JoinedTopics Started by Tempered
Lets assume that the Bible is accurate - odd about Adam having sex with his wife?
by sinis ini was reading the book of jashar and it talks about how adam "knew" his wife after they were kicked out from the garden.
does this mean that they did not have sex prior to this incident?
also in jashar, chapter two it says adam once again knew his wife in the 130th year.
There's someone here who shouldn't be
by mrsjones5 in*i'm posting this in a public place so this person will see it, i'm not sure if they are a member of the board or not but i'm sure they're a lurker*.
dear person who knows my mother, i want you to know that i am not nor have i never been a jw.
yes as you well know i was raised in the org but i was never baptised into it.
What Is It You Never Do?
by PublishingCult inis there something that most people do that you never do .
drink alcohol?.
did they talk about jesus at your memorial?
by Evidently Apostate inours might have spent 10 minutes on the sacrifice of jesus.
he must have spent 15 minutes on how we have almost no hope of being chosen and gave the same stats other threads are mentioning 18 mil 11k eating blah, blah.
i am thinking they are in damage control with the increasing numbers of partakers.
Church Signs Gone Wrong
by unshackled inpost any church signs that are funny, or with unintentional meanings, or just plain bad.... .
Seemed like it was time to make a video
by sabastious inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qihxmy0nzyk.
2014: Are you ready for another giant leap foward to our understanding of the cosmos?
by NomadSoul ini know i am.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bbiky0iqh8.
by crawdad2 inthey question her, in private, all alone with her.... then the questioning keeps breaking down the little girl, so she crys, and they watch, making her describe every detail of the sex act......while she crys..... they want more exact details of where here tounge was............. while she crys....... then they go to a room for 5 min and come back and tell her she doesn't have 2 witnesses, and that she should just keep quite about the matter.. and if she says anything about the matter at all, she will be punished........."then"... she has to go "home" and face "daddy" the "petophile"...... daddy is kind of mad.... do you get the picture yet????????????????????????????????????.
meanwhile daddy is asked to give a part on the assembly.. and little girl has learned to not tell-on daddy........ever again, or she might "die".
Average age of apostates survey.
by sleepy ini thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).