I thought it was tonight? Or are you in one of those future time zones where it is already tomorrow?
I also liked the idea of having instant friends anyplace I went. Looking back I also liked the diversity. I had friends of every race and several levels of income. I even had non-practicing gay friends.
But there's stuff I don't miss too. Having to pick friends based on how well they towed the company line instead of what kind of person they were. I realize now that many of the people I considered close friends were in fact toxic. I probably was too because that is what being a good JW requires. Not having any true friends, because you know, even if it is just in the back of your mind, that you may have to disown them without so much as a goodbye. Every DF\DA announcement reinforces that. Knowing that having legitimate doubts or questions is enough to instantly end a friendship even if you have everything else in common.
Hang in there, you'll slowly realize that the people you considered your spiritual family were more than a few clicks away from healthy.