What I remember hating most was talking to complete strangers at the door.
Looking back the thing that bothers me most is that every time I started making friends with a non-jw my parents would put a stop to it.
as a born in, or in at a very young age, what were your worst memories as a young jw child?.
i remember not being allowed to go to sleep in the meetings when i was tired.
not being allowed to do lots of things at school other kids could do.
What I remember hating most was talking to complete strangers at the door.
Looking back the thing that bothers me most is that every time I started making friends with a non-jw my parents would put a stop to it.
the irony is just too great, i simply couldn't resist:.
when you cave in to peer pressure, you become like a mindless robot because you allow other people to control you.
why let them have that kind of power?romans 6:16.
Yea these things always make me thing of a saying that I heard from an elder. "When you point the finger at somone else you have 3 fingers pointing back at you". It applies to so many things in the org.
i don't know if you experienced this before, but i was always wondering why inactive or df'd jws look down upon others, even not acknowledging their fellow sinners.. any thoughts??
Just because they are out doesn't mean they don't still believe it.
I had a friend who was also DFed and we did hang out on occasion but her opinion was that she was litteraly commiting suicide by not getting reinstated.
So the people that won't talk to you probably feel like it would be adding to thier sins..
On the other hand I have had farily long conversations with people that were tecnically still in as far as I know.
when i believed in god i tried not to pray for anything selfish.. after a while i began to think that a lot of things i was asking my imaginary friend in the sky for were selfish for some reason.. i do not ever remember a single thing i prayed for ever being answered.
if there was the appearance of an answer it was because i did mental gymnastics to make it fit the delusion that god had actually answered me.
there was never an obvious message/answer from god.
years ago, the society's speakers used to give many off the cuff statements.
a lot of personal opinions and questionable remarks.. anything ever stand out for you in this area?.
If you can't live with your JW brothers and sisters now how will you live with them in the new system.
i am reuniting with past students and return visits.. i met up with a young lad i used to call on.
he is not baptised, but at university in his 20's and living away from home.
his mother is a jw and his father is not.
If I could bear to talk to a jw long enough for them to figure out I was an apostate I'd probably say "oh! you're still part of that cult?"
i'm reading through the watchtower rule book right now and i came to the chapter clarification and guidelines on handling certain matters.
there is a part about scriptural divorce and even if adultery is not proved if your ex stayed all night or is involved in an immoral sleeping arrangement you can get scriptural grounds to remarry.. .
they make a rule, then they have to make a rule for the rule, make another rule for the rule for the rule.
Nice observation. Why is this something they make a loophole for especially when they seem to reccomend the single life anyway?
during our engagement, we fooled around and touch each other down there.
it's not a "tap" but definitely is not "stimulation".
i tried to convince my wife, who, after 5 years of marriage, strangely felt guilty all the sudden, that its not do called porneia.
I feel for your wife, I was in the same boat feeling guilty for stuff that I had done years earlier. On top of that I found out that virtually everyone was doing stuff and never confessed.
But it was the way I was treated when I confessed that helped me find my way out of the borg.
60 years ago, in the western world, it was rare to see in media, any representation of a face that wasn't euro-white.
these days, in response to market driven advertising, that is changing.. i can only speak for oz, and here i note that it is now quite common to see an asian face, most likely east asian (chinese, korean, vietnamese and japanese) in adverts.
for various products.
Miss America 2013
If I remember correctly the WT take on aliens is as follows:
1 Jehovah created everything in the universe and beyond.
2. Satan made the challenge that people would not worship Jehovah out of love.
3. If Jehovah had created beings on other planets it is likely that they would have already proved or disproved #2
4. Therefore there must not be other planets with sentient beings.