That's why I need a street name, so I can pick the airport.
How many airports do you think there is?
since my plane will be certified for transoceanic travel by the end of summer, i want to make plans now to attend the next apostofest in oz.
i would like to start now making my multi-hop plans for getting over there.. why don't you get online now and give me some information that i'll need to make my plans.
my im is online.. when did you say the next apostofest is going to be?
has anyone here watched the film, the twelve monkey's?.
any comments?.
since my plane will be certified for transoceanic travel by the end of summer, i want to make plans now to attend the next apostofest in oz.
i would like to start now making my multi-hop plans for getting over there.. why don't you get online now and give me some information that i'll need to make my plans.
my im is online.. when did you say the next apostofest is going to be?
i've noticed many new ones to our lil community here and have been unable to welcome you all personally.
there is a great variety of people here and loads of information and support.
feel free to vent!
1000 were asked to leave brooklyn bethel (actually, this includes the farm and patterson) "voluntarily!
" only 6 replied to the request in the last 3 weeks.
it looks like the "waters" of bethel are drying up, or rather, their revenues are drying up!
The saddest fact to me reading the original post was the fact that hardly anyone volunteered to go. What does that tell you? The force is still strong, luke!!!!!!
The reason the didn't volunteer to go is because if you are prepared to tow the Bethel line and obey all the rules without question, and can blind yourself to all the crap that goes on there, Bethel life can be pretty sweet.
Think about it, comfortable room (in many cases luxurious), good food, virtually no living expenses etc. Sure you only get a minimal allowance but you've only got yourself to spend it on. Not a bad lark really. Better than many in the real world. Oh and (in NZ at least) no tax!
Wouldn't you try to stay as long as possible?
a quote from panorama that i found very interesting:
what they did was keep a record of her fathers name and confession on a church database, a register of suspected and convicted paedophiles to be monitored.
we asked alison cousins to obtain a copy of her records using the data protection act ... there in black and white was proof that the jehovahs witnesses had known for three years that her father was a self confessed paedophile.
There is a very similar act here in NZ to the one you mention Simon, it's called the Privacy Act. It covers all records that an agency may hold about you.
Any individual has the right to request to see a copy of everything pertaining to them and correct it if necessary.
One of the interesting facets of the Privacy Act is that information about an individual cannot be kept indefinitely. I was in Bethel when this act came into force and the WTS was somewhat concerned because they never throw anything away. For example, DF/DA records & letters etc, are kept in a file marked "DND" (Do Not Destroy) and most congregation files, especially judicial hearing notes, are kept by the congregation indefinitely also. The WTS decided that they "would not worry about the law until there was a challenge". To the best of my knowledge, in this country they have never been challenged.
I have been considering writing to them and asking to see everything they have on me, I bet they have quite a bit. Problem is, I will probably be DF'd for my trouble so I don't know if it's worth it at this stage.
It's just one of the many ways the WTS breaks the law. Don't even get me started on the Bethel Application Form!
heh heh,.
this reminds me of the time i went back to bethel in 1986(?
) and walked along with albert schroeder for a block or two, with questions of my own.
I paused for a moment, looked him in the eye and said, "Did you know that Jesus died for you?" He gave me a puzzled look and then a frown and snarled. I continued, "One day soon, you will stand before God and be judged for spreading a false gospel, you need to repent."
For eternity Henschel will remember this encounter.
You'll be lucky mate. It doesn't sound like he can remember what he had for lunch, let alone your self-righteous rant.
i've done a quick version to watch in windows media player format ....
select the bbc programme from the drop-down list (it's in two parts).. the first programme starts at about 2 minutes (you get to see our weather report first) and has a good intro by the newsreader.. let me know if you have any problems ... i'll probably put a better quality version up when i have more time.
ok, i'm really green.
i heard about this site because of a link on the bbc website due to the paedophile stuff.
i'm a little confused.
Hi there and welcome to all the new posters (and those reading who haven't quite summoned the courage to post yet).
You will find a lot of other here who are going/have gone thru the same or similar experiences as you. You are among friends here who can, and want to help you adjust. Read thru some the posts where various people have told their stories, you'll find lots of us have been there, done that.
Glad to meet you all.
i think it's around 2:00 am there, but i need to ask someone a question asap about auckland!!!.
thanks, lauralisa