Topics Started by Loki
Can't think of a Title
by Loki inansett airlines in australia has had a lot of maintenance probs lately, and the other day an ansett pilot was taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate.
after an hour-long wait, it finally took off.
a concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "what was the problem?
More Notes from 2001District Conv.---Sunday
by LostMyReligion inhere are some of the spiritual gems i gleaned from sunday's sessions.. symposium on book of malachi:.
points in which we can magnify jehovah.
do not be like priests at mal.1:13 to whom temple service was a burden.
Wouldn't have so many converts huh.
by esther inok, so i got my idea from bugeye's wife's thread.
if the wtbts decided to change its doctrine so that the age for baptism was 30 years, the same age as john and jesus, would everyone who was baptised under that age have their baptism invalidated?
if so, what would happen to any disfellowshipped ones whose baptism was invalid?
those NOT raised in the truth
by jurs ini was married with 2 small children (an adult) when someone came to my door.
i can't figure out how i ever got invoved !!!
i can completely see how one can be easily brainwashed being a child and raised as a witness, but i'm angry at myself more than the organization that i was so easily duped... i feel i lost 9 years of my life and missed out on so much for being stupid.
by learning inhi!
could you tell me about the jehovah's witness belief in a prophetess?
Psychic torture and manipulation
by Norm inbrooklyn has really developed manipulation into a fine art.
you see, i didnt have any feeling of self-worth, so i could not imagine how jehovah could ever accept my service to him.. .
paul and all the other idiots that couldnt have a life because of the lack of time are now dead.
When JWs come here
by larc insome thoughts about jws who come here:.
i have been here for six months now.
in that time, i have noticed a certain pattern to the conduct of jws who come here and are true believers.
Notes from 2001 District Conv.---Friday
by LostMyReligion inhere are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
Perversion of Baptismal Vows
by AlanF inan appendix in the book contains some 120 questions along with hundreds of scriptural "proof texts" that the proselyte is then expected to study.
12 jesus commanded his followers to baptize new disciples in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit.
the following quotation shows what the proselyte is expected to study just prior to baptism:.
Would like to make new friends all over again
by CathyM38 inhi, i'm cathy.
am new to the site; some of you know me by now.
i have been dfd since 1997 and without many friends since then and felt quite lost as im sure many of you know the feeling.