JoinedTopics Started by Achille
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
Parliamentary question on paedophilia among JWs in Italy
by Achille in(google translation).
question to the chamber by m5s mp stefania ascari to the ministry of the interior on paedophilia among jehovah's witnesses in italy, starting from the recent case in florence, with references to the various cases that have broken out around the world.. i sense a certain creaking at the italian bethel in rome at via della bufalotta 1281, the italian branch of the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
will this have future implications for the italian jehovah's witnesses exponential body, the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses and for its branch committee, which represents the interests of the governing body in our country?
Warwick sits on $70 billion?
by LaFrancia in70,000 real estate properties at an average value of $100,000 and perhaps we can say (no one knows for sure) that warwick sits on $70 billion in real estate value.
in the video (deleted by jwborg but available on the avoid.jw website) of the 2018-19 coordinators' committee report (english) shown to all congregations at the mid-week meeting, we find several curious and interesting indications:.
- at minute 6.52 seconds you see some data .
ARTICLE: Jehovah’s Witnesses investing more than $50M on Woodbury project
by AndersonsInfo in
long island business news.
march 4, 2024. the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses, which bought the former geico property in woodbury for $27 million in dec. 2022, plans to spend at least another $23 million to build an assembly hall and two support buildings on about half of the site.
Has The Interpretation of the Beast Changed?
by NotFormer inmy understanding* is that the un is supposed to be the wild beast of revelation.
the un only came into being after wwii, so what was the beast before the new light came about?
i can't see a speculative organisation like the wt not having an interpretation of the beast before the un came into being.
Would a JW accused to be a murderer (in a judicial committee) be reported to the police?
by psyco ini am wondering if a jw accused to be a murderer (or any other serious crime except csa) in a judicial committee would be reported to the police.. if i sexually abused or molested a child, i would not be reported to the police.. what about if i killed a person: would i be instead?.
it is not a matter of being right or wrong but i am only curious to know if there is at least a sort of coherence regarding the internal policies for serious crimes....
Snakes walked on legs till the Eden curse Watchtower belief till 1974!!
by Witness 007 inwatchtower 1964 page 352 "....before god cursed it the snake had legs that elevated it off the ground.
god transformed its body so that it ceased to have legs and could move on its belly.".
book "gods eternal purpose"1974 - "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent had only been victimised by satan...".
New light on the resurrection? (John 5:28,29)
by Achille insorry, but i don't write well in english.i wanted to ask if you have already talked about the "new understanding" on john.
5: 28.29. .
jeffrey jackson talked about it here:
Jesus is a horse?
by Diogenesister injgnat posted this in one of punky's posts.
third century.
why is jesus portrayed as a horse, does anyone know please?.