I have to ask why primates have 48 chromosomes, and then dropped two, to become human
LittleToe, it's not the size of your genetic material, it's how you use it!
i didn't necessarily start this thread as a debate but moreso as kind of a survey.
i just wanna know what people think and a brief reason why.
i want to know how you think life originated on the earth.
I have to ask why primates have 48 chromosomes, and then dropped two, to become human
LittleToe, it's not the size of your genetic material, it's how you use it!
well, my husband found out about my affair (yes, i gave in to the temptation with the soccer player and while it was fantastic, it's over now) and it's been a devestating time, we almost got divorced, but we're working through it.
i knew telling friends and this board wasn't going to help me fight his romantic advances, but i tried.
it was a one time thing that would have continued, but i wasn't too careful about the clues (guilty conscience i think).
So what exactly is so abhorant about someone loving more than one person in a romantic way? I guess you're right Xena. People attach so much meaning to romance/sex... like it should be a fantasy world where one person fulfills another in absolutely every way, forever. Nice picture, but I don't think it happens often.
Let's see, what have I learned? If your marriage is in trouble, don't bring other people into the picture. Either fix it or get out of it first.
Good advice. Sorry things didn't work out for you two, Anne.
well, my husband found out about my affair (yes, i gave in to the temptation with the soccer player and while it was fantastic, it's over now) and it's been a devestating time, we almost got divorced, but we're working through it.
i knew telling friends and this board wasn't going to help me fight his romantic advances, but i tried.
it was a one time thing that would have continued, but i wasn't too careful about the clues (guilty conscience i think).
Since everyone else is posting to this ancient thread...
I read the story. Sorry things didn't work out with PA, Joel. I think what some of the other poster's said was true in your case. The discussion of open marriage MUST be done before it starts. Otherwise, it's cheating --> which leads to jealousy --> which leads to hurt/hate. Not good for any relationship.
I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with an "open relationship" yet. But Feral said something that caught my attention: "we realize that faithfulness and exclusiveness aren't the same thing" So why is it okay to have many platonic friends throughout our lives, but we apply a different standard for sex and romantic relationships?
monogamy is overrated.??
when i was young i thought man was meant to have multiple wifes/sex partners, now i see why you only need one!!!
the problems we encounter are more than enough to keep me busy, i cant imagine why a person would desire more conflict and grief.. .
People are okay with having multiple friendships, why not with romantic and sexual relationships?
Because it is far from being a social convention though, extra care and openness are required for such relationships to work. This is not the same as "cheating".
since leaving the watchtower, do you still believe that you will live forever, here on earth?
some might think that heaven is the final destiny, while other may just believe in this short life and nothing else.
what is your belief and how does it affect your daily life?
It sucks when you realize that you may one day not exist - ever again. Of course, some small JW-part of me always holds to a certain hope that, maybe, just maybe there is something more out there... I guess I'll just have to see it to believe it. But based on what I know so far (no person in recorded history or that I know of has ever successfully "lived forever") I have to say that one day, I will no longer exist. Makes you see life a whole lot differently.
a consenting single man puts his tongue in a consenting single woman's mouth.
bodily fluids are exchanged.
it feels pretty good.
The answer is: God didn't create the penis and vagina simply for the sake of the "exquisite" feelings that can be derived from their use. He gave Adam and Eve those organs FIRST of all for the purpose of reproduction, the pleasurableness that comes from their use being only secondary. Therefore, persons who choose to engage in sexual intercourse while at the same time being unwilling to marry are commiting a gross wrong, because they do so in disrespect for the FIRST reason there is for humans having life-producing organs.
No, no, you must have heard Him wrong. God told me those organs were first for pleasure and then reproduction being secondary. Which makes more sense because it can take quite a few tries. Therefore those who fornicate soley for the purpose of reproduction disrespect his first reason.
ok. fundies.
i'm sick and tired of them.
i'm talking particularly about christian fundies.. what really grates on my nerves is that these people don't even realise they are fundies.
3. If you answered "yes" to the above, has this happened during sex? (with your marriage mate, of course! You are not an evil fornicator!)
Oh god. Oh God, Yes!! YESSS!!!!!
3. Do you think that those who do not accept your version of Christ are "going to hell"? (bonus: have you told them they're going to hell? extra bonus: whilst foaming at the mouth?)
Bonus! I tell them they will be sauteed to a crispy black in hell's flames and then tortured by Satan for all eternity. It's only fair since they didn't believe.
4. Do you have a fish symbol on your vehicle?
Do Phish symbols count???
ok. fundies.
i'm sick and tired of them.
i'm talking particularly about christian fundies.. what really grates on my nerves is that these people don't even realise they are fundies.
Sirona, why are you taking the 'fun' out of fundamentalism.
"Race" is just a general category of features, like breeds of dogs or cats. It is somewhat ambiguous since races can and do mix though.
But to say that race is not reflected in a person's genes is like saying that a parent's genes aren't reflected in his child.
in 1993 i stumbled upon the following in " nutritional influence on health", by dr. m. werback, ucla school of medicine and gave it to the wto, dr. carlton, chief of staff wallkill infirmary :.
ingestion of 100 grams of orange juice significantly decreased the phagocytic index in humans.. .
the study went on (in lay terms): after 5 hours of drinking orange juice, control subjects still showed immune cells (that engulf and digest bacteria ) had not gained original speed of activity.. orange juice increases the chance of infection.
I think too much of "anything" is, at a minimum, not good for you. I heard not that long ago that drinking too much water can dilute your fluids too much. So maybe everything actually isbad for you.
News headline in 2003 -- "Health Officials Report: Everything Causes Illness"
News headline in 2004 -- "Government Study Shows That Nothing Causes Illness"
I hate how these things keep changing.
Edited by - LucidSky on 13 December 2002 20:54:39