Yes, Max's title (including the question mark) throws out for discussion whether CP is finis in MA.
AND, my response was/is NO!!!
(What's the problem?)
panel oks bill requiring clergy to report abuse.
by john mcelhenny, the associated press.
boston priests and other clergy have been havens for secrets, virtually beyond the reach of civilian authority or law for thousands of years.. but after widespread reports of sexual abuse of children by priests and a middleton church worker, lawmakers are moving to get rid of a long-held clerical privilege in the name of protecting children.. on tuesday, lawmakers gave initial approval to a bill that would require priests and other clergy to report sexual abuse of children to law enforcement if they learn about it outside of the confessional.. we need to make the hierarchy of whatever religion understand that they cant allow the people under them to get away with the things theyve gotten away with, said rep. patricia haddad, d-somerset.
Yes, Max's title (including the question mark) throws out for discussion whether CP is finis in MA.
AND, my response was/is NO!!!
(What's the problem?)
panel oks bill requiring clergy to report abuse.
by john mcelhenny, the associated press.
boston priests and other clergy have been havens for secrets, virtually beyond the reach of civilian authority or law for thousands of years.. but after widespread reports of sexual abuse of children by priests and a middleton church worker, lawmakers are moving to get rid of a long-held clerical privilege in the name of protecting children.. on tuesday, lawmakers gave initial approval to a bill that would require priests and other clergy to report sexual abuse of children to law enforcement if they learn about it outside of the confessional.. we need to make the hierarchy of whatever religion understand that they cant allow the people under them to get away with the things theyve gotten away with, said rep. patricia haddad, d-somerset.
Quote: Confidential conversations with clergy, such as those inside a confessional, would not have to be reported, according to the proposal.
This is a long ways from "finishing" off clerical privilege in Massachusetts. This bill is evidently not even as broad as the Texas law which the WTS bumped into a few years ago. Since confidential conversations would not be required to be reported, elders would not have to report such even if disclosed by the victim, much less the abuser.
here i was in happy-no one is really bothering me too much-lala land, until yesterday when i had to go and open my mouth.
a pioneer sister from our hall emailed me to inquire what was preventing me from attending the meetings, and asked what was holding me back from going.
(this is about the 5th or 6th email asking this question) welllllll, i guess i just reached a point where i couldn't pretend anymore.
As you indicate, your written response is all that is needed to convict you on the charge of apostasy.
I wonder if this is a new strategy of the Borg to ferret out apostates from amongst the inactives.
Three weeks ago, I also received an email from an old JW acquaintance whom had never before emailed me. (Supposedly got my address from a relative.) It made various inquiries whether I would ever come back to the KH, as well as several questions which slyly invited my comments regarding my opinions of WTS beliefs. I telephoned the person instead of responding by email, and tried to pick my words carefully. Although I did let them know rather quickly that I was not planning on returning anytime soon, they really did not seem as interested about my welfare on the phone as they did in the email. I had already suspected they were only looking for hard evidence t use against me. After learning of your situation, I wonder if this is occurring all over?
the feb2001 km has this in the "announcements":.
"the secretary should see that the regional building committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted kingdom hall volunteer worker questionaire (s-82) forms.
when there are adjustments in a volunteer's status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant, or elder, new forms should be filled out promptly and submitted.
Old Hip:
Maybe you could explain how being appointed as a MS or promoted from MS to Elder makes one a better bricklayer.
One of my relatives (active and who occasionally works on such) frequently bitches because qualified workers are passed over in favor of elders/ms (and their spuses) who can barely perform a decent job.
My initial point was obviously missed that now if you have a prob in your local cong, that info is sent to the RBC to then be spread throughout whereever they work.
april service report 88,735 pioneers (u.s.).
may service report 86,515 pioneers.
i know they'll pick up a couple thousand suckers in.
An old friend just faxed me some copies of recent KMs, and the continental US Service Reports are very interesting, seemingly showing that field service activity is slowing. I realize that many have these KMs, thus I may be plowing old ground, but for those like myself who are new here and don't see the KMs, here goes:
April/May 2000 averaged 958,484.
April/May 2001 averaged 948,834.
Taking the average number of baptisms from April 2000 thru March 2001 (which doesn't include high months like June and July), and multiplying by 12 yields at least 22715 baptized during that time. (Probably more) Yet, time reporters fell by almost 10,000.
the feb2001 km has this in the "announcements":.
"the secretary should see that the regional building committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted kingdom hall volunteer worker questionaire (s-82) forms.
when there are adjustments in a volunteer's status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant, or elder, new forms should be filled out promptly and submitted.
The Feb2001 KM has this in the "announcements":
"The secretary should see that the Regional Building Committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted Kingdom Hall Volunteer Worker Questionaire (S-82) forms. When there are adjustments in a volunteer's status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant, or elder, new forms should be filled out promptly and submitted. If a volunteer's MAILING ADDRESS or TELEPHONE NUMBER changes, or if he is no longer in good standing in the congregation, the ELDERS should IMMEDIATELY inform the Regional Building Committee by letter."
(Caps added)
What is the real intent behind this announcement? Elders to go into immediate action over an address change? I think not. Now JWs don't merely have to worry about the locals spreading their personal problems around, but now everyone in the circuit and beyond will know as soon as you have a prob.
at the long beach, ca dc this last week, the parking spaces were severely decreased from previous years.
a full 45 minutes prior to the start of the saturday program, the parking lot attendants were turning cars away because the lot was full!
many, many cars that came in just after ours did were turned away!
I just got my hands on photocopies of several recent KMs. The May 2001 issue states:
"At all convention sites where we have secured control of the parking facilities, the spaces will be made available at no charge on a first-come, first=served basis. No parking tickets will be used, but convention badge cards will serve as identification for parking...
...show our appreciation by makig voluntary contributions...
At a few locations, this parking arrangement cannot be fully implemented this year..."
I believe there is more to this than just the money/tax issues. Sounds as if their goal is to "control" the grounds surrounding the actual building, thus allowing them to keep any potential protestors as far away from the attendees as possible. They may be anticipating an increase in protestors in the upcoming years. I wonder why???
as an employee of the judicial branch of the federal government, i have access to a variety of information systems.
serving as a technology manager, i am familiar with the systems and databases that house public and private legal information.. after 15 years of witness life, i am forced by concern for life and family to rediscover the truth, the real truth.
i am posting this information in order to force people to think; think for themselves, inside their own minds and really get to know their own heart.
I'm curious, regarding all the security, where does it stop?
Is persoal info required/retained/logged, such that someone like you or others can access the names/ssn/addresses of people who have viewed "Watchtower" cases?
If you have the access you allege, why not simply copy and post these materials?
if the organization of jehovah's witnesses had the temporal, political power to do so, would they execute those whom they had adjudged apostate?.
would jws initiate another great inquisition?
and who would be tomas de torquemada?.
Look at the atrocities committed in the Balkans and Africa and you see what the combination of fanaticism, power, and blind loyalty can produce in certain people.
Forunately, I see no situation that would allow JW fanatics to exercise such physical violence. Besides, their current worldwide psychological terrorism is almost as effective.
Off subject, but this topic reminded me of something. A few years back, someone had written and posted on the Net a series of stories how life in the "new system" would be under the elder-system. Covert this and covert that... imprisoning... executions, etc. Whatever happened to that series? Haven't seen it in a longtime, and I thought it was GREAT!!! (and very insightful based on current life in the borg.)