path, I agree with your reasoning.
This is a highly emotional subject. But thie does not mean to loose our power of reason.
1. If a pedophile were to move into your congregation, would you be informed?
Would you be informed in any other religious denomination, if a pedophile moved into your vicinity?
2. If a pedophile molested your child, would you be allowed to warn other parents in your congregation?
Adding to path's comment, most of molestation cases occur within the own family, 2nd thought.
3. If a pedophile denied he molested your child, and you could not produce two witnesses to the act of molestation, would the church discipline him/her in any way?
Besides the fact that he would be disciplined (at least two elders would convene with him, and he would be under 'observation' by the elders, in my country (which is not the FI) there have been lately many allegations of child molestation which later where found out to be faked. So before disciplining, it is surely good to have substantial evidence, not only an accusation. BTW, two victims are two witnesses according to current policy.
4. If the state where you reside does not require reporting a pedophile who has molested a minor, will church officials report it?
Who needs the elders to do reporting, you could do yourself?
5. If, as an adult, you charge an elder with molesting you when you were a child and he denies it, would he discontinue serving as an elder?
See my comment to question N 3.
Just giving it a thought.