UMMMMMMMMMMMMM , Violet are you for real? I am very new to this room and cant figure you out, are you planning on being baptized? How soon?
I dont think you are making the spiritual progress you should be, afterall, posting, interacting with known "apostates" will not get you in the book of life. I think when they dipp you in the baptismal pool, if you are associating, chatting, or posting with "apostes" or other d/f or d/a folks, a blue ring will appear around your body. Then you will be forced to confess to being an apostate sympathizer. Then you will know the truff and it will set you free, and you will be part of the enemy. Maybe you already are ?
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Violetanai's baptismal party - all invited
by Marilyn inbasically we're all open minded right?
so lets put aside our negative comments and throw a cyber-space send off for violet's up coming baptism into dubdom.
she said she's planning on getting baptised soon and clearly our advice and negative thoughts are hurting her feelings.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull & WTBTS
by Francois ini guess i'm showing my age here, but do any of you remember the movie version of johnathan livingston seagull?
soundtrack by neil diamond?.
there is perhaps no better subtle indictment of the wtbts than this movie.
OMG, a wash of memories just hit me. I was in high school when we were assigned to read this book. To tell you the truth , all i can remember was the cover picture and something about a lonely bird.
I didnt understand the concept of it at all. I am going out to buy the book and re-read it . I can say , the feelings I have about the story was sadness, lonliness. I will have to read it to see if I am remembering correctly about this book. Thanks for reminding me about JLS,,, and the movie too, that would be interesting. I wonder how many other great literary works I have forgotten about. Sounds like brainwashing cult tactics at work here!!!!I'll show them, (WT), I will read the book again, this time with an open mind. -
What does your ID or Nick say about you?
by LyinEyes insomeone replied to a post i entered and got me thinking what others perceive about us due to the nicks or id we have chosen.
some of the nicks i am sure are just self explanatory , others are cute, or simple.
although i suspect that very many in this room,took time to think of theirs and definitly the nick holds some little secret as to who they are as a person.
Someone replied to a post I entered and got me thinking what others perceive about us due to the nicks or ID we have chosen. Some of the nicks I am sure are just self explanatory , others are cute, or simple. Although I suspect that very many in this room,took time to think of theirs and definitly the nick holds some little secret as to who they are as a person. So this is why I choose the name LyinEyes.
I love music, I love the Eagles,who sang this song that I have loved since a child. The song is talking about a cheating wife/g/f, as I am sure you all know. But as I said I loved this song and identifed with it at a young age, before I even had my first boyfriend. The song has many emotions in it that I felt being raised as the daughter of a overbearing elder/father. I many times lead a double life and felt guilty for it , I just knew if only he could see deep into my eyes he would be able to tell. I hated lyin to him, and yet i couldnt get away , as i got older , the organization was the enemy. Oh course i couldnt tell that... again i was hiding away who I truly was. I am not saying I was a corrupt evil sinner, but I just knew something was not right , I wanted to be free. A portion of the song is this....
she looks up at the stars up the sky,,,,,, another nite ,, it's gonna be a long one... she draws the shades and hangs her head to cry.My o
my you sure no how to arrange things ........... aint if funny how you knew life didnt change things .. you're still the same ol girl you used to be. See I chose this name , right after leaving the borg, still not sure of what I would do, would I go back , would I just feel lost for the rest of my life . Or would I find my place in this life. I just felt trapped still............. it has been months since I left, and I am beginning to be true to myself,,, no more lyin eyes . But I shall keep the name, because it is part of who I was for so long. To truly be free, I think you have to accept yourself on all levels , even the painful ones. Just in case you wanted to know !!LOL -
What is your Totem Animal?
by Hyghlandyr ina lot of you might think this is a question strictly for the pagans out there, but christians have had totem animals as well.
merriam-websters defines a totem as:main entry: totem .
pronunciation: 'to-t&m.
I did the test and I am a wolf. I truly love dogs. But i wouldnt say the wolf is the right guy for me. I would love to be a horse , I can identify with them, as i was into rodeos and such. My horse was my soul mate, but then again so was my little poodle. I am never without a dog, I have a pug and he truly worships the ground I walk on. He trys so hard to talk to me with his eyes. I almost have him saying , mama, weird but true. Pugs have unique voices. Ok Hyge figure this out for me , I have a fasination with elephants, I have always collected and marveled at these gentle giants. I absolutaly despise them being confined in circus' or petting zoos.They also have such soulful eyes. The only connection I can make with my animal choices are the soulful almost human expression, they have with their eyes.
The wolves eyes scare me. Any thoughts on this ? -
Is there a way that the Watchtower could be true?
by jerome inim shure that most of you could have thought about this.. there is always some nagging feeling that you have that says:.
im i gonna die at armagaddon?.
its just human nature i guess.. how do you put that silly nagging feeling out of your mind?.
I meant to type that I have been out of the wt for 9 months. It was hard for me to accept that I had been brainwashed all my life , but that is a harsh reality. I would suggest that you do some research on leaving a cult and the subtle signs of being brainwashed. I was really taken back by those findings. I thougth I was too smart to be brainwashed. LOL But that just showed me the evil tactics the WT uses especially on the young to get their grips on them forever. I have learned also that it takes years maybe the rest of your life to come to terms with leaving a cult . Just take it one day at a time, and like someone eles said, things will get easier and those doubts do fade. We all have such similar stories , and we are all going thru the phases of leaving a cult, some of us are on phase 1 and others are alot more advanced. Good luck on your journey .
Is there a way that the Watchtower could be true?
by jerome inim shure that most of you could have thought about this.. there is always some nagging feeling that you have that says:.
im i gonna die at armagaddon?.
its just human nature i guess.. how do you put that silly nagging feeling out of your mind?.
I know what you mean Jermone. I was raised a JW and have been about 9 months. The first few monhts were hard, I had nightmares abour armeggedon and i was so afraid I could be wrong? Plus having children , you are responsible for their lives too. Over time things became clearer and I came to terms with my decision. I think the WT does has some truth and they have alot of good ideas, on the way we should live and treat others. The main problem for me with that is that THEY dont live up to what the preach. It looks so nice in the mags , but when it comes with really dealing with the flock, they are a bunch of liers. What has helped me the most is to seperate, God and Jesus, from Jehovah and the watchtower organization. Notice that the later was only concerned with Jehovah and the organziation. Somehow they seemed to leave Jesus out of the equation. I am now focasing my efforts on learning more about God and Jesus and how to be the best person I can , and how I can be more like Jesus. If I try to concern myself with doubts about my choice , I will never move forward. I am a much better christain now and I see a change in myself and the way I see things. I dont want to ever go back. But even thou I feel this way , every once in awhile I will have a twinge of doubt that they are the only organization or people Jehovah will favor. Then I think logically and remember all the crazy things the wt has said and done.
I just know the God and Jesus loves us and they will not abanddon us the way the wt has. -
Did you ever fake field service?
by LyinEyes ini know this was very wrong to do , but who out there stretched their field service time by any means possible?
example, letter writing, driving by the same house , when you knew no one was home.
let's be honest here, confess and get it off your chest.... lol
Let me tell you how it really was done by a pro... me being an elders wife at that. Hey I am not letting wild turkey off on this one either. Should I make a list? Here goes:
#1- wild turkey (hubby, elder, field service hater) would be in charge of arrangment for field serive after sunday meeting, He would put just our family, kids included 5 of us , in one car group. Of course having little ones you have to feed them right? So we would dismiss ourselves from the group and territory , to return later after cranky ass kids were fed. After fighting with the little bastages for 2 hr meeting and thru a meal at a restaurant , field service was not what we had wanted to do. We never made it back to the group. Thank God , we made it home to catch the Dallas cowboys game.#2- Driving around all over territory , going to vacant houses or visiting old ladies, just shooting the shit with them , handing them a watchtower as we said goodbye. We did get the message across sometimes.
#3-Hitting all the laundrymats , hospitals, phone booths whatever as to avoid human contact at the doors.
#4- Of course there was the emergency family situation that you did not want to elaborate on , so no ones asked your business.
#5-Going over in your mind time spent talking to all your neices , nephews , babies, who ever would not ignore you . Wait Ididnt talk to them this month , but i will count a few hours cause I was goin to.
#6- Dragging the time at each and everydoor we had to go to. I saw many elders pull this one. They would stand there 5 mins gossipping about what they couldnt say in the car group. Of course no meter
on the house gave that away.#7 - Sisters can relate to this, the kids need a drink, go to mc d's
We have to pee,,, yes again, go back to mc d's.I could go on , but you see , we are such a resourseful group, we made the time , it was all a farse but they had their precious time slip and saw our miserable yet smiling faces going door to door.
Did you ever fake field service?
by LyinEyes ini know this was very wrong to do , but who out there stretched their field service time by any means possible?
example, letter writing, driving by the same house , when you knew no one was home.
let's be honest here, confess and get it off your chest.... lol
I know this was very wrong to do , but who out there stretched their field service time by any means possible? Example, letter writing, driving by the same house , when you knew no one was home. Let's be honest here, confess and get it off your chest.... LOL
Most Frightening Door to Door Experience
by Kenneson inin my hometown, this other witness and i were.
going from door to door one day when we reached one particular house.. the householder became so agitated by the presence of jws.
that he "sicked" his dog on us, but thank god it had a muzzle.
Anytime someone actually answered their door. I would pray they would not, I guess I just honestly was not prepared. You know at the service meeting, they said if you prepared you wouldnt be afraid.
So I guess it was my fault, I just didnt want to read and prepare to talk about the african tree frog. -
Tales of the ANNOINTED
by moman ini met my last "annointed" in 1992, her name was dawson & lived in a small town in the middle of nebraska.. her grandson, a funny, but wild & heavy drinking dub, introduced us & they spent the night at our house.. she was a life long dub & we could see she was a real mental case.. my wife & i kept the door to our room locked & they left early in the morning without saying a word.. she had long straggly white hair & eyes that could turn you to stone.. her grandson told us that one night, under a full moon, she was seen chasing a chicken, hatchet in hand, in her nightgown.. i was told later that she had lost a child to cancer & i felt bad for her, maybe if she had not been raised a dub, she would have received some professional help.. that was just one of many nutty things that helped me see the wt for what it was, a goofy cult!.
any other true stories?
OMGawd that is sooo funny. See what I mean, all who I have ever met who claim to be annointed are crazy! And man , I am scared of crazy folks , ya'll let me know if I ever get that bad . OK?