I have often wondered about a certain young brother who is literally throwing his life away in the congregation we were in . He has so much ahead of him, or at least he could have, the elders have told him to basically stop his education and pioneer.
I have wanted so bad to let him know what I know about JW now. But for reasons of my own at this point I dont want to get the elders on my family, this mainly involves issues with my husbands work.
I have thought of putting somethings in writing, the old fashioned kind of writing, pen, paper and a stamp. Maybe you could put the web addy of SilentLambs on a piece of paper and mailing it to her.
You could type a concerned and loving Friend, and leave it at that . In my case I am thinking of next time I go to town, mailing it out of the little town I live in, that way , LOL it cant directly be traced to me.
I know alot of folks would say, you should just speak up and go directly to her. But honestly, she may not be ready to even consider anything "apostate" , since she is such fear of Jehovah God right now. But if she has the addy , she may turn to it , after waiting a few days or even weeks.
Since she is not living with the abusive mate anymore and her child is safe, waiting for her to respond on her own might be a good thing for her. You could check back with her and see how she is .
Might not be the best solution , but could be a first step in you helping your friend. It is sad we have to still be in fear of the harm they can do to us. There are so many things I want to tell certain ones face to face , but right now is not the time. Like I said, our livelihoood depends on a good relationship with many brothers in good standing. But it will happen , it will all come out in the wash, so to speak for us, and we will deal with it then. We have only be out a year and are still recovering from it all. It is ok to take small steps at first.
But as some have mentioned, if you feel she is in a bad mental state, please encourage her to see a doctor, even take her if you can. Her life may depend on it. Only you know her and it is your judgement call. I wish her peace, poor lady,, i suffered from guilt so long... I hope she can see the light someday.