Hey Beck!! I have had the same experience with my 9 yrold daughter.
The cake, the lights off, the candles glowing on her face. It was her first b/d party and I wanted her to remember it always . She was surrounded by friends and family and she was soo happy. That day will always be in my heart , for a moment in time , I will remember her sweet little face and she will always be 9 yrs old and glowing. I let her be a princess for the day, even her cake had disney princesses on it. I think I might have been enjoying it as much as she did. Maybe I was seeing what I missed as a child. She told me that is she could she would go back in time and give me a party and and a cake. How precious is that!!! So much for the JW explanation of b/d celebrations being self promoting. It was a wonderful day. Today my baby , he is 7 yrs old was wondering how long until his first b/d party . I told him in about 5 months and he was quite for a min,,,
then asked if he could have a party like his sister had. Even talked about the cake he wanted and that he wants scoobie doo hats and plates. I had to choak back tears as I saw his face wondering if he could be as lucky as his sister and have a special day. I cant wait until sept. My daughter's was the first b/d we decided to celebrate,
but there will be many more for all in our family. Life is too short to miss these miles stones. Thanks Beck for sharing your story.
I will post some pics of her party when I get my scanner fixed. love ya , D
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
My daughter and birthday cakes!
by Beck_Melbourne inmy 11 yr old has this passion for blowing out the candles on other people's birthday cakes.
having been deprived of the fun for 10 yrs...she now likes to get up close to the birthday child (or adult) and she likes to blow with all her might...i smile at her innocence.. when she turned 11 she had her first birthday..the cake..candles.. friends..presents..all the trimmings.
once a year isn't enough for her however...and she is now making up for lost time.. two nights ago we went to our friend's birthday party for their 5 yr old.
Help with "APOSTATE"
by moman inwe call the wt the "borg" & their followers "dubs" etc., these are describtive words that (we) have given them.. my question is this: why do we refer to ourselves as "apostates"?
this is their (derogatory) name for us.. what can we call ourselves, how bout "liberators"?
, this is difficult.
Great idea ! Go all out of JW in a blaze of glory!!!Just accept their silly term , for they are fools, and tell them you dont care what think. I hope I will very soon tell some the truth about how I feel and my disbeilf . Might be fun watching them pass out in shock.
I am what I am , I guess. Point being, I know my relationship with God is not defined by their wt terminology. -
Ever straight out lied to the elders faces?
by MarchOn indid you ever get busted for something that you really did do when you were a dub and get hauled in, just to sit there and deny what you were brought in for?
and then feel really good and not quilty when you pulled it off because they believed you?
I was an elders daughter so yeah I lied right to my own daddy's face.
I had too, I wanted to tell the truth, but he would have beat me, and locked me in my room. I was very afraid of him, the physicall punishment was bad enought , but the worst was if I let him down. Any little minor mistake , he took it as i was hurting him on purpose. Too much pressure for a child. When I was a teen, got in some trouble and decided i would face Jehovah God almight at armeggedon with my secret sins , than to face my father and the other elders.I always felt guilt, but in my heart I thought God would forgive me,
but my daddy wont. He continues this pattern even now. How dysfunctinal is that? Hence the name LyinEyes, working on being free to not hide or lie about who I am anymore. -
My husband is stepping down tomorrow night . . .
by Prisila ini'm extatic .
my husband is stepping down as an elder tomorrow.
how do you guys think that will go?
I am a former elders wife. I say that with great pride now LOL.
Former being the prized word. I agree totally with Joy, you will enjoy so much more , now that he will have time for your family.I actually like my husband more now, we get along alot better, since he is not riding my ass about field service because someone was riding him about my lack of mid week activity. I know a run on sentence but had to put it that way,,,,,,,,,,, it was all so exhausting to me. I have relief and I dont feel pressure . A burden was lifted off of his shoulder too, but there was a little sadness in the beginning because he worked very hard to be a good elder and tried to help the trodden down ones. He knew it was a losing cause, but leaving those ones was hard for him. I dont beleive that everyone in the borg are evil, there are many outthere that are trying to make a difference. I know of some that are staying in for that reason only. But sooner or later they all see that they cant fight it alone and they need to think of their own families. I wish you both the best, the best is yet to come.
Letting go of JW relatives (Long)
by MegaDude ini've been out of the jws for some time now, seven years.
like many of you, i left a lot of acquaintances, friends, and family behind.. the acquaintances were fairly easy to let go, the friends very hard, and the family, well, near impossible, at least up until now.
that she should listen to both sides of the story without fear and make her own decision.
Mega , your story brought tears to my eyes. Acutally I am very moved, it is hard to type . The shortest way I can say I understand ,is ditto
on the letting go. My dad, my only parent alive, has turned his back on me, never mind the terrible things we all went thru together. It seems so easy for him to let go. I had to also let him go, it was his choice. Why beg for love ,when they are not capable of giving it.
I know exactly what you mean about Sept . 11, I didnt get a call either. I didnt call him because , he doesnt want to hear from me. Did I mention I am not d/a or d/f , so he could have called me. It always hurts when I think of the pain others like yourself have endured also. I am a dreamer and that is not always good for me. I want to see the best in a situation, and sometimes have trouble accepting the bitter truth. But somewhere in my heart I wish that my daddy would call me and just say , I still love you. I dont expect him to go agaisnt what he wants to do with religion. But one call, and I may have hope that one day he will understand my choice to never go back to the hall. Sometimes it is hard to not think with your heart, sometimes it is almost impossible , but we have to survive. Letting go, has brought me peace too. My life is so much better for it. I wish you joy and happiness Mega. -
My Husband Died One Year Ago Today
by Dutchie inafter eighteen years of marriage, my husband passed away last year of a terminal liver disease.
today is the aniversary of his death.
he died on april 22, 2001 and he was the love of my life.
Interesting point skully. My mom died 15 yrs ago and she beleived as jw although she was d/f . She commmited suicide , but in my heart I always knew that she would be resurrected. I have only stopped beleiving the JW teaching for about 9 months now, and the thought that she could be in heaven , brings me alot of comfort. I just wished i would have at least entertained the thought back then. I dont know what I personally beleive about life after death, but I have to beleive that either way, heaven or earth ,Jesus said he would give us eternal life and happiness. I wish that happiness for you dutchie , and I have to beleive that somewhere down the road we will reunite with our dead loved ones. I dont mind waiting , if I have to.
But again interesting to think they may have already received their
prize. Peace to you all. -
by Elders_Kid init would seem to me that an organization that preaches so strongly about brotherly love could be so prejudice.. i have been d/f for just about seven years, and it wasn't until a couple of years ago that this occured to me.
remember how we couldn't spend time with people from school because they were "bad association"?
or you werent supposed to spend too much time with "worldly" relatives because they might be a bad influence?.
Hi , i was an elder's daughter , LOL. Sounds kinda like preachers daughter , and yeah I tried to live it down too.
That is so sad the way your family is treating , you . My dad doesnt speak to me ,because I just stopped going, he doesnt even know why.
He doesnt care.
The fact of the matter is that JW do not have true love , they cant even love their own. I speak from true life experience, I have done nothing to my father, personally, I have bent over backwards to try and be the good JW daughter. I choose to not go back and that's it , I am dead in his eyes. That is not love, and I swear I will never do that to any of my chidren, just because they choose a different path than I think they should.I guess it goes to show they are not Jesus true disciples. Look at the fruits they produce. In fact they are fruits!!! LOL Anyway , you will find comfort here, new friends, and FAMILY. :)
Deleted Because Boss is DF JW
by VitoJW ini am new here.
tho i have lurked, this is my first real post.. i was doing "personal research" for the last 5 years, tho was helped along recently when i was deleted as an elder because i work for a company owned by a disassociated jw.
there is no real definitive info in print, other than the infamous 9/15/81 wt, but the co held a mini-crusade and got me axed.. nothing personal,.... just business.
Sorry to hear about your job , that is so wrong. They try to control your life at all cost, even trying to get you to choose between feeding your family and petty rules and regulations. I beleive you are the one my hub talked to last nite in chat, Wild Turkey. He works for several witnesses in diff. parts of the usa, and has decided at this time not to d/a himself because he would lose so much work. It is a great dilema for him , he wants to tell them where to get off, but has to refrain because they will not work him. He is working with for a brother( sub contractor) our of town right now. He hates being around them and hates trying to watch what he says and does, but right now he doesnt want to rock the boat. We have 3 children and this is our livelihood. But what do the JW's care, if they knew we were "apostates", they would figure we would all, including our children die at armeggedon. So what is the big deal if they take the food out of your mouth and our childrens. The JW are committing greater sins with their lies and are responsible for so much turmoil.
I hope you find comfort in knowing that others are going thru similiar things. My hub stepped down, he knew they were out to get him too, they have nothing better to do than harass people and butt in their lives where they dont belong. Best wishes to you and your family. -
My Husband Died One Year Ago Today
by Dutchie inafter eighteen years of marriage, my husband passed away last year of a terminal liver disease.
today is the aniversary of his death.
he died on april 22, 2001 and he was the love of my life.
I am sorry for your loss dutchie and wish to give you a hug , anniversaries of a dead loved one are painful. I first read this post last nite, I even responded, but I erased it all. My husband left for work out of state today , and will be gone for only 3 days.
We have been married for 17 yrs, and have 3 children. Well, I will just say, you made me appreciate my husband more . It makes me want to charish each day even more. I hope you know that your story touched alot of hearts, and what a fine way to memoralize your dear husband that to keep his memory alive. -
Help with "APOSTATE"
by moman inwe call the wt the "borg" & their followers "dubs" etc., these are describtive words that (we) have given them.. my question is this: why do we refer to ourselves as "apostates"?
this is their (derogatory) name for us.. what can we call ourselves, how bout "liberators"?
, this is difficult.
I understand what you are saying, but I am the only one allowed to call myself an apostate. LOL. Also , fellow apostates are allowed to call me an apostate. I would be irate if a Jehovah's Witness calls me apostate. The reason being, I have not turned my back on Jesus Christ. I may not understand fully , his purpose for me, but I am thankful for what he did for me. To quote from the movie, "The Princess Bride", (comedy) , " I do not think that word means , what you say it means." Inconceivable." Of course the JW's are famous for making definitions of words , that are not accurate. What does the Bible say it means, vs. what do Jehovah's Witnessses say it means? There is always a conflict between the two.........hummmmmmmmmmm