My sister also loves frogs. She was given some water frogs in a vase,
at the top of the vase is some kind of plant. The little water frogs
swim and are a nice accent on her desk. I think she has pretty marbles or rocks on the bottom. But I have no idea how she takes care of the frogs.. a pet store may can help you.
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Suggestions for a B-day gift, please!
by TweetieBird ini've been invited to my boss's birthday party and i cannot think of what to get him.
please give me some suggestions.
to help you out, here is a little bit about him.. he's a christian, doesn't drink, loves to fish and boat, likes frogs and a really nice guy.
What's Your Pet Peeve?
by DB inof course, the wts is pretty much a pet peeve of almost everyone here.
but besides that, what's your pet peeve?
i'm in a playful mood today, so here's mine, with some tongue-in-cheekiness, of course: .
Hearing someone eat.. even worse seeing them chew with their mouth
wide open. Just can't stand smackin'!!!!! It just grates up my spine. -
Are You Loony?? (another fun test)
by noidea in .
to borrow a phrase from forrest gump, loony is as loony does.
you know how true that is in fact, you've embraced it.
Yes, I am loony. I dont think the test is neccesary in my case.
Pretty sure I will get high marks on that one. I will go study a Watchtower , that will help my score I am sure. -
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis inthere are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
Lee,,,, that is too damn funny,, all true I know. My hub was an elder and he complained of the same things. So others wanted to help you beat your kids too? LOL
Greedy, bumming pioneers..did U know any? LOL
by LyinEyes inwild turkey and his elder friend ( who is still in ) were talking about this last nite.
seems like most of the pioneers we knew in our area were moochers(sp?
) they would go to any means to save a penny,.
Wild Turkey and his elder friend ( who is still in ) were talking about this last nite. Seems like most of the pioneers we knew in our area were moochers(sp?) They would go to any means to save a penny,
I mean commendable to be thrifty ,,, but how far did they go?
Examples: Some would come to our house just to eat, calling ahead of time to see if what I made was what they were craving or not.One would bring his clothes for me to wash,,, he had a washer and dryer,,, guess he needed to save his electricity and water.
Eating all of your french fries at mc'd during the break,, instead of getting their own.
Always going in someoneles car for the rural territory ministry.
I guess this saved lots of gas money and wear and tear on their car.Dont even get me started on how LAZY some of these folks were,,,,,
you never saw them working at any hall cleanings ,,, just standing around making the sisters do most of the ditch digging. -
by WildTurkey ini have met so many great folks in the chat room, and read many wonderful post.
its sad that because these people have decided to think for their selves, they have been labeled evil.
people who once called us friends, said they would give their lives for us, now will not even make eye contact with us.
Count me in, I'd rather be right where I am at,, out of the JW
and with all you great"apostate" folks!!!!LOL I hate the name
calling the JW feel inclined to use , "worldly, bad assocications,
not spritually strong, apostate, blah blah blah". Wild Turkey and I have met so many wonderful people,, we finally have found a place were we feel we fit,,,something we never had as JWs . -
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis inthere are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
I miss being exhausted trying to get 3 kids ready , 5 meetings a week.
I miss my kids being the worst kids at the hall, and chasing them around the stage.I miss waiting for elder hubby to finish his elder's meeting , so we
could go to Mc'Ds. (Probably some sister talking to him about oral sex anyway for an hour!!!)I miss trying to hide my Watchtower because I didnt have my lesson
studied and underlined.I miss giving talks on the school and all of the panic attacks because of them.
I miss commenting at the bookstudy and then wishing I would have not have even opened my stupid mouth!
I miss sitting next to that sister that never , ever took a bath.
I miss wearing panty hose in the hot Louisiana muggy summmer time,
while out in service.Oh,, I think I meant to say , I detested, hated, despised, every single one of the above mentioned things. You know !!! LOL
what is your favorite movie?
by airwlk149 inwhat is everyone's favorite movie?.
and why?.
mine is 'never been kissed' with drew barrymore because that was me in high school!!!!
Hahah I loved Office Space.... I think I have a "case of the mondays". "I'm gonna burn your building down." Milton right?
Just goes to show you , you shouldnt take a man's staple gun away from him, that is just evil..heheh -
Shaking Hands with Death - Part 3
by Amazing inshaking hands with death part 3: .
the angioplasty begins: the cardiologist arrived from the other hospital, and started telling everyone what he needed.
more medical staff showed up soon after, and the room was insane ... just like on tv ... short tempers demanding this or that device or assistance, people yelling out my vital readings, and i got a brief glance of the operating room door with people in green outfits, head caps, and face masks bopping in and out.
Wild Turkey and I are so glad to hear you are on your way to a
great recovery. Once again, as usual I agree with what you said, about human connections, the bonds we have. Even if we don't know someone on a intimate level,, we still have something in us that draws us together,, especially in times of crisis. I am so glad you had a great team of doctors and nurses working for you. You seem to always have a deep understanding of what others are feeling, and you are a very much appreciated for your kindness. Sending you love and best wishes for a speedy recovery. -
what is your favorite movie?
by airwlk149 inwhat is everyone's favorite movie?.
and why?.
mine is 'never been kissed' with drew barrymore because that was me in high school!!!!
Just watched this last nite again... Silence of the Lambs,, great movie. But I hated Hannibal. Don't laugh but I still love , The
Ten Commandments,,, my favorite part (tear jerker) was when they were carring the old man, out of Eygpt, on the way to the promised land. And he was carring a small twig of a tree. He knew he would never make it to the promise land, but they promised they would plant the tree for him and that children would eat of it's fruit.
Ok I am on a crying jag tonite... LOL But I still love that movie.