Dear IW, I agree with Hilary. I don't know who she/he is, or who you are, but I happen to think most d'a letters are a waste of time. I've only ever seen one that deeply impressed me and that was sent to me by mistake, in place of the usual run of the mill type I was meant to be checking. We really are kidding ourselves if we think that anyone 'inside' gives a damn and reads our pain staking efforts to express the hell we've been thru because of the WTS and their screwed up beliefs.
I personally believe that no body leaves until they are ready - no matter what startling, world shattering evidence we lay before them.
I've been out a long time and I've suffered as much as anyone at the hands of the JWs - and it's just my opinion that a letter like Hilary's would make as much impact as any - maybe even more, because it would make the shunning thing really hard to do. (coz they wouldn't understand the letter - and it would leave them unsure how best to react).