JoinedPosts by MadApostate
Question: Is WTBS only religion in US to be NGO?
by c5 ini am just starting to piece together this whole un/wtbs scandal.
does anyone know if other us churches and denominations became an ngo as the wtbs did?
if so, is there a website where i can see exactly who belongs?.
JW couple beats daughter to death
by saltiest ini just read this article in the chicago sun times.
when i started reading the parents were religious and then saw home-schooling, i had a gut feeling they were jw's.
i read on and found out i was right.
With regard to this tragedy, someone posted in another thread:
One of the most grotesque things about this case is, that the WTBTS will immediately distance themselves and attempt to wash the blood of this girl completely off their hands. No doubt, these parents were unbalanced individuals, but this organization and it's abysmal record on children's rights fed this.
Yes, the WTS will quickly select quotes from one of its' "doublespeak" family articles, which will exonerate itself. Just like many, many other JW issues, carefully selected quotes can completely disguise "reality" in the JW community.
While it is true that such people as these criminals are "unbalanced", the WTS's "OT sanctioned physical violence" mentality is what fosters such extremes.
What person here, who has spent any significant time inside the JW community, has not observed other JWs, who exhibit signs of physically abusing their children in the name of "training/education"?
Reading the News Article, and the comment quoted above, reminded me of a JW family who attended the same Cong as I many years ago.
The father would beat the hell out of his kids during the meetings for things as insignificant as inattention or not looking up the verses.
Everytime he dragged one of his kids down the aisle, you could see kids flinching and adults wincing. Once, I even heard a sister whisper her wonderment whether the elders were ever going to do anything?
This went on for years, and the elders did counsel him, but the only noticable result was that he moved the beatings from the restroom to the parking lot.
Over the years that asshole was "promoted" to MS, and eventually Elder.
Years later, after his children were grown, I heard that his wife left him, finally acknowledging that he also beat her. It wasn't until then, that he was finally DF'ed, after years of beating the hell out of his whole family, while the WTS establishment did little or nothing to stop such. -
Dag Hammarskjöld Library
by Dogpatch ina response to an inquiry about gaining access to u.n. libraries:.
dear mr. brewer,.
in answer to your questions:.
Don't overlook the most obvious answer:
The WTS is DUMB, and is LYING!!!
JW's and Chronic Fatigue Syndrone!
by cornish inchronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
The easier question is:
Has anyone ever been in a congregation that DIDN'T have a handful of females claiming CFS, FM, etc.?
AND, as DIM describes, there just always so happens to be a health-food-nut, pyramid-marketing-scheme salesperson in the congregation who is more than happy to sell them bottles and bottles of overpriced herbs to cure their various ills.
Hypochondria is one of many OCDs of the many, many JW mentally ill.
Question: Is WTBS only religion in US to be NGO?
by c5 ini am just starting to piece together this whole un/wtbs scandal.
does anyone know if other us churches and denominations became an ngo as the wtbs did?
if so, is there a website where i can see exactly who belongs?.
I posted this excerpt about a month ago, but thought you might enjoy it. It comes from a "United Methodist Church" website.
This article tends to shed light on one of the WTS's rationalizations for becoming a UN PARTNER, that is, their interest in promoting international human rights justifies doing whatever they please, even joining the other riders of the scarlet-colored wild beast.
Annan Calls for NGO-UN Partnership
Hailing the work of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in shaping UN policy, the United Nations Secretary-General on Sept. 14 called for the international agency and civil society to enter into a partnership to coordinate their efforts to monitor human rights violations worldwide and to hold member governments responsible for signing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
"We need partnerships, partnerships that will allow democratic participation in decision-making; that will enable governments to back down from their mistakes; and that will enable United Nations fact-finding missions and other mechanisms to operate with integrity," said Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General.
Annan said a partnership is necessary because there are no limits to what a strong civil society can achieve in partnership with governments. "There is no turning back in the revolution of human rights," he emphasized. "There is no turning back from the global NGO revolution. So let us move ahead in partnership."
The Secretary-General made these remarks in an address to more than two thousand NGO representatives at the 51st Annual DPI/NGO Conference commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration is an international framework of rights and fundamental freedoms.
The conference was attended by Liberato Bautista, GBCS UN representative and Assistant General Secretary, and staffers of the United Methodist Office for the UN. Some 35 United Methodists from the New York Annual Conference also attended the conference's opening session.
NGOs must have the freedom of expression to transmit information about human rights abuses around the world, reiterated Claretta Nesbitt, chair of the Planning Committee for the 51st Annual DPI/NGO Conference. Nesbitt, a staff person of the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries, pointed out that NGOs can complement the work of the United Nations. "That's our goal," she said of the partnership.
She urged NGO representatives to strive for the elimination, not just alleviation of all forms of discrimination and suggested that the issue of racism should not be "glossed over."
In a video message, Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, insisted that the UDHR's anniversary is a time not only to celebrate, but to "recommit ourselves" to its principles. Robinson stressed that since people throughout the world are still denied food and health care, the Declaration should be promoted for human dignity.
Following the opening UN conference session, UMOUN staffers and church leaders from the New York Annual Conference attended a luncheon, seminar and worship on the significance of the UDHR at the Church Center for the UN.
The tenets of human rights are biblical concepts, said David Wildman, seminar designer for the United Methodist Seminars on National and International Affairs in New York.
Wildman related the role of NGOs of the United Nations to the prophets in the Bible. "The prophets were the independent monitors," said Wildman. "They said, 'You guys are messing up and we are not going to leave it to you to fix it. . . '"
He stated that NGOs hold UN member governments' "feet to the fire," which forces the governments to stop and listen.
Bautista, the GBCS representative to the UN, noted that church leaders were instrumental in the drafting and later the promotion of the UDHR. In celebration of the UDHR's 50th anniversary, he encouraged United Methodists to continue witnessing and promoting the Declaration.
The ecumenical service for human rights and the UN highlighted human rights abuses against ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, particular the massive rapes of women.
ACTION: Celebrate UN Day Sunday on October 25. For information contact Liberato Bautista at the GBCS UN Office, 212/682-3633.
Picture of Xmas at Bethel
by LovesDubs inwould someone please be so kind as to scan and post the picture of christmas at bethel with rutherford and all the little bethelites sitting around amidst presents and decorations?
i believe it was in the in search of christian freedom book, which someone borrowed from me and didnt return.
i need to show it to some unbelievers...or rather...dis believers :) remember now...when christ came back in 1918 and judged bethel as his own ...they were celebrating christmas and birthdays!
Just outa curiosity, are these "un/dis-believers" active JWs?
How to Get the US Press to Notice?
by mikepence inany thoughts on how to get the us press to cover the great un library card scandal?.
does anyone have a very simple un fiasco for dummies site that we could refer press members to?.
any thoughts on this?
Are any of you folks really JWs?
YES, ASSHOLE!!! I am an inactive JW, that has much to lose if identified, and not just the obvious.Letter to the editor? Sure, I'll just offer myself up on the altar for sacrifice.
ASSHOLE, did you even read my post?
Obviously not!What, do you not think that others have considered this? DUH!!
OF course, STUPID ASS! But the most simple and obvious methods are often discounted and overlooked.As far as people being interested, as a dub, I can tell you that they are. For instance, when a small article was printed on the 7th page of our locla newspaper, concerning dubs, we dubs felt the heat. At work, it was the talk of the plant. I had to sneak around till it blew over.
Guys were raging, SWEARING their heads off. It was all the talk in the shop.
People are tired of being looked down upon by dubs, who self-righteously march through their neighborhoods every week, reminding all by their (our) prescence in their hood, of everybody else's inferiority.
When a chance for a 'get-even' comes, they nab it.
Many times, when I was in close proximity to people who didn't know I was a dub, people talk about us.
You think we go un-noticed? You are not dubs.
I can't speak for what goes on in your grimmy neck of the neighborhood, but FOR DECADES I have live in many different parts of the US, worked and associated with nonJWs who didn't know my own jw connection, and NOT ONCE have I ever directly heard or overheard so much as a brief mention of JWs.As far as your 'letter to the editor' goes, you won't do a damn thing! You all sit on your ass and wait for somebody else to do it. You sit there and complain, but you are unwilling to do fart!
SUCK MY ASS!!! I've already done more than you will ever do with your LOOKS-LIKE-MY-KID-WROTE-IT letter.When your mailings well pass the 5 figures mark, let me know!!!
Do you really think that all those phone calls and letters from GENUINE JWs to WTS Branches all over the world came from reading this db or xjw websites?
some 2001 year figures reported on wol
by expatbrit innot sure of the accuracy:
With regard to the Memorial figures, take a look at the ratio of attendees to pubs in some of the African countries.
I don't have access to any of the recent ybs right now, but from recollection, I seem to recall that often attendees will be 4 or 5 times the number of pubs.
I've always wondered how the phrase "Invitation to the Lord's Evening Meal" translates in the various African languages/dialects, and how many nonJW Africans show up expecting a free meal?
How to Get the US Press to Notice?
by mikepence inany thoughts on how to get the us press to cover the great un library card scandal?.
does anyone have a very simple un fiasco for dummies site that we could refer press members to?.
any thoughts on this?
There are a number of valid reasons why the U.S. Press has remained uninterested in the WTS-UN story, not the least of which is that the general public simply doesn't give a damn about Jehovah's Witnesses.
I'm certain that a significant sampling of the religious and secular press, as well as clergy, have been sent info on this topic, and they have demonstrated little, if any, interest.
I suggest that another strategy be attempted, which may possibly capture some attention of the general public, and hopefully lead to capturing the attention of the press.
That is, the time-honored "Letter to the Editor" avenue. While a pulished submission will gain a limited amount of publicity, I see the bigger picture of such a letter having to be read and handled by the editors and staff.
The author must be willing to identify themself, which obviously limits the number of folks here who could do this.
Most papers have "size limitations" for such submissions, and only well-written and informative submissions would have a chance o publication.
If there are folks here willing act as the "identified author" to pursue this, I and others here could help with the composition of such letters.
Simply post your desire to proceed!
AidAfrique and the UN
by Kent inzambia daily mail .
thursday, june 17, 1999-07-08. french ngo officials jet in.
to help congo dr refugees.
You stated:
As you've stated, I did a quick search and it isn't in the NGO directory.
This is in response to Charles, who stated:Aidafrique is not a NGO affiliated with the UN.
As a matter of FYI for yourself and others, a quick check of an unidentified NGO Directory is not conclusive proof that an NGO is not associated/affiliated with the U.N.
While I have no evidence to dispute Charles statement that AidAfrique is not a UN affiliated NGO, you and others should be aware that each UN section/dept has procedures to affiliate with NGOs. You checked "one" directory and concluded, "No affiliation." Well, you would need to check with every UN section/dept to be certain.
AND, as I have pointed out in other threads, AidAfrique is not "A.I.D. Afrique"!