I think atheist mentality is partly born from a certain arrogance, the arrogance to assert that there is definitely, absolutely no God and we know beyond any doubt that there is no God.
An example of this "atheist mentality" that asserts there is "absolutely, definitely, beyond any doubt, no God" would help . . . even one would do.
If you're wishing to assert that atheists deal in "certainties" and "absolutes" . . . then you are on dangerous ground. History will tell you that this has always been the exclusive preserve of religion . . . and, it would appear, remains so today. There are two ways you can use a label . . . either to represent something or to mis-represent it. People here are using labels to mis-represent anothers position for their own purposes, which is totally farcical btw.
The thing is . . . if you present an argument in a debate, then it will be attacked. If there is no attack, then there is no debate. We all agree . . . yay . . . group hug . . . new thread . . . new debate. You should expect to have your posts scrutinised, questioned, ridiculed, yes, even scorned. You see your own presidential candidates do it FFS! . . . it's the nature of debate! If you are sound in your argument, you want it to prevail and will attack the flaws in opposing arguments . . . sarcasm and ridicule included. (sarcasm gets a bad rap, and is often a good point-maker IMO).
I honestly believe we're all too thin skinned. Free speech means listening to stuff you may not want to hear . . and having to explain yourself when asked difficult questions. Being wrong. Not really knowing. Maybe even ignoring some of the silly stuff. Putting up with stupidity. You have to do it in life . . . why not in a debate?
If you spend page after page defending a weak argument with poor logic and evasiveness . . . are you really being attacked? . . . or is your argument simply getting the treatment it deserves? "Oh, I'm getting ganged up on . . . poor me" . . . when maybe it's just that your argument is so full of holes it's bleeding all over the thread.
Christ Alone post #732 is worth a 2nd read . . . promoting a belief on an open forum is never going to be easy, because it is essentially preaching. The height of the challenge itself demands that you use sound reasoning, logic, and a worthy argument, even if there are remaining points of difference. The realisation for some, that they don't have that compelling argument, is a very tender spot, and that's probably a good time to go for a walk.
If you accept the fact that they are going to defend no matter what, that will help increase the quality of the conversation or debate. . . . sab
What you are describing is a tightly closed mind. True . . . recognising that helps. The natural reaction however, is to prise it open by attacking it's ideas through reasoned argument. Those ideas will be challenged ("attacked" if you like drama) . . . unless you have the powers of King Canute. I'm personally very grateful to all those who "attacked" my beliefs thoroughly and mercilessly . . . I learned how to think instead of what to think . . . I owe them plenty.