii) Do you believe that the organization is perfect?
here is an email i got 5 minutes before dateline was on:.
i can't tell you how many of these emails i got today from my witness.
friends.......i was also informed that a letter was read at the meetings this week from the society about the program and that we should watch it......our cong didn't read it because we didn't get it in time.. tuesday, may 28 - 10:00 pm et.
The CD also makes it abundantly clear that Gail Bethra-Jackson's comments in the WT video, if interpreted in the way they are intended, are totally wrong.
two people can behold the same situation and conclude totally different things from their observations.
the pharisees saw jesus performing miracles and thought that he was empowered by beelzebub.
others watched the same thaumaturgic wonders and praised jesus as the son of god.
: Two people can behold the same situation and conclude totally different things from their observations. The Pharisees saw Jesus performing miracles and thought that he was empowered by Beelzebub. Others watched the same thaumaturgic wonders and praised Jesus as the Son of God. It is all a matter of perspective.
And, in this case, one group was misled - so too are many brainwashed dubs who only will change their "minds" when God the GB tells them they can. History proves that much.
But this time, methinks the JWs have suffered one blow too many - the UN scandal and now this all within 6 months, and in the national presses of the US and the UK.
it sounds like tonight on dateline is a smashing success.
let's be sure to email all out friends in the media thanking them - and let's not forget the valiant efforts of [email protected].
stephen really went to bat for us - to the point that he is finding it hard to do much more writing about jws, at least for now - but a mighty show of sincere thanks to him could do no harm.
It sounds like tonight on Dateline is a smashing success. Let's be sure to email all out friends in the media thanking them - and let's not forget the valiant efforts of [email protected]. Stephen really went to bat for us - to the point that he is finding it hard to do much more writing about JWs, at least for now - but a mighty show of sincere thanks to him could do no harm. He really uncorked the UN bottle in the UK media, when there was no momentum in the media, and also the sad story of Laree - and let's not forget his editorial showing JR Brown to be a two-faced hypocritical liar with no "natural affection" in the brutal murder of Laree - another silentlamb, but one silenced for ever.
Natutally, emails of _great_ thanks to Dateline are very much in order.
i have a scanned copy of a new article in the guardian newspaper (26th jan 02), written by stephen bates.. if anyone would like a copy, please shout!!.
Me too please - much appreciated!
stephen bates recently wrote an article about the flogging death of a girl in chicago http://www.guardian.co.uk/archive/article/0,4273,4301026,00.html.
he kindly sent me a copy of a letter he received from the wts office in pennsylvania and gave me permission to post it.
i don't have time to fix the formatting right now.. .
That's an interesting slant. You might, however, ask yourself this: what if you - or a loved one, say a child - had died for refusing blood say, at year 15, of your experiences with the JWs?
The serious issues with the JW religion at this point range from being outright life or death issues to issues such as molestation which can have incredible lifelong consequences. Until the WTS straightens its house on these many issues it makes no sense to praise them. They will certainly receive much attention if they make an honest break with their past and resolve to use their organization to produce true good.
the way i understand it, evolution posits that we are just a higher species of animal.
if that is true, then it follows that everything that humans have invented, such as societal rules, politeness, high technology, spirituality, are just another evolutionary adaptation to survive better.. christianity, on the other hand claims a vast gulf, an order of magnitude division between man and beast.
we are divine, although flawed.
Hmmm...reminds me of the elephant biologist who came across a naked man in the jungle. Stunned, the elephant blurted "how in the hell do you manage to breathe through that.
ps: or is that elephantine biologist?
jehovah's witnesses congregation in othello sued in sex abuse case.
this story was published 1/23/2002.
by shirley wentworth.
It's a standard excuse - as I recall Gillies in the UK in regard to organ transplants stated something to the effect that when organ transplants started to be introduced all religions and ethicists were struggling with what to do. Of course, he didn't add that the WTS, unlike worldly ones, knew what to do - for they alone speak for God.
reposting randy watters' thread here for longevity.... ************************.
these letters will blow your mind!.
it's hard to beleive that one or two small-minded men in the service dept.
Reposting Randy Watters' thread here for longevity...
These letters will blow your mind!
It's hard to beleive that one or two small-minded men in the Service Dept. could be responsible for thousands of medical emergencies going bad or even death. The truth must be told now.
Following is a remarkable dialogue between an active elder in the United States and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses about the subject of blood transfusion. It exemplifies the deaf ear turned to so many of our brothers when they ask good questions that need answering.
At great personal risk to several Bethel administrators who are tired of seeing this treatment, the following letters were acquired with discreet permission from overseers. They are made available so that all can have a better sense of the sidestepping of important issues carried on by those at the highest level of authority among Jehovah's Witnesses.
We hope the elder who wrote these letters will understand why we had to make them public. Our prayers are for him and the many more like him.
Actual scans of letters will appear shortly as soon as the links are done.
Randy Watters
Sometimes the Truth hurts