Good stuff TY Sam!
It's a pity there is not more audio/video interviews of Ray...this one is very short.
look what i found, an old interview from jeremiah productions.
it features many interviews including, ray franz and peter gregson.
it's a good promotion for coc if you haven't read it yet and a recap if you have.
Good stuff TY Sam!
It's a pity there is not more audio/video interviews of Ray...this one is very short.
former jw elder and now convicted pedophile/rapist is (finally) behind bars.
i knew the bastard personally and can't tell you how happy i am to see this sick sob behind bars.
just wish it could have happened sooner..
I was hoping for a picture too of this creep...
before i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
I Hope BluePill2 is doing well...
it was a pleasure to interview our own katewild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders.
the link is below:.
@ Katewild - Almost no one likes to hear their own voice!
You did SO GOOD, especially on the recording and you stood up to them respectfully and that's what made a lot of us enjoy it the most.
in an interview in the guardian newspaper's "guide" magazine he is asked about his upbringing with the question "terrible but character building?
" luke replies,.
"well, i'm still here and still smiling.
Thanks for this!
Do you have the link phizzy? It would be nice to include that.
i found a new fb/youtube group and this lady knocked me out she's good.
in this video there's a snippet that is priceless.
make sure you watch up through the montage starting at 21:30!
Like I said:
I found a new FB/YouTube group and this lady knocked me out she's good
In this video there's a snippet that is priceless. Make sure you watch up through the montage starting at 21:30! (The entire vid is good but a little long)
Also they have a pretty good facebook page here:
it was a pleasure to interview our own katewild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders.
the link is below:.
It was a pleasure to interview our own KateWild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders. The link is below:
Here's a few stills:
we can only imagine what they did on that night .
for more of my mock wt & awake covers, click 'here'.
Really nice photoshop work Max!
is it true that the elders swear an oath when made elders and what is this oath???
At my JC trial for apostasy the elder named Dennis said:
"We’ve taken an oath to uphold principles such as this"
But he may not have been speaking of a literal oath of course. (Taken from the transcript, line 891)
i'm from jamaica, montego bay to be exact.
if there are other jamaicans here, feel free to let me know.. with that said, it was announced at our last meeting (a letter was read) that the branch office (bethel) in kingston would be closing, and affairs would soon be directed from us hq.
now the branch office here is a large compound built on acres of prime real estate.
It illustrates they are a publishing company, a BUSINESS, first and foremost.
The closing of the branch in Spain was really a black eye for WT does anyone remember all the hullabaloo over that one?