The question I have to ask at this point is does any of it matter to you if it is true or not. There was no life on earth for about 1.5 billion years. It was the perfect distance from the sun for a very long time. It isn't really that hard to imagine that exactly the right circumstances finally occurred for just the simplest of life forms. An unimaginable period of time has passed since then.
If I'm not mistaken, man learned how to make industrial diamonds because a meteor created them by accident. Diamonds formed out of seemingly nothing, then by backtracking they followed a process and learned how to create diamonds. By the way there is life in the deepest part of the ocean under unbelievably high pressures near vents that have incredibly high temperatures. For all life that exists near those vents, they are at exactly the right depth and extreme temperatures. Did God put the vents at exactly the right depths or did life adapt to those extreme conditions?
I also want to say that I'm pretty sure most scientists think that if they find a planet just like this that is the right distance from the sun, there is a pretty good chance that there will be life. They are looking for those situations all of the time.
There is also the possiblity that life was transported from another planet by a comet hitting earth and spreading life in that way. Sort of like a bird eating a fish and transporting eggs to a remote lake and life begins again. There are a lot of possiblities for how life began. It's just that a lot of us have a hard time believing that God appeared out of gas and smoke and created the earth by magic. I understand that from your vantage point this makes no sense. From where I stand and many others there needs to be some logic. To say that science makes no sense when it is backed by real evidence and then say God exists even though there is no evidence just doesn't work for me. The wonderful part of science is that it tries to discover the real truth as new information comes along.