I am beginning to think maybe we are "nothing but mammals", maybe we are cave people. When you see a man or woman , unless he or she is absolutely sickening, I think you do think of them in a sexual way. I also think it has alot to do with your personaility. My husband is such a charmer, and there were times when I seriously got pissed at his"flirting " with women. We have been married 17 yrs and he is still the same way. A pretty woman talks to him or sitby him, or waitresses , the man just can not control his suave self. That is just the way he is, and it is actually endearing to me now. When I was 18 I was jealous and had low self esteem. I am 35 now, and feel pretty confident in myself and in my sexuality. It is 100% true a woman , reaches her prime after 30,,, boy oh boy!!!!
So if my hubby reads this, I wonder if he will say it is ok if I flirt with that 25 yr old guy, just because I am experiencing my basic animal instincts!!!!!!!!!!!!